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Key Documentary Kickstarter Cancelled


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Oh and one more thing, the people who reported it must be really jealous that he already got 10k (half of the fund) for it.


Nah, it was reported by #tlwiki, they aren't jealous, they just hateful in general and like dramas (and they kinda had valid reason to be offended, since CM claimed to be "leader of clannad, LB and TA VN translation projects" while he actually worked only on TA).

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he came into the #tlwiki IRC earlier and hilarity insued

also this project was dumb; he barely did jack dick all for any Key project and tried to come off as some sort of big figure in the key fanbase when he was just a fan like everyone else.

he needed to be way more transparent about what he was and what he was actually <trying> to do, the whole thing reeks of scam (probably not his intention)

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Nah, it was reported by #tlwiki, they aren't jealous, they just hateful in general and like dramas (and they kinda had valid reason to be offended, since CM claimed to be "leader of clannad, LB and TA VN translation projects" while he actually worked only on TA).


Yeah I guess these dramas or who leads what and who contributed to what. More and more seems to me that people don't do TL because they love the game but to become famous or something... Oh well, I'd rather not have anything to do with those kind of people, they all seem like trouble to me xD



- Steve, CEO leader supreme overlord of the EH translation project, ultimate extreme


(jk, I don't actually do anything except being lazy xD)

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I had mixed feelings about it from the start, but I did really want that album...


- Steve, CEO leader supreme overlord of the EH translation project, ultimate extreme

I actually like that title for you.  Consider keeping it forever.  

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何これ、私も聞いてない。I don't see any reason he couldn't do this. The fact he needs to ask for other people's money in order to do so makes me kind of hesitant, if not suspicious. If he was capable of actually doing anything he would have started doing something and then asked for help to continue doing so.

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Not sure what I find more funny. A guy asking people to fund a vacation for him, or how serious people are about this whole thing. Regardless, here is what Doki had to say about it. 




Baka-Tsuki also said something quick about it too. Drama drama drama



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Umm, even in this case Baba actually said that "writing book is okay, just don't misuse our assets/merch".

Also, filming Key itself was never planned, CM wanted to film "Key places", locations which were mentioned/used in their games.

Umm, well in this very rare case, he responded to someone else asking about it.


I was saying if Clannad_Man (even if this kickstarter was legitimate) tried to ask Key (or almost any japanese developer/publisher) to do anything, he would be ignored.  I also said NEVER will (as there have been collaborations in the past), but generally (~90%+ of the time) they _might_.


However really this kickstarter wasn't legitimate: misrepresenting Doki (who clarified the issue in the blog post), doing things against the TOS of kickstarter itself, etc made this really messy even ignoring the fact that Key was against it.


@filming Key: well I said that cause someone else earlier in the thread said that, but if not /shrug whatever, either way.

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The drama has been pretty entertaining so far.


And the project? Paid vacation lol. Seriously, I don't think that having no prior experience making a documentary is that big of a problem, if people want to give him money for it, more power to him. That worked well for Neal Stephenson, and less well for those who gave him money. However, asking for 20k AND not giving a breakdown on exactly how is he going to spend it should be enough to raise alarm bells. Also, misrepresentation, both of who he is and what the documentary is; asking for 20k to just shoot footage of Japanese landmarks and maybe offer some comentary instead of trying to do, dunno, interviews and stuff? Yeah.

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I'm surprised anyone backed this.  If someone had started a Kickstarter to fund the purchase of licensing rights to a Key game in the US, it might have been worth it... but a documentary? 

Well with ~4k coming from 2 people... there are some crazy guys.

The good thing about all this (well, for me) is that it is now way more clear who is "alive", who is "dead", who is working on what. o(^▽^)o

^This is regarding Clannad and LB

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