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[Completed] State of the Union- Winter 2013


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like I told you on IRC, Tay, I'll be doing this if able/if I'm around at that time. ... etc cause I might as well post. 



... and I didn't check the previous posts... 9:30pm EST? .... 6:30 PST?

Yeah dunno if I'd be able to make that per say, I'll see, but don't think so (if it was 7pm or 7:30pm PST then it would be more likely but atm don't think I'll be able to make it from the beginning)



(I'll probably hop on later on and then read up on what was said before in the text wrapup or so)

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Marked the time in converter (I would recommend using that for future as you can set all the timezones of other people and when you generate the event it will convert to viewer's local time and add countdown)



And sadly, I will definitely be sleeping at that time, its unfortunate that its this week because otherwise I am usually awake at that time.


Well I hope there is recording.

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@Tay, it would be a good idea to let people know approximately how long the presentation is going to be, and how long you would be taking questions.


9:30 EST means 8:30 for me, which means I can sit in for about 45 minutes before I have to prepare for work.  Would it be a safe assumption that I could sit in for at least the primary presentation?

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Since the discussion about the event has been removed, I will state the idea here for future similar events.

From some experience a good time to organize worldwide event is at about 4PM (middle of afternoon) eastern which is 1PM (after lunch) pacific which is 22 CET (still before midnight) in Europe, 06 in the morning in Asia (Korea and Japan) so already possible to wake up for and like 8am or something in Australia so same there.

It still leaves some people out in bad times for example people from Middle East, eastern Russia and such but for general demographics of gamers it usually fits quite well. Often Asia is left out so it can even be 2 hours earlier for Europe to be in evening, but this works for all 3 timezones quite well and since anime and vns are centered around Japan a lot, its good to include that timezone.

As for day of course Saturday which means its Saturday evening in Europe and Sunday morning in Japan/Australia - most people have days off.


Anyways nothing we can do now, its just for future reference in case you want to organize such event. I would highly recommend http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ where you add the main timezones of your demographics and you see it as timelines and you can see exactly what time is where in the specific point in the timeline.



I hope to see the video tomorrow morning :P

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Only 30 minutes huh?  That's great~!  More people will be able to join.  I'll update this status in the IRC


EDIT: Which channel will this call be streamed on though?  Links anybody?

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I should've asked / checked myself beforehand :( Oh well, I changed the setting for possible future events.

in OBS you didn't check "Save to file" either?


also did you guys check on the right settings in twitch.tv?

http://www.twitch.tv/settings -> Privacy -> uncheck "Don't allow anybody to view my past broadcasts"


because twitch.tv should -normally- autosave vods

.... well also unless

http://www.twitch.tv/settings/videos -> "Automatically archive my broadcasts" is somehow unchecked...

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Which was exactly the case. All I got was the Stream Key earlier, and I didn't think about the possibility of this setting being disabled. :(

Yeah, twitch for some reason unchecks that box when they update stuff I think. I just lost the first 2 hours of my stream because of it, even though I remembered checking it a month ago. 

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Which was exactly the case. All I got was the Stream Key earlier, and I didn't think about the possibility of this setting being disabled. :(

personally I have private videos + save broadcasts on OBS (locally) checked...


(as I need to do ffmpeg magic to my videos and autoupload to youtube)




Ah well. learning experience and whatnot

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