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Would you be attracted to a humanoid sentient being?


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A big part of me wants to say yes of course, because personality is very important to me, but when I look at myself I know I am to shallow to try and say yes to this.


Personality and having a good mind are important, but for me at least looks do matter quite a bit. I can look past small things, one of my ex's didn't meet my usual standard but how well we got along was enough for me to not care as much about that, but at the end of the day I couldn't help but think about it.


I've had many friends who would have been attractive mentally, but something or another from their physical appearance dissuaded me from even the thought of romantic involvement with them. I wasn't actively in my head thinking, oh your ugly, or you don't look good enough I keep away from me, I simply never really felt any romantic feelings towards them and until recently I never understood it. I always thought it was because we were just friends, but I know how shallow I really am now :P


sadly gotta say no

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I'd say that it is possible to work up an attraction but it would take time. The way I see it is there will be stages in which humans will be attracted to non-human humanoids. First there would be out right rejection where there is little contact. Then there would be a point where humans could be friends with the humanoid. Next would be the point where relationships are taboo. They exist but they are seen as repulsive by outsiders, kinda like how incest is seen in some cultures today. Finally is the point where humans and non-humans could openly be in relationships and it us seen as normal by others.

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I think this thread is focusing on humanoid beings (Stuff like mermaids and whatnot) not human like beings (with full human body) with some non human features.

At least that's the idea I got.

Don't worry, Moderators don't take things out of context, we merely redirect the thread to a better point  :ph34r:

I think I'd be attracted to such beings anyway. 

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