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Fuwanovel Poetry Thread

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I've not started many threads, but I'd be overjoyed if you'd all contribute to this one! 


I quite like writing for fun, and I hope this gives people, as it did for me, an excuse to write some silly pieces on VNs and the like. It's not like they're expected to be good at all; so please, don't be shy; and post something for us all to enjoy! ^^ I'll start us off with some rubbish I wrote whilst bored at work. 


The Translator 


"Keep going!"; "Hurry up!"; "Take your time..."

"Is he dead? He's not been online..."

I've still got three routes to go...

I started two years ago...

One more delay should be fine.




There once was a loli called Mare.

To comment on her you'd not dare,

For Steve was her man,

And you he would ban.

Yet we did so, still, without care.


The Heroine I Didn't Like


You'll not catch me with women like her,

Who walk the streets on nightly beats

To earn their pay and pay their debts,

And throw the rest away on an escape

Ephemeral as her own trade!







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2D Girl


2D Girl I can't help but stare

I find you cute even your blue hair

You're mine, I won't share


2D Girl you are perfect to me

Everytime I see you, my face pops with glee

I enjoy every moment you see?


2D Girl I wish you were here

Sadly you can't be, you must stay there

I suppose I'll just have to bear


Keep you behind my screen, 2D Girl


                  Hope that wasn't too weird, just thought that up :3.

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Hear thy prayer, heed thine call...


At the burial ground of what is lost, cleanse that which cannot be undone.


Reap the spirits that lie in wait, wailing in fear, hands stained in blood.


There is no mercy, there is no regret.


Only judgement at the hands of Death.


So praise thy name upon their corpse.


Let justice be brought, and their lives not for naught.


On bloodstained soil, his steps calm in stride.


They run in panic, and try to hide.


With shivering limbs and beads of sweat,


They quiver in silence, and fear their breath.


For they know they sit at the gates of Death.


So hear thy prayer, and heed thine call,


And tremble in fear in these hallowed halls.


--Guilty Seeker, the great Grim Reaper.




Planning to use it in a story of mine.  Needs some polishing, but I think it turned out alright.

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a blackened heart

a short poem by krill


escape comes rarely to me these days.

the nights they grow cold and somber.

the torment within is all that remains.

my soul rots as the mind does wander.


they say these things are transitory.

that better times will surely arrive.

yet when chance for better moods presents itself i become weary.

for the thing inhabiting me is still very much alive.


if only she knew would i be looked at unfavorably?

would the tightness in my chest turn to pain?

knowing what you do about what i am how can you still care for something like me?

and yet as i sit here pondering this the thoughts of you i can't restrain.

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I decided to write a sonnet for my new favourite heroine, Lise. Although, it probably can't be considered a real sonnet; as it has two voltas. Anyway,



That day, all about did I wander, 

Getting wet and wanting rest.

Too fed up to "search" for any longer,

I hap'd upon a songbird's nest. 


She was quite a fragile bird,

Voice sweet, yet so, so small.

But no voice sweeter had I heard,

And of all places, from the Old School Hall.


I joined in on the small bird's song, 

Against her wishes at first, of course.

A devil believed our partnership wrong, 

And tried to turn the bird's tune hoarse.


But never mind those darker days now past.

For ever, I promise, our love will last. 

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This isn't exactly VN related (so I'll put it in a spoiler) but in an online discussion form for a class I had last semester my friend wrote a sonnet as a response to a sonnet which I thought was a pretty funny thing to do. However you can actually read it as sonnet about a well written VN, in which case it actually becomes relevant which is why I'm sharing it.


How dost one write in compared to thee,

In thy breathless lines dost the muses live.

Love may ferry thine eyes to see,

Summer's day whom Love wishes to give.

Thou endless day shine upon the night,

But only in thy nights doth the day shine,

Only in thy words doth Love shows light,

A sun engraved in thine eternal shrine.

So long as thy muses live

So long shall day be in captive

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Chilling wind, and howling gale.

Candlelit windowsill, blown out at dusks’ arrival.

A smell of blood across the air, years of fear thought brought to their end.

And the accursed savior, praised and denounced, who vanishes into the shadow without a trace.

Bring back that which long thought lost – times of fear, hope and despair.  That which broke across mind and soul, spread your message far and wide, never relent on your everlasting quest.

Bring punishment to the guilty, he who has sinned shall have no rest upon death.  There shall be no forgiveness for that which cannot be undone.

The smell of dried blood, still fresh after all these years.

Signaling the return of that accursed savior.

Tonight, The Cursed Detective returns from the shadows.

For the spirits of death have been brought to the light.




     Another poem for the story.  Ended up being what the current opening is.  Not sure whether to keep it this early on.

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This time around, it's a parody of Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken", adapted to fit our interests. Enjoy.


The Route Not Talked About


Many paths were in that eroge; 

And I, inspecting all, made a choice.

Which girl, which path, which way?

Her with large breasts? or the cute voice?


By the art, I was given no real preference; 

They both, of course, were adorable.

Stuck, I clicked for online reference;

And found behaviour most deplorable.


One girl had earnt the forum's favour.

Why? She simply had a flat chest! 

Knowing this, I thought I'd leave her for later,

My reasons for doing so perhaps not the best.


I shall be telling this all throughout

Those forums. Many paths were in that eroge;

And I, I chose the route less talked about!

Then completed the others, anyway.

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Blank Existence

I am nothing.

Truly nothing but a fading memory.

The blank space of something.

Or maybe a big tree of cherry.

It might be great to be someone.

Although, life doesn't want me to.

It seems like this me.

I am sure you don't want to be me too.

I dunno if I could consider this a poem, though this is not a description of myself but the MC of my troll novel, which I plan to rewrite again.


One Plus One

I had three choices.

One for her and another for the other.

I like the blond and the other's a loli.

Oh noes, choosing will be a bother.


I'd rather choose neither of them,

But did so for the plot.

It had a very expected plot.

So I went for the Harem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And there he was, in a white world.

And there he was, alone, curled to the side.

And there he was, for his mind had been completely dried.

And there he wasn't, for his body had long since died.

Yet there was peace, born from the honorable displays of his might.

And that was fine, for no longer he'd have to suffer or fight.

And that was fine, for no more he would have to deal with spite.

And all was good, for no longer he'd have to worry about the night.

And then his story ends, covered completely by white.


I'm not a native english speaker, so I'm not confident in this. I feel like I could have done much better.

I wonder if it's fine.

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