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Gotta Catch Em All


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So all last month I've been watching the pokemon anime from Kanto to Kalos.

Still on Kalos since its not done yet.

Btw I like Serena the best so far. . . and bonnie.

I really don't want to see them just toss Serena out once Kalos is done though.

Anyway it was a fantastic journey. And now i really want to play a pokemon game.

Have you all seen any of the anime?

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Reasons to hate Pokemon:

1. Made no Sense

2. Crappy visuals

3. Disjointed setting/plot

4. Smelled like Power Rangers without the real evil

5. Character motivations too much like card collectors


And yes, that includes Digimon.  The closest I ever got to playing a Pokemon game was playing SMT: Nocturne (demon capture/breeding system, lol). 

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I feel Clephas is a bit harsh on it, but I could understand the sentiment. The Pokemon anime is one of those things I have a love-hate relationship with. The points Clephas made are valid, especially if you're an avid fan of the Pokemon games since the anime practically tear the Pokemon rulebook into shreds with their "dumb anime logic" (their words, not mine), such as being able to dodge moves that cannot be dodged (Aerial Ace) or having type advantages being ignored (Aim for the horn, Pikachu!). "Makes no sense" indeed.

For me, I have a nostalgic attachment to it, but not too much. I'm more of a Digibro, not a Pokemanz, even though I like the Pokemon games more than the Digimon ones.

Here are the things I like and dislike about the Pokemon anime:


  • Many great OP and some great ED themes on the Japanese side of the anime (Spurt! and Battle Frontier are my favorite); 3-4 good themes in the dub. Advanced Challenge has my favorite dub OP.
  • Pokemon D/P is an improvement over all other seasons. Satoshi (yes, Satoshi, not Ash) actually uses strategies! The rival actually makes logical points about battling pragmatically (instead of that friendship bullshit)! But it's only an 'improvement'; still not amazing compared to other anime.
  • Visuals improved vastly after Advanced Generation @720p.
  • Emotional tearjerkers are aplenty in the first season (the first episode, Bye Bye Butterfree, Goodbye Pikachu). I didn't cry as much in later seasons.
  • Kasumi is best gurl.


  • Terrible dub themes in later seasons after Advanced Challenge.
  • As said before, Pokemon moves make no sense. Tackle against Skarmory and Bubblebeam against Gyarados.
  • Contest episodes are as boring as the in-game contests.
  • Fillers galore, especially in the notorious Johto.
  • Silly love and friendship is the norm. The presence of this cliche is as bad as other shounen anime like One Piece and Naruto.
    >Don't want to evolve Pokemon because friendship
    >Make them fight each other in cock fighting instead

  • Constantly releasing powerful Pokemon because of said friendship bullshit. STOP RELEASING YOUR POKEMON, SATOSHI.
  • Satoshi took the APTX 4869 every season (Detective Conan in-joke; look it up), resulting in never aging.
  • Satoshi's intelligence also took the APTX-path, regressing back to zero every season, making dumb battling moves again.
  • Pikachu suffers the same fate, getting defeated by a Snivy, and getting injured or sick at the start of every season.
  • No Mega Evolution for Satoshi. And if he does have one, he'll probably take the less powerful Mega form - Charizard Y.
  • Repetitive story about some brat trying to get 8 badges and make animals fight each other.
  • Satoshi Forever Friendzoned.
  • Anime takes liberties from the game, not adapting it faithfully.
  • And many more...

Nah. Just kidding on the "Many more" part. But seriously, the anime has so many problems. It's one of my least prioritized anime to watch. I only watched it recently because of nostalgia, and it feels kinda fun playing Pokemon using Satoshi's Pokemon team from the anime. I sometimes watch the anime while playing for full effect, pretending I'm playing Satoshi in the game.

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I really have no idea about the name of each season or anime in the Pokemon history but I've only watched the first three animes I believe, they weren't horrible but nothing special either.

I'm guessing that if you're into the games or lore and that kind of things you might enjoy them more.


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Speaking about Pokemon, I remember that around 16 years ago I thought that it's anime first, at least until I find out that the anime was the adaptation of the games itself. As for mine, I'll not going to catch up 900+ episodes here but at least I knew that Pokemon anime was quite unacceptable to some gamer.

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4 hours ago, Novel21 said:

Hello Pokemon are the best kids anime ever, much better than Digimon:D

Blasphemy. :pyaa:

But seriously, Digimon had a way better story in more occasions than Pokemon (Adventure 01, Tamers, and the X-Evolution movie).

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1 minute ago, Novel21 said:

Well you for think that, I'm not much fan of Digimon throught:D

And I haven't been that obsessed over Digimon for a long time either (their latest reboot movies were just one of the many factors that made me slowly slip out of the fandom), but even I could see that Digimon clearly had a better story than "Catch all Pokemon, fight gym leaders, and get friendzoned along the way."

Well, I guess since Satoshi regularly releases his Pokemon because of FRIENDSHIP, I guess the "Catch all Pokemon" part is nulled. :holo:

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1 minute ago, Novel21 said:

Well that it's true and I have to agree in the end at Digimon are better story than Pokemon in general

For what it's worth, I like the story in the DP anime. It has the best story from Pokemon, right alongside MewTwo Strikes Back.

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Just now, Novel21 said:

It's one of my fav Pokemon Movie beside Pokemon 4 forever^_^

Pokemon: Celebi A Timeless Encounter (I always like to refer to them in their original Japanese names :makina:) was okay, but I didn't like the environmental message. It's one of those cliches of storytelling like the aforementioned friendship factor that annoys me. I just don't think stories about how "we should keep the world green and clean" are very interesting.

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4 minutes ago, Novel21 said:

so why did you like Pokemon Mewtwo Strikes back? don't it have friendship in that movie as well

Actually, it dealt more with existentialism than friendship. MewTwo questions its own existence. The friendship part was merely the dressing.

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