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Everything posted by Zykiel

  1. Well you said the reason why none of us think piracy is going to change. The Japanese government isn't going to provide such content and material for an all around affordable price. I'm sure if we had some notion of their plan other than "Search for pirate sites, take them down, sell our content cheaper," then people would have a better understanding and might actually become worried. Like other people have also mentioned, poor captioning, region lock and subs also affect piracy. The Japanese should first work out these problems rather than going on a pirate hunt. That would be a greater use of their time and money. In short this is nothing more then another short-sighted government plan to reduce piracy, and make profit off of it by forming a new method of sales, to most of us, that's why none of us are concerned so far until we learn new details.
  2. This will lead nowhere and nowhere fast, nothing's going to come out of this. Japan's going to try and get more revenue, have it fall below expected numbers, then stop the project because of "unforeseen circumstances" or something like that. Imo the internet is the world's most resistant force. Pretty much the immovable object, no one can control it, no one can stop it, and piracy is one of the big parts of the internet. Piracy is and always will be, as long as people are unhappy about product's prices and can't afford it. There will always be sites no matter how many times you take one down. The thing is, the more a project like this fights, it'll get harder and harder, and shut down. So yeah, I can already see where this is going, and really I'm just sad that they're trying a futile venture that could have been easily prevented by either more research, or simply smarter people with better understanding on how the internet actually works. Governments really need a R and D department, I think that would help them a lot. M.A.G. ... Shere on twitter...
  3. I always feel like VN's are always more immersive for me, and they make me feel more for the characters and the way the story is going. The choices make me feel more invested into said story. If there really aren't any story changing stories, then the images and voices of the characters draw me emotionally in.
  4. Ah that's true, I've never really thought about that before, but openings do have a lot of semi spoilers in them.
  5. Haven't seen this topic around, the opening movie of a VN usually hypes me up for it. So what's either your favorite opening or the one you think is the best. My favorite is the opening of Dengeki Stryker and the one i think is the best is Kamidori's one, great music and awesome visuals in that one.
  6. 2D Girl 2D Girl I can't help but stare I find you cute even your blue hair You're mine, I won't share 2D Girl you are perfect to me Everytime I see you, my face pops with glee I enjoy every moment you see? 2D Girl I wish you were here Sadly you can't be, you must stay there I suppose I'll just have to bear Keep you behind my screen, 2D Girl Hope that wasn't too weird, just thought that up :3.
  7. Totally lawful evil, i would destroy my enemies fairly.
  8. Typically school themed VNs are at the end of my list. I love fantasy and rpg themed VNs the most like, Dengeki, TtT, and Kamidori.
  9. Chapter 2 was lost because of various circumstances of various reasons of various things. (imo batman starting writing the chapter until he relized he wrote "chapter 3 instead of chapter 2 and just stuck with it.) Also 5.8/1.92 would but for 92 cents.
  10. I remember this goddam video and how i went on a complete rant about it to my friend about it. So in short my rant went like this. "Most of the vns that are made aren't the effect of anything. They were a genre that became popular, so the industry kept making them. Soon the vn dominated the pc market so more more vn were made. Vns are so popular because of the declining birthrates and marriages not the other way around. Vns aren't making males unable to form a realationship with women, it's because of the failed relationships with females that they turn to vns in order to fufil their relationship desire. Vns are not "brainwashing" males to become more inclined to 2d women. The real women are so demanding and expect a lot more out of the males that then either the males fufil that or they turn to 2d women. So in short the vns are a product of the declining marriages, birthrates, and relationships, not the other way around." Btw thanks rooke and ashadow for helping me to remember most of that with your own thoughts.
  11. I cannot get into Yandere...ever it completly botchs the execution alongside the terrible (imo) style it has. So in short hoped for more, got way less than expected.
  12. Utawarerumono, such a great story and style with awesome characters and setting. Combines sci-fi and fantasy perfectly and i feel like it doesn't get enough attention.
  13. I was completly saddened by the ending of Utawarerumono. I never wanted it to end because i really got into it halfway through. It was really great, never wanted it to end.
  14. I would love to be listed as a Freelancer volunteer if you would have me. I have a general knowlage of vns and such. Will let you know if there's a topic in the future that i would have to be part of.
  15. Please protect the sanctity of the one true vn. Or at the very least create a seperate genre for whatever... that... was... Real life bitch simulater 2000 maybe...
  16. My favorites are quiet and shy, grow to show undying love for you, and the strongest-willed exicting types. I also like cute energetic girls that are fun.
  17. Koihime Musou . Thing is i didn't even know vns exsisted until i randomly wandered upon MangaGamer when looking for RotK stuff. I then tried the demo, played it straight through the end, instantly bought it and had a 19 hour marathon, and then finished it over the course of a week. That was a great time.
  18. Edelweiss and KiraKira These two are really memorable for me because they touched my heart and were perfect scenes imo.
  19. Way ahead of you, in the middle of G-Senjou and Gris is on my list. I don't know why but i disliked Haru until i saw her in the penguin constume, too cute.
  20. Hi everyone, i've been slinking around fuwa for a while and decided to get involved in it, I'm mostly into school, fantasy and sci-fi vn's though i typically try anything. I have a HUGE backlog of vn's to go through and i'm in the middle of five and still have another 10 to go mostly because i haven't had the time to play them. My first vn was Koihime Musou and obviously my favorite from it is Ren. Hope to have fun with everyone
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