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Tokyo Babel FuwaReview Discussion


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12 minutes ago, solidbatman said:

Your review made me want to read this one. 

You should at least give the demo a shot. It's pretty long and contains a good mix of everything the VN has to offer. It's basically  the common route and like half of Raziel's route.

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Hey, you used the picture I totally didn't just rip from MangaGamer's Tokyo Babel website after disabling absolutely everything but the name of the game via Inspect Element  :sachi:

Really good review, man.  I already bought it, but you're making me want to drop what I'm reading and go read it right now.  I think I'll just go do that.  Having a more in-depth description really helped, since the VNDB one is a bit bare bones aside from describing the general setting.

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Great review :sachi:

Finished up a few days ago myself - I had some issues with it, but nothing that turned me off - just minor stuff, like Sorami's inconsistent manner of talking (might just be my taste in how things are translated though - but i was fine with Litlith?), some pacing problems, and a few things I perceived as plot inconsistencies.


Ayakashibito and Tokyo Babel's Lilith ending spoilers, you've been warned:


Higashide wrote out Lilith's route near exact how I had originally hoped Suzu's route was going to be (sadly it wasn't, and ended up a mixed-feelings route imo - still <3 Suzu tho) That aside, i was a bit let down with "the final confrontation" near the end of Lilith's route - I wasn't expecting a true fight, but it still felt somewhat contrived.

Samael best girl - I don't know if I should find it amusing or wrong that she had the most natural and well-executed bond with Setsuna compared to the three heroines. (they were still great, don't get me wrong - but the depth and connection the two formed just seemed a lot less forced to me).

After all is said and done, it ranks pretty high for me, not a perfect score - but good enough that my money felt well-spent. I may have only pointed out some of my misgivings - but that's only because I'd have to spend over an hour to discuss all its good points. :makina:

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