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Onii-chan's Wondrous Happy Temple of Advice Giving and Jelly Doughnuts AND Hair Ruffling AND Questions Answered


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13 hours ago, ヤミハナ said:

re-posting this 


what is "hentai" in it's very core? and how do one experience "hentai"?

Hentai, in it's very core, would be a metamorphosis but then the word metamorphed to mean perverse sexual desire. But that's only in Japan. Globally, especially in the United Stated, hentai is more of a catch-all term for any Japanese media with sexual acts in it. So if you want to experience it, in Japan go have some weird sexual fetish, like getting tuned on by having ducks in the bath tub or something. In America, get a copy of Dragon Pink and watch it in the basement.

3 hours ago, Kiriririri said:

How to do erotic roleplay?

Onii-chan does not advise erotic roleplay unless in the company of a person who wants to erotic roleplay with you. If you have that, pick a fantasy you both like and make it happen. Bonus points if you can get her to wear a school girl skirt and thigh highs and pretend to fall forward with toast in her mouth, revealing her striped panties.

1 hour ago, TexasDice said:

Aniki, nobody likes my dank puns anymore. What should I do?


I suppose you could try the upgrade meme, or is that dead already?

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17 hours ago, KosakiFag said:

Aniki, what do you think about my new look? :^)

It's very cutesy blonde. I hope that's what you were going for. Because that's what it is. *Hair ruffle*

16 hours ago, Nashetania said:

I feel bad because I'll soon be older than most/your typical character(s) from anime (not to mention that today I just realized that even some characters are supposed to be 15-16 apparently. which makes me older for few years now). This doesn't help my gerascophobia. What do I do? :(

Feel happy that onii-chan should probably be called sensei by most board members?

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4 minutes ago, Nashetania said:

Onii-chan is half dead to me already :(

That seems harsh. Remember, if you aren't getting older, the only alternative is being dead. And my guess is being dead probably sucks worse than being old. Probably.

3 minutes ago, Dergonu said:

Onii-chan, why do strangers run away when I try to kiss them? :kosame:


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5 hours ago, ヤミハナ said:

Onii-chan, what should I do so that Yuri and Trap can live together in peace?

In other words, what do I do with that Dergonu and Jade guy?

Mandatory Clothing Free Zones? 

47 minutes ago, KosakiFag said:

Aniki, why did you pick 'Valmore'?

Easy - it's my middle name. And for having a rather uncommon middle name, it's often available to use as a username even on sites that have been up for years.

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1 hour ago, Kiriririri said:

Onii-chan~ Am I cute?

Yes *ruffles hair* Very cute. 10/10 would ruffle hair again *ruffles hair again* See? Here, have some pocky.

1 hour ago, ヤミハナ said:

Onii-chan, what do I have to do so that senpai will notice me?

This is tough question. Senpais take great care not to notice, at least not obviously notice. They think it gives you power over them if you get noticed. You must find what grabs their attention and exploit it. Thigh highs. Fresh spring rolls. Twintails. Whatever it is, find it and exploit it. Only then will senpai notice. Then you can kick him in the balls for not noticing you for so long.

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6 hours ago, ヤミハナ said:

Why do people call me Hanana Banana Tomato?


And why are you still wearing that santa hat?


And can I steal your waifu

Uhm, I dunno. I don't call you that. Is your name even remotely like that?

And I haven't picked a new avatar yet.

And you can share my waifu.

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