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Rogue is my favorite constructed class. Use to be all I played was Miracle Rogue and its variants, so I was really glad when Oil Rogue became a thing and actually gave rogue a competitive deck for once after Miracle died. Played it about a month and a half straight, but dropped it once it started falling out of favor in the meta. It's nice playing Oil and stomping Paladin and Druid, since those classes are always an uphill battle for control warrior.


Oil is a rewarding deck to play though, and it's funny to say this about something in HS, with a difficulty curve that makes it hard to do the most optimal play each turn.

If you're interested in learning the deck, MrYagut (a HS streamer) keeps a guide here updated.

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I had a lot of success with midrange paladin in the scrub ranks today (17 through 10), went 15-3, including one disconnect. I dunno how it will perform against high ranking players, but I'll give legends a shot with this deck next month.

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Huh. I'd find playing against the top streamers pretty interesting. Been here since closed beta (actually, was it you who gave me the key? I forgot who it was) and all I managed so far was TotalBiscuit playing his 30 legendaries deck. I wanna play trump and kripp in arena. I wanna find strifecro on ladder. Why can't I? *grumble grumble*. 

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Indeed. I don't usually make a lot of headway at the start of the month, but that's usually because I usually quit playing HS for the day once I start to feel salty or tilted and there's usually a lot of that going around at the start of the season.


EDIT: I've only played a couple of streamers myself: Day9 and SimCopter1.

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Huh. I'd find playing against the top streamers pretty interesting. Been here since closed beta (actually, was it you who gave me the key? I forgot who it was) and all I managed so far was TotalBiscuit playing his 30 legendaries deck. I wanna play trump and kripp in arena. I wanna find strifecro on ladder. Why can't I? *grumble grumble*. 

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I'll post mine one I stop playing with my arena account too. Would like to get yours, if possible.


Huh. Priest deck went 2-2 and proceeded to get 7-2. Gotta hope for that 12.


This always happens to me. The first 4 games are the hardest- the rest of the arena is all smooth sailing. I wonder why. 

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Bane of Doom, winning arenas ever since the change.

I seem to be on a roll tonight- currently at 8-1 with my tempo-ish warlock. Played like, 6 arenas today and the least wins was 6. The deck is pretty good, though.



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Last boss is, surprisingly, a shaman.

He's completely wrecking me. 



EDIT: Did it with burst. Also calculated my win ratio of my last 10 arenas- I apparently average 7,6.

It's just 10 arenas, though, so I'll get some more data for a reliable number. 



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My battletag is #Kaguya1242. 


...Just lost an arena game to a disconnect. This is an awful feeling.


Marie, coach me in arena some time. I have suddenly become very bad and idk why.


I could do that, if you want to. Just message me whenever when I'm online.


Take wallet, shove it down the internet to Blizzard. 80% win rate.

Eh, we're only talking arena win ratios here. I guess you could bribe blizzard into making all the cards in your deck mindblast, but that aside, I doubt your cash will affect much.


I also have the cards to play the heavy control p2w decks but I prefer to climb ladder with face hunter due to play times- the deck is pretty damn cheap. Why don't you take a look at it? 


There is also a really cheap version of patron warrior, considered by many to be the most OP deck at the moment. I'm not too good with it, though. 


It's almost a month old, but I get matchups against this deck even at really high, close to legend ranks. 700 dust, first wing of naxx and of BRM... If you were around since Naxx and you got that for free, it's a 700 gold + 700 dust investiment- hardly seems excessive. http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/224656-senfglas-1-legend-grim-patron-warrior

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Oh man. This would be a lot less nerve-wrecking if I didn't have that disconnect loss.

...Screw that, without that loss this would already be a 12-1 run! *grumble grumble*




Wish me luck.



EDIT: And it's done  :wafuu:




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