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Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread


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Hmm here's a question guys. I'm going to buy a new iPad soon so I was wondering if I used the transfer code to transfer my data to the iPad would I be able to play my account on 2 devices? If I am unable to can I do multiple transfers between devices so I can play the game on whichever device?

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Hmm here's a question guys. I'm going to buy a new iPad soon so I was wondering if I used the transfer code to transfer my data to the iPad would I be able to play my account on 2 devices? If I am unable to can I do multiple transfers between devices so I can play the game on whichever device?

I think I read somewhere u can only played on one device so if u transferred it to your ipad u cant play it on your old device iirc

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Hmm here's a question guys. I'm going to buy a new iPad soon so I was wondering if I used the transfer code to transfer my data to the iPad would I be able to play my account on 2 devices? If I am unable to can I do multiple transfers between devices so I can play the game on whichever device?


Same as i wanted to do before, unfortunaly, u need transfer over and over if wanna play on both device, but myself played on 1 device, coz scaring if crashing of my accout due to transfer over too many times

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I also would like the nsfw content, then again I'm not really interested all that much in the imagedump in the first place so...


I have the idolized version of every single blue rare atm. It's p. cool.


And yes afaik guaranteed SR draw isnt in atm so

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I figured you wanted fluffy yuri as opposed to nsfw stuff 

But hey I don't mind uploading the NSFW Content in a separate folder so here

I don't have that many NSFW pics so it's not like you're missing out a lot.


Regular NicoMaki is cuter anyway.


And wow already under 2000 in the rankings when yesterday I was 1600

*sigh* this ranking thing is really annoying.

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I missed additional session in the morning (yeah, too lazy to wake up on time) and it made me fall to 2800. Actually, as long as I'll be able to survive around this till the end, it's going to be fine. I could use an additional ticket.

I got another rare yesterday. This time it was a pure Umi.

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Don't think I will make the top 1000 this time unless this time around everyone decides not to spam loveca during the last day but kinda impossible for them not to do so..

Oh well guess I'll just make do with that single Umi SR card and wait for the next Nico event where I'm gonna go bonkers with the loveca. Gotta get myself 2 Nicos!

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I'm a 7928 event points. I woke up in the middle of the night to play and realized I was too tired to play the event song so I went back to sleep after spending LP. When I woke up for my next session, I noticed I was ranked 1095 but could play the event song 3 times. So yeah, leaderboard didn't update for me, but I'm top 1000 again. Also about to level in ~1hour I get to rank up to 45 so I get to play a few more times.

Oh, didn't mention I got to idolize my Cool Honoka yesterday, and right now I'm 2 rares away from having all 25 rares I have max level. Those two are 20 levels for Cool Nico Idolized and 14 levels for SR Cool Eli.

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For god sake I'm not even able to crawl back to top 2000 again.


Do you guys just do the song on hard or do you do it on normal too?


I've only been doing the song on hard but that means longer waiting time between songs.

And during that waiting time about 200 people get ahead of me.

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Well I have not been spending love gems and I'm able to stay within the top 2000. However, I'm barely getting 4~5 hrs of sleep every night as I set my alarm to go off the instant my LP is recharged, use it up and go back to sleep. This game is literally ruining my sleep schedule lol

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^congrats on 4000th post. And I'm also waking myself up, but need to decide if I want a fuller sleep on Sunday night since I have my first exam on Monday. I normally only get 6 hours of sleep for class anyway, so dunno what I'm going to do. I also know everything for this exam so it should be easyy.

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I got a Smile Maki luckily, that made me extra happy.

New extent of my dedication: I was 39 exp from ranking and the points recharged while I was at the grocery store, so while walking around with my brother and mom, I put my ear buds in and used my brother's back to guide me through the store while I played a couple songs to not waste any LP. I was actually playing extremely well walking around like that surprisingly.

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It just hurts waking up everyday to my rank dropping despite getting FC and S on the event song every single time and only doing songs on hard (event song included)

yea, you should get a big boost in event points for doing so perfectly, say 250 instead of 227 if you get S and FC, imo... luckily for me (I can't fc it yet) they are pretty close, so I can get c and b ranks and be ok...

ALSO after 108 normal scouts, I finally got a rare. I didnt think it was possible, but I got a good one even! Cool Maki!



P.S When I googled "Cool Maki Rare" to get this image, one of the front page images was your sig, Nosebleed. You should be proud.


*i'm like, waaaay behind you guys on rares because of this. I have like 4-5 of every attribute in rare form, instead of your 8-9, but I'll catch up... never...

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