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XCOM Recruitment


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XCOM Recruitment
Now hiring personnel to repel the extraterrestrial invasion. The alien invasion is in its beginning stages and the majority of our personnel have never encountered one before. XCOM is recruiting the best of the best. Military background is preferred but we'll also accept other skilled individuals interested in defending their planet from the outer space menace. Requirements of the job include being able to work together in a team, willingness to do whatever is required to accomplish your mission, and capability to kick some alien ass.
If interested in applying please fill out the application below,
Skin Color:
Hair Color:
Facial Hair:
Armor Decoration:
Armor Tint/Color:
Other Preferences:
bold means required the others are optional.
I will be playing on classic with ironman difficulty and will not be dismissing any soldiers...I am also playing with 'all not created equally' so some people may be really good and others may be really awful. Survival is essentially dependent on whether or not I manage to be any good at the game. Anyone interested in either creating a character or willing to volunteer their name please make mention below. You may submit more than one character but at least one of them has to be your username. 
You will be randomly assigned positions based on support, sniper, assault, heavy, and Mec Trooper.
I plan to take screenshots while I play as well as keep a mini-journal of sorts explaining how your characters have behaved and contributed themselves to the cause. I am starting a new game of XCOM Enemy Within and I wish to use people from this forum as fodder soldiers and see who manages to survive. I would like to encourage anyone interested in either being recruited or doing their own playthrough to do so. XCOM 2 was unfortunately delayed until February 5th and with Muv-Luv's Kickstarter currently in the process I decided to start up a new game of XCOM since it reminds me quite a bit of starship troopers and muv-luv alternative.
On a side note if the modding capability is good for XCOM 2 I may try my hand at modding and replace aliens with BETA, mecs with TSF, and soldiers with characters with armor, and equipment from muv-luv alternative assuming I can find the time. 
note 2: If no one is interested no worries maybe you can participate in my upcoming muv-luv alternative forum game instead. 
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Name: LinovaA

Nickname: Lino

Gender: Male

Nationality: Canadian

Race: Caucasian

Head: Ermmmmm... XD

Skin Color: Light Tan(?)

Hair/Helmet: Choosing between hair and helmet? Hair xD

Hair Colour: Brown

Facial Hair: Nein.

Armour Decoration: Nope.
Armour Tint/Colour: Cyan

Personality: Moe :Teeku:



I've always wanted to play this, but never had a good enough computer, so this is the next best thing. xD

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This is very very interesting! Here I go!

Miles Edgeworth; unless you force me to use my username.
Race 1, or European/White looking.
Head 5, or any of your choosing.
Skin Color:
As pale/white as possible.
Hair 12, or any style that looks trim and proper.
Hair Color:
Facial Hair:
Armor Decoration:
As nice you can make him look? Not too big, please. Make him thin where it can be helped. Most armour makes one look giant.
Armor Tint/Color:
This is for semi-roleplay purposes or something? Anyways,
Edgeworth is usually calm and level-headed, but is typically seen as a snob due to his cold, ruthless, and generally aloof nature. He has a certain lack of social skills and tact, making him very insecure and awkward around others. In fact, he was taught as a child to glare at people who looked at him, unwittingly intimidating them. He also has difficulties pronouncing some names, although he uses sophisticated vocabulary in everyday speech.
Other Preferences:
I'd prefer if he were more of a support role than properly fighting, but it's fine however you want to play.

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Will you be using the Long War mod? It makes the game ridiculously hard and takes much longer to complete. Anyway, good luck and I hope I survive! :D

I was not planning to use the long war mod since I'm hoping to actually end it within a few months either with a good or bad end. I do plan to do this again for XCOM 2. I may use some mods however to customize characters a bit. 



This is for semi-roleplay purposes or something? Anyways,
Other Preferences:
I'd prefer if he were more of a support role than properly fighting, but it's fine however you want to play.


The personality is mainly there if you survive to XCOM 2 since that game has personality as a customization option. I also will try and semi-roleplay for example if you say a character is a Loner I'm going to make sure that he's a bit behind or ahead of the other characters and not sticking with the group. This might mean they become a sniper or a scout based on how I play. The game awards certain roles based on actions taken and it helps me push you to actually get the role you might prefer. 

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Name: Shikomizue (What else would it be?)

Nickname: Shiko

Gender: Male

Nationality: American

Race: Whitest one there is.

Head: Any

Skin Color: White/ Light Tan.

Hair/Helmet: Hair that looks slightly messy.

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Facial Hair: None

Armor Decoration: Any

Armor Tint/Color: Orange or Black.

Personality: Hardened but friendly.

Other Preferences: None


Let's hope I survive.

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Name: Funnerific

Nickname: Fun

Gender: Male

Nationality: British/American (up to you)

Race: Caucasian

Skin colour: white

No helmet

Hair colour: Brown

Facial hair: none

Armour colour: red, preferably dark red


Good luck.


EDIT: Make something like Beaglerush's "Ironman Impossible" series. What he had before he started posting hour-long unedited videos was the best XCOM thing ever.

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Name: yami no ryōrijin
Nickname: ----
Nationality: japanese/hungarian
race: berserk
gender: i´m a dude
hair: blackk & messy

face: 3-5 day-beard

skin: tanned
helm: do not need, cause me hair is as hard as kruppstaHL
armor: halfnaked & proud to fight in me pants
personality: lewd & choleric, loves to grope
education: stray chef you wont forget
motto: your death has long been foreseen in my receipts


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Name: Meat_Bun1
Nickname: Ghost
Gender: Male
Nationality: Canadian
Race: Asian
Head: Any
Skin Color: Light brown
Hair/Helmet: High tech goggles or similar; messy hair is visible
Hair Color: Black
Facial Hair: Small mustache
Armor Decoration: Stealth-looking ones
Armor Tint/Color: Some shade of blue (lighter preferred)
Personality: Prefers providing support
Other Preferences: Best at mid to long range.
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Name: Turnip Sensei
Nickname: Turnippy/Turnip/whatever
Gender: Male
Nationality: Norwegian/Swedish (closest to Finnish)
Race: Northern European
Head: Gentlest looking there is
Skin Color: White 
Hair/Helmet: One with most hair or a beanie
Hair Color: Darkish Brown
Facial Hair: no
Armor Decoration: Any
Armor Tint/Color: Orange
Personality: Cautious, caring
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Oh wow, that sounds fun! I hope i'm not too late!


Name:Zebail Rhaspuint
Nickname: Zebhra
Gender: Male
Nationality: Russian
Race: Human
Head: Slightly bigger than standart
Skin Color: White as moon.
Hair/Helmet: Shortcut, a bit messy, no helmet
Hair Color: Brown/black
Facial Hair: None
Armor Decoration: Stripes
Armor Tint/Color: Dark-blue
Personality:Reliable, serious, easy-going
Other Preferences: I want to be the one to take mothership down :holo:
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NameJack D. Ripper

Nickname: Mr Maniac
Gender: Male
Nationality: American
Race: Caucasian
Head: Most charming one
Skin Color: Fair tan
Hair/Helmet: Brad Pitt's hair style from Inglourious Basterds and no helmet cause he wants to have his beautiful face out in the open when making racist remarks on aliens
Hair Color: Dark brown
Facial Hair: Stubble
Armor Decoration: nicolas cage heads
Armor Tint/ColorVery, very dark grey
Personality: Very suicidal in nature, emotionally self-destructive, makes extreme cynical&satirical remarks and a damn paranoid 
Other Preferences: To prove water fluoridation is a plot devised by commies and aliens to take over the world. Also when he dies, he drags at least one of the allies with him created and inspired from this thread  :makina:
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Quite the persecution complex we have here.


Change my sign-up preferences to "Kill Shikomizue at some point" as well. As the gentleman I am, this way I shall justify the persecution complex and he will not look nearly as paranoid.

Change my preferences to be Tiago's rival please~

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Just so you know any personalities you give will be taken and will affect how I use your character. Also the first battle will be up shortly as well and the units that I've created are at the bottom of this post for those interested.


 The units created thus far are the only ones I was able to do following the given information as accurately as I could but even then some details might be a bit off so let me know if that is the case. It does seem brown hair is kinda hard to see. If you don't care about the country for the unit or if you do care about the country but not the gender let me know as I can create your unit easier then. I'm also not going to be taking units on a given mission based on whether I think they can succeed but rather based on random chance. I'm using a random.org to determine who goes on a mission and who doesn't. 


I have done the first mission which will be posted in a separate thread so expect that shortly. (keeping recruitment separate to make it easier to find (since I'll likely be doing the same thing with XCOM 2).


I will be posting what your characters looks like and their stats (some of them are hilariously bad) in game below if there is anything you would like to change that is possible let me know.


InvictusCobra: Siegfried Paladin


I'm hoping this is the right helmet.


Siegfried somehow became a support unit which is a shame since he has 80 aim and 59 Will. Probably one of the better overall characters to appear so far.

Funyarinpa: Cook Funyarinpa


There were not many specifications for this character so if Funya if you would like to change anything just let me know.


Of the few characters made so far this one has the highest aim...yep some of you will probably die.

Shikomizue: Grunt Shikomizue


You will note I actually changed the armor for this character to black and a slightly heavier build since it had orange outlines...wasn't sure if this was a good orange here but I can probably switch it back to this if you actually like it over the black (which can be seen in the screenshots for the actual mission)


Surprise your character has the worst overall build!

Tiagofvarela: Miles Edgeworth


Please let me know if you want anything changed. I fully plan on augmenting this character so don't worry about the armor too much right now, assuming of course he survives long enough.


RedPanda: Jack Ripper


Sorry no nicolas cage head patterns for the armor were available.


You have a higher aim that Shikomizue so congrats!


I will be making more characters based on other volunteers in this thread once their flag or gender becomes available...if you do not care about either of those things I can make your character straight away. Otherwise I can wait until they become available. 

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Name: Trapezoid
Nickname: The Trapezoid
Gender: Male
Race: African
Skin Color: Black (As dark as possible)
Hair/Helmet: None
Hair Color: None
Facial Hair: Full beard
Armor Tint/Color: Black
Very cowardly and loses his cool quickly.
Other Preferences:

Always take the long way around, going from cover to cover.
Never enter a building unless a friendly is also in it.
Always use all his action points to fire at the enemy if the chances to hit are 40% or higher.
Don't go around a corner(building) if you have knowledge of an enemy around it, unless a friendly is already around the corner(building) or has vision around the corner(building).
Retreat as far as you can, regardless if he is in the middle of enemy territory, for 1 turn, if a friendly dies the previous turn.

Note: I don't have the game so I don't really know what's available, just do whatever is close.
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Just so you know any personalities you give will be taken and will affect how I use your character. Also the first battle will be up shortly as well and the units that I've created are at the bottom of this post for those interested.


 The units created thus far are the only ones I was able to do following the given information as accurately as I could but even then some details might be a bit off so let me know if that is the case. It does seem brown hair is kinda hard to see. If you don't care about the country for the unit or if you do care about the country but not the gender let me know as I can create your unit easier then. I'm also not going to be taking units on a given mission based on whether I think they can succeed but rather based on random chance. I'm using a random.org to determine who goes on a mission and who doesn't. 


I have done the first mission which will be posted in a separate thread so expect that shortly. (keeping recruitment separate to make it easier to find (since I'll likely be doing the same thing with XCOM 2).


I will be posting what your characters looks like and their stats (some of them are hilariously bad) in game below if there is anything you would like to change that is possible let me know.


InvictusCobra: Siegfried Paladin


I'm hoping this is the right helmet.


Siegfried somehow became a support unit which is a shame since he has 80 aim and 59 Will. Probably one of the better overall characters to appear so far.

Funyarinpa: Cook Funyarinpa


There were not many specifications for this character so if Funya if you would like to change anything just let me know.


Of the few characters made so far this one has the highest aim...yep some of you will probably die.

Shikomizue: Grunt Shikomizue


You will note I actually changed the armor for this character to black and a slightly heavier build since it had orange outlines...wasn't sure if this was a good orange here but I can probably switch it back to this if you actually like it over the black (which can be seen in the screenshots for the actual mission)


Surprise your character has the worst overall build!

Tiagofvarela: Miles Edgeworth


Please let me know if you want anything changed. I fully plan on augmenting this character so don't worry about the armor too much right now, assuming of course he survives long enough.


RedPanda: Jack Ripper


Sorry no nicolas cage head patterns for the armor were available.


You have a higher aim that Shikomizue so congrats!


I will be making more characters based on other volunteers in this thread once their flag or gender becomes available...if you do not care about either of those things I can make your character straight away. Otherwise I can wait until they become available. 

I'm a French sniper?


Not even mad, this will be great

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