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Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread


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Hey guys, I've decided to join in on the fun. This game is really addicting, I wanted to try out this game out of curiosity, but it turned out to be more fun than I expected.


Here my ID: Praeliator - 436991704

I added you! Wow you already have an SR?! I have none yet -cry-

Have fun watching the anime :D. I watched Season 1 before really playing the game and it was damn adorable.


Btw Nosebleed is your friendlist full? Or did I like derp and max out my own list before you could add me or something ><


I know these are just rares but yay XD


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I have mad respect for everyone here who tries to gun for a high/top spot. Honestly, I'm usually exhausted from the event after the halfway point and satisfied to get the SR and get it over with. It takes dedication so props to all of you.

Anything below 30k event points should feel much like a grind, when I got top 200 once before, I did an 8 hour grind day 1, that left me a little tired. But this one x.x I felt like I was going to collapse yesterday. Way too much mental fatigue.


It's not too grindey if you want to get into the top 1000

20 love gems should suffice if you play enough.

I agree getting into the top spots is a ridiculous grind fest though, i'd probably die.


It's hard, just getting my 100k is taxing, those 4 above me are ridiculous, especially kb_z.

I added you! Wow you already have an SR?! I have none yet -cry-

Have fun watching the anime :D. I watched Season 1 before really playing the game and it was damn adorable.


Btw Nosebleed is your friendlist full? Or did I like derp and max out my own list before you could add me or something ><


I know these are just rares but yay XD


Don't underestimate the rares! You got the best pure rare in the game there, Kayochin :D I still use 3 of her idolized.



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As much as I wish that the S rank for combo on hard songs could have a 90% threshhold since sometimes my finger slips and I hear that dreaded "Good" noise T_T

But it makes it all that more satisfying to finally get that FC and be rewarded 1000 friend points!

I cashed them in and got another Kayo-chin card so now she's idolized :wub:



Sent my request since I did reach rank 120 today as I had planned. Ideally, I would reach 126 before the Maki event, but that's not going to happen sadly.

I got a f/r from someone named Jeftai saying they were from here, but do they post? Or am I just unaware of someone's IGN here? And problem, my list is full again, I can't even accept it  :(


jeftai's included in the original post and apparently the last time he posted in this thread was from Sept. 12 responding to Down's comment about needing to watch the anime 


same i really need to watch the anime.

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I'm really satisfied with that event. I missed the top 10000, but thats okay. I've got the Rin card and be in tähe top 2000 for the song ranking. Thats really awesome with my abilities ;) ...

But it is torture that now there is an UR Honoka in the Scouting... actually i didn't want to spend more money in this at the next time... But now I have to... thes planned that to torture me :D


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When do we get the rewards for the event because I downloaded the update but I did not get any rewards.

I didn't get my rewards either sometimes it takes longer

Ahh I have 14 love gems with event normal I will have 15 and 2 tickets should I do 50 gem draw ? Or try my chance with the things I have?

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I had exactly 50 love gems and decided to do the 10+1 draw the results are here. That's pretty bad in my opinion since I won't be able to do another draw for another 2 months probably :D




I think your draw is nice though ö.ö

I did my two ticket draws UMI RARE AGAIN


On a bright side I got new pure normal and cool Rin from normal scouting and second ticket gave me that Rin too so I can idolize her :) Now I only need two cool Honokas to complete all rares idolized :) And I will do 10+1 draw :D I hope I won't cry after that :D

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I also did now draw(s) ;) ... I hoped for the Honoka or a Maki SR/UR... but thats not what i got, sadly... SO for the Moment i will show you my current LineUp ;)





So like you can see... I have already 5 different Rin SR but not a single Maki ... Thats a little bit sad. But I look forward to that day when i get one. I think I'm now really finish with spending money here for the next few weeks.



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That's the reason why i only make the 10+1 draw ... it's just too disappointing ... There are the chances at least high enough to get some new cards.

Whenever i do 50 gem draws i get the same luck as maki~chan, i've never even gotten 2 SRs at once, 50 gems for 1 SR is too much for me.

I should also mention one of the rares was a Honoka, double yay (on the bright side now i have level 3 Honokas across the board, i also managed to get a level 4 smile Nico)

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Whenever i do 50 gem draws i get the same luck as maki~chan, i've never even gotten 2 SRs at once, 50 gems for 1 SR is too much for me.

I should also mention one of the rares was a Honoka, double yay (on the bright side now i have level 3 Honokas across the board, i also managed to get a level 4 smile Nico)



The same for me... I never got more than 1 SR/Ur a a draw... but it was never something i didn't need ;) 

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Yes I want to do a draw too but sadly I have a few gems only T.T


I only got 5 gems, just did a 10+1 draw. Don't regret it since I got a SR Maki + UR Hanayo, but still, those new SRs are just... Ugh.


Does anyone knows what's the next event going to be for JP server? I'm not confident enough yet to aim highly for a score match, but I'd be able to abuse the LP recharge with a token event since my account is lvl 21.

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I only got 5 gems, just did a 10+1 draw. Don't regret it since I got a SR Maki + UR Hanayo, but still, those new SRs are just... Ugh.


Does anyone knows what's the next event going to be for JP server? I'm not confident enough yet to aim highly for a score match, but I'd be able to abuse the LP recharge with a token event since my account is lvl 21.

Next will be Eli UR I believe :D And next Eng UR is Rin :D

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My team <3 Too bad 1 Rin is being sacrificed in idolization :(

Rin's "nyaa" during her pose in the newest chapter was so cute! And Seeing that chapter made me realize, if the characters went and made ASN and Listen To My Heart together, there would be so much chaos in that group of NicoRinPana. And why is this card idolized so small in proportion to the card? It makes her small on the main screen too, so stupid, this card really sucks xD

Here's Rin's unique line


AND I SACRIFICED THE EVENT NORMAL. I completely forgot we get one as a reward...

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I'm so happy some of you sacrificed the event normal, I almost did the same until I remembered that you did it. Thank you. <3


I just maxed her bond by playing Bokura wa Ima no Naka de a few times and it's so easy to FC it, can't believe it took me 52 times to do so...

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I'm so happy some of you sacrificed the event normal, I almost did the same until I remembered that you did it. Thank you. <3


I just maxed her bond by playing Bokura wa Ima no Naka de a few times and it's so easy to FC it, can't believe it took me 52 times to do so...

Glad my misfortune helped you then. I've got 500 worth of bond points to go to max both my Rins x.x \

And nice one, KLab


Not mine, of course, I'm not allowed to get anything other than rares off my scouting tickets. But that description is supposed to be a fortified one, saying "The award is fortified by yada yada" but somehow the text got mixed with a score description.

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