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Fuwanovel-Home to the most derailed threads in history?!(video)


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I'm I the only one in the community who accidentally thought there was an n in between the w and a, and as a result pronounced the name fun-wa-novel for months before someone pointed out the mistake?  :wacko:


Also I love it how we're allready getting this topic-train of the off its rails. Maybe we should just install wheels on it and call it a topic-off-road-jeep instead...

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Nono, I mean the video babiker made, about Fuwa. But that is great too.

he should make a video on how to survive on the forums if you hate lolis :ph34r: 

btw it's not a good idea to encourage monmon....we'll regret it later

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No, you're wrong.


EDIT: If we're not careful, we are going to derail again.

i`m  helping him to make part 2~~~~

anyway since u guys talkin about how to spell fuwa....

i spell it like Fu(as in fuji)wa(as in water)no(as in no)vel(as in velociraptor).....can u guys hear it?? its Fuwanovel.

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i`m  helping him to make part 2~~~~

anyway since u guys talkin about how to spell fuwa....

i spell it like Fu(as in fuji)wa(as in water)no(as in no)vel(as in velociraptor).....can u guys hear it?? its Fuwanovel.

I pronounce Fuwa like how you say Fuwa Fuwa Time and novel as, well, novel.

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Thanks for the wonderful feed back, guys! I never expected you would like it this much ^_^

Episode 2 when?

Eheh, I never planned for one, but keep on with the good ideas. You never know, I might pick one up (though, that would be derailing the thread but it's already been derailed... wait... a thread about derailing, with a video about derailing, derails...MIND-BLOWN)


he should make a video on how to survive on the forums if you hate lolis :ph34r:

hahaha no. Trying to keep safe from them lolicons, man.

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Dammit, you didn't scroll long enough to feature me in the video! Boo!

Seriously though, this was pretty amusing. Mostly because it's true. But hey, thread-jacking isn't necessarily a bad thing. We get back on course eventually. Or even have two discussions at once in a single thread! 

Isn't that just talented?

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If they fail i have an unstoppable force called saber.



You can survive here if you hate lolis, just don't defile them publicly, or I'll send my assassins after you.  ;)

come at me brah jk nothing against  lolis they are cute 

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