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IPB 4: Info and Error Reporting

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Minor complaint. You can no longer tell at a glance if a certain user is online by checking the green circle next to the username. In fact, there seems to be a blank space there now.

What do you mean? It's working for me...

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I thought the notifications broke again, but turns out now whenever multiple people reply to the same thread you're following, you only get one notification:


I guess it's kind of neat because it's compact, but it's not really real time now since it only shows the date of the first reply, not the latest.
Not sure which is better really.

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Minor complaint. You can no longer tell at a glance if a certain user is online by checking the green circle next to the username. In fact, there seems to be a blank space there now.

What do you mean? It's working for me...

It doesn't work for me too. Just black bar.

Or red bar.

Edited by Redpanda
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Minor complaint. You can no longer tell at a glance if a certain user is online by checking the green circle next to the username. In fact, there seems to be a blank space there now.

What do you mean? It's working for me...

What I mean is that it is not working for me.

Here's hoping it's just your account and the contagion fails to spread... 

Ok, well, next: tell me what's not working, exactly. Or how you know it's not working.

EDIT: Screenshots. Maybe that's what I need.

Edited by Tay
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Minor complaint. You can no longer tell at a glance if a certain user is online by checking the green circle next to the username. In fact, there seems to be a blank space there now.

What do you mean? It's working for me...


And before you tell me it's because my theme is green, other colours do not work either.

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I don't have that green ball next side usernames either and I'm using the vastly superior dark theme.

More notification info: if you check your notifications/mark them as read and then someoe replies to the same thread, then it does create separate entries:


Unless this was Tay reverting notifications back to how they were, in which case forget this post.

Edit: I no longer see the "edited by" at the bottom of the posts when I edit them!
Although the box is still always automatically ticked which is annoying since I have to uncheck it every single time.

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The chat option in the Ignore user settings is removed

As in ignoring certain chatters?

Yes, before you could opt-in to ignore chat users (Not see their messages). The feature didn't work for the chat, but worked in the shoutbox.


The message feed in the small box is gone, which is annoying. Please put that back.

You posted a picture of this, but I can't figure out what's wrong. Can you explain it to me like I was five? Or Rooke?

Before the upgrade, if you held the mouse on a users name a box would pop up and in that box your latest status feed message would be visible. And now it's gone.


The chat does not have a pop-up feature, it's still on the same tab as the forum when the Chat button is clicked.

Also, shouldn't i be able to change my rank as a backer? (currently set as Requiem for a Rekt)

Edited by XionsProphecy
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All things considered, I think this is at least do-able. Are we all feeling a bit better about notifications, now? It's not quite the way it used to be, but it's at (or nearly at) "functional" for me. I'll do a few more tweaks, but otherwise are we ok giving it a few days to get used to the changes?




Who'd have thought this is what did us in? We survived almost a dozen FuwApoalypses, dropping torrents, several metric tons of salt... but this green dot... 

... Time to pack up and head home, guys. Stick a fork in us. We're done.

 Could just mouseover the name and see tho :P if that info is important.

but no no green dot. unless mouseover

I don't know how to mouse over on mobile :pyaa:

< 3


Okay, I'm with you guys now. Yeah, that's not something I'm going to feel a huge need to re-implement since you CAN scroll over a username (in a thread, or down in the bottom of the page/index with the lists of users) and there you WILL see the green dot. But! If the themes get an upgrade later making it possible, I'm fine with turning it back on.

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All things considered, I think this is at least do-able. Are we all feeling a bit better about notifications, now? It's not quite the way it used to be, but it's at (or nearly at) "functional" for me. I'll do a few more tweaks, but otherwise are we ok giving it a few days to get used to the changes?




Hidden Content


Okay, I'm with you guys now. Yeah, that's not something I'm going to feel a huge need to re-implement since you CAN scroll over a username (in a thread, or down in the bottom of the page/index with the lists of users) and there you WILL see the green dot. But! If the themes get an upgrade later making it possible, I'm fine with turning it back on.


Fuwanovel just isn't the same without the ability to properly stalk someone when I wake up in the middle of the night!

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The chat option in the Ignore user settings is removed

As in ignoring certain chatters?

Yes, before you could opt-in to ignore chat users (Not see their messages). The feature didn't work for the chat, but worked in the shoutbox.

Ah. The chat app we're using now is an extension of the Chat app from IPB 3, not the shoutbox, so it doesn't surprise me that the problem still isn't fixed. As far as I know, the IPB Chat app is getting a huge overhaul in the IPB 4.1 upgrade which is being rolled out sometime between now and the end of October. Hopefully that'll extend ignoring capabilities!


The message feed in the small box is gone, which is annoying. Please put that back.

You posted a picture of this, but I can't figure out what's wrong. Can you explain it to me like I was five? Or Rooke?

Before the upgrade, if you held the mouse on a users name a box would pop up and in that box your latest activity feed message would be visible. And now it's gone.

Aaaah! Now I gotcha. As in their latest status update, right? Yeah, that would be fun/nice to have. I imagine that's a theme issue, so I'll go pester the theme dev about this : ).

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Also, where's the super duper privileged blue color for staff usernames?

I guess I can always make a thread asking for it to be pink. :Teeku:

Oh! Spaced that. Yeah, just poll the GMs and get back to me with a color : )

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Possible: text under the quote in some posts disappear?

Added. I'm not having this problem. Who else is seeing this?

Hello there! For example, I encountered this issue here, but this topic has several other comments like this too. I checked it with Firefox and Chrome as well.

Firefox screenshot:


 Chrome screenshot:


Also, if I edit my comment, the text that's supposed to be there is completely missing from the editor too.

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From previous post:

  • The chat does not have a pop-up feature, it's still on the same tab as the forum when the Chat button is clicked.
  • Also, shouldn't i be able to change my rank as a backer? (currently set as Requiem for a Rekt)

Need answers for my madness to lower :)


Right now the only way to get the chat to pop-up into its own window is to make it so that chat ALWAYS pops up into its own window. I'm picking IPB's brains right now about this, but I don't have any new information to share about it just yet. In the meantime, you'll just need to open chat in its own tab/window in your browser. 

IF the chat app doesn't get a lot of fixes with IPB 4.1, I'm going to explore other options for chat. It's annoying that IPB 4's chat app is so far behind the IPB 3 version.



Didn't notice this until you mentioned it. It looks like IPB 4 also merged User Titles and Ranks. This is annoying. In the meantime, backers can message an admin and we'll change it for you whenever you want.

GMs: Can you still edit member titles? I don't see the option outside the ACP, but that may be b/c I'm tired...

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 GMs: Can you still edit member titles? I don't see the option outside the ACP, but that may be b/c I'm tired...

Nope, we don't have any option to edit member titles for other users anymore.

*Sits back. Weeps.*

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