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Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread


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Morning guys :D so I am at school and I was playing the game andddd my friend got my phone and tried to play it and till I got my phone back (10-15) seconds! I lost all stamina and lost 25 lp....... do not play it in front of your friends... they might grab your phone in an instant too... and I said to him : You just made me lose my 2.5 houuursss!!! Everyone looks at me like I am a weirdo... Tell me I am not weird T.T

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Morning guys :D so I am at school and I was playing the game andddd my friend got my phone and tried to play it and till I got my phone back (10-15) seconds! I lost all stamina and lost 25 lp....... do not play it in front of your friends... they might grab your phone in an instant too... and I said to him : You just made me lose my 2.5 houuursss!!! Everyone looks at me like I am a weirdo... Tell me I am not weird T.T


...I would be more angry at the fact that your friend just grabbed your phone without saying anything. I know if my friends did it, I would flip out instantly. But yes idols are serious business.

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My friends know gaming in general is serious business, we don't mess with each other like that. I haven't talked to my friends in a few months sadly (yes, I'm a loner ._.) so they I wouldn't have to deal with that (they wouldn't anyway, because they'd know how important this is to me)

Yes, and idols are serious business.

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Finally, I FCed Soldier Game without perfect lock. I just randomly threw together a Wondeful Rush team and it happened. Granted, I haven't attempted Soldier Game without perfect lock in over 100 attempts. (208 clears)


Maybe I'll start doing random fact of the day, I'll start with today (will probably get lazy and resort to song facts like I'm using today)

Did you know Eli's solo of Kaguya no Shiro is the only one that doesn't have the "HA!" in the background?

I'll probably run out of facts in like a week xD

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Soldier Game is really easy once you get it down, it really isn't that complicated.


Well finally I have a bit more time to rest than previous days, college sure is tough, but as usual I'm here translating random pics.

Also made a new signature, I think it's cute.



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I saw that while in class, wasn't sure if I should have scrolled down or not (had ended up deciding not to)

And... they are still refusing the RinPana with yet another KotoPana song :( :( :(

Edit: I'm making this edit to counter this! Must have RinPana!


Edited by Ceris
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There's also sub unit songs coming out at the end of the month, once per month for the next 3. 2 songs per release.

October 29, 2014 - Printemps (Hanayo, Honoka, Kotori)

November 26, 2014 - lily white (Nozomi, Rin, Umi)

December 24, 2014 - BiBi (Eli, Maki, Nico)

Pretty sure no previews have been released for those yet, we'll just have to wait.

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Finally, I FCed Soldier Game without perfect lock. I just randomly threw together a Wondeful Rush team and it happened. Granted, I haven't attempted Soldier Game without perfect lock in over 100 attempts. (208 clears)


 Can you list out how many attempts it took you to FC each EX song? (If you remember)

208 attempts sounds insane xD I'm already dreading Hard songs that take me 10+ tries

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Being a super regular visitor to the /r/SIF, I saw that image. RinNico (what symbol is that child's name, I don't know it/ I can't find it when I looked up hirigana) is super cute, みに is pretty cute two, would have to go with those two for my favorites.

Can you list out how many attempts it took you to FC each EX song? (If you remember)

208 attempts sounds insane xD I'm already dreading Hard songs that take me 10+ tries

Hmm, most songs were relatively easy for me, though I started off not FCing stuff. My old phone has a really small screen and really bad lag issues (notes move really choppy) and I suffered because of it. I was instantly halving my greats when I got my new super improved phone. I FC'd everything but Soldier Game and some Experts on my old phone though.

My first ever Hard FC was Mogyutto, but everything before Mermaid Festa Vol 1 took less than 5 attempts probably (don't remember really struggling).

Mermaid Festa was that first "I won't FC this for a looong time" song, and it took 20+ attempts. My first attempt of Wonderful Rush didn't go to well, and thought that would take a while, but I got it my 2nd try :P

Pretty sure Love&Peace took like 10 attempts, and Bokura wa Ima like 10 as well.

Wild Stars... That song took like 30 attempts, was the hardest FC by far for me. Kitto Seishun was next with ~25 attempts. Kaguya no Shiro was about 10.

Lastly, Korekara no Someday took me ~10 attempts because I kept misreading the end. And Start Dash was 6 (stupid mistakes).

Well, that covers all the normal songs, the rest are past event songs, so I'll cover those next.

When I started the game, the Kotori event was going on, with the song "Sweet & Sweet Holiday". I honestly FAILED the song like 20 times during the event, and only passed it like 3 by the end. When it got rereleased recently though, I got a 1st try FC.

Next was the Umi event song, Shiranai Love * Oshiete Love. While I never failed this, I also never FC'd it during the event. Again, another 1st try FC when it was rereleased (By the time these two are being released, I was already passing daily Experts on the JP version).

All other event songs were easy for me.

Lastly, the daily songs were released when I was still relatively new to the game, and was still struggling with Wild Stars. My first FC was Otomeshiki, after ~40 attempts (helds very hard on old phone). I got Kokuhaku after ~60 despite getting 1 combo break like 20 times prior. Mermaid Festa took ~90 attempts on the EN version, not including few attempts I made on the JP for practice.

Lastly... Soldier Game... My first FC was attempt #82 (EN version), but was done with Perfect Lock cards in my team, and only FC'd because Honoka carried me. That was during the Nozomi event 24 days ago (I got that number from when I posted my reddit thread). I started the Rin event with ~100 plays on Soldier Game but never changed my team, so I always had those perfect locks. A couple times, my perfect locks didn't activate during the 2nd part of the chorus and I kept my combo, which I considered more legit FCs since I can 100% consistently FC the first half of the chorus. I played Soldier Game 100 times during that event, which was a ton of practice.

Lastly, I wanted to mention what I'm best at. In all games (guitar hero, osu!, this), my mind works best when notes are spaced out, my fingers can react to a beat combined with eyesight only. Soldier Game is just a cluster fuck of notes so I couldn't rely on that. My next weakness is the Ladder/steps notes, that just go along 1 at a time, my fingers Just don't work like that. Everything else I'm fine on, but one thing I'm good at fast random changing back and forth notes, like ASN expert, which I FC'd 2nd try.

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That's Riko.



Lastly, I wanted to mention what I'm best at. In all games (guitar hero, osu!, this), my mind works best when notes are spaced out, my fingers can react to a beat combined with eyesight only. Soldier Game is just a cluster fuck of notes so I couldn't rely on that. My next weakness is the Ladder/steps notes, that just go along 1 at a time, my fingers Just don't work like that. Everything else I'm fine on, but one thing I'm good at fast random changing back and forth notes, like ASN expert, which I FC'd 2nd try.


I'm not sure about my weakness or anything like that, but recently my thumbs suddenly won't listen to me properly. It's like:
Me: Okay, those notes are at the same time, boys, we can do it! We can FC this song easily!

Left or Right thumb: Yeah, right. FC my ass, boy.

*One thumb hits and the other one simply doesn't moves*

I seriously don't know what's happening but at the end of the song I always stop for a second, look at the mirror and wonder wtf just happened?

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Hmm, most songs were relatively easy for me, though I started off not FCing stuff. My old phone has a really small screen and really bad lag issues (notes move really choppy) and I suffered because of it. I was instantly halving my greats when I got my new super improved phone. I FC'd everything but Soldier Game and some Experts on my old phone though.


Very informative, thanks! :D

Whatta beast you are! I'm still scared to even try any EX songs because it'd hurt so much to lose 25 LP like that (currently still practicing (and getting wrecked) using the app Nosebleed posted in the original post which uses youtube videos)

Anyway I think I saw some chatter on this thread previously about thumbs vs fingers. I personally haven't tried fingers yet, but what are your thoughts on that?

My phone (Samsung Galaxy SII) is like what 4.5" diameter or something, so sometimes things get complicated.


Watching Love Live! Season 2 atm. Episode 6 - Happy Halloween! is legendary.

Especially when they role-played each other LOLOL. 

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Very informative, thanks! :D

Whatta beast you are! I'm still scared to even try any EX songs because it'd hurt so much to lose 25 LP like that (currently still practicing (and getting wrecked) using the app Nosebleed posted in the original post which uses youtube videos)

Anyway I think I saw some chatter on this thread previously about thumbs vs fingers. I personally haven't tried fingers yet, but what are your thoughts on that?

My phone (Samsung Galaxy SII) is like what 4.5" diameter or something, so sometimes things get complicated.


Watching Love Live! Season 2 atm. Episode 6 - Happy Halloween! is legendary.

Especially when they role-played each other LOLOL. 

I use my thumbs for everything, I'm tons better with them, I've yet to have a situation recently where my index fingers did better. I only use my index fingers when I have my phone charger and headphones in at the same time, or when I feel like it for fun.

And you passed my beloved Rin's episode, I love that episode so muuuuch <3 Rin has been my favorite idol for a little over a year now, but that episode made her more than that, as she toppled my previous favorite anime character with ease. That might have been the "no turning back" for me with this franchise.

I got tears just from watching that (that video is like a remix of scenes with the song in the background). Oh, and pretty cool, when I went to youtube to fetch the link, it was actually the first video in my "watch it again" section.

Oh, and @episode 6

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Wow they didn't do Yukiho and Arisa. Am disappoint.

There's a l9t of heresy going around this picture but i gueas it's nice. Mini looks really good but i'd never accept it.

Left personal views out of viewing that image, made it a lot easier without getting annoyed. I had a friend earlier tell me he supported RinPana AND RinMaki... I was just thinking... noooooo

It's here!

Chapter 3 of that big NicoMaki series has finally been TL'd and released


You guys translated that, right? Or did Meph never finish?

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They're "Translating it" even though one person transcribed it while another translated half of it in like 2-3 days.

Well, it's the new day for me, so I guess I'll throw another random fact (that I didn't catch when watching the first time). I just watched the 4th episode in my rewatch yeseterday, and this stood out to me.

In Episode 4 of S2, they enter Nico's bedroom and there's posters around. A couple of them are actually an official artwork piece from the franchise.



I don't have the other image, nor the No Brand one in front of the school earlier in the episode by like 10 seconds. My image set must be out of date. I have an image of them wearing those outfits (same, but looks like undeveloped Bokura wa Ima outfits), but they aren't in those poses.

And she messed with the Soldier Game group :(

Just a random tidbit from that same episode (and episode 2), Nico's brother is wearing a shirt that says 25 (the way you say 2 and 5 in Japanese is Ni and Ko). Also, in episode 2, Nico's wrist band says 25 on it. I see that she purposefully buys stuff with the number on it, probably easier than finding your own name.

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