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Suzu Fanatic

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Posts posted by Suzu Fanatic

  1. Not impressed with SP tbh, despite my initial hopes for them. I personally don't care about cencorship, or images being cropped - the cropping can't be helped if you want a 16:9 ratio without it being a blurry, squished mess. (though that's coming from someone with zero expereince with art assets, anyway)


    But their general attitude has really started to suck, and I think a lot of people are starting to get burnt out from the whole kickstarter thing. Love how they automatically called it promoting piracy - god forbid the rare case someone might actually own a legit japanese copy.

  2. "shrug" some don't consider it a "second job" and actually enjoy it - different strokes for different folks and all that~ If it makes life easier for the devs, more power to it, people don't have to force themselves to play grindy games like Disgaea etc, totally their call to walk away and play something else.


    MMOs are a bit of a different matter though - but "todays" mmos are hardly grindy, hell - I've played some where I leveled to max level in a single week, solo - while still going to work and doing my job during the daytime.

    While I would never push my tastes on anyone, I can't help but think people nowadays suffer waaay too much from ADD - and can't stand the idea of devoting any length of time to something that doesn't provide immediate results. "Instant gratification ftw!" it seems like. :makina: But, on the plus side for those type, most devs cater to that majority~

  3. I kind of get it, but it is still confusing. So you stack for unions etc, but it seems you may have to get lower level gear (lower stats on gear) to do this. Or do you have to spend hours farming and tons of gald to get it just how you want it?

    A bit of both (farming and gald). But as you progress in the story you will unlock a game mechanic that will let you increase the odds of weapons/armor dropped containing the skills you want.



    unrelated midgame spoiler:

    Pretty disgusted how the writers handled Alisha's departure, and how they try to blatantly say how nice it is to have Rose around, and how it's been suuuch a positive impact for Sorey - fuck off, Bandai. Give me back Alisha :(


    That aside, still enjoying the game a fair amount - Chaos difficulty is getting brutal with the level scaling though, soon I'll have to crank down the difficulty just to catch up in levels to match the mobs, lol.

  4. As someone that used to play Everquest I laugh at peoples' general concept of grinding. :P Rookies :makina:

    That being said, I enjoy it to see my stats slowly rise - being able to take out things I really shouldn't be able to for the area I'm in - trying to beat "unbeatable" encounters in the story (assuming not locked completely to a fail script).

    Plus sometimes it's just a way for me to chill out and relax, turn my brain off and/or listen to music/talk to people irl.

  5.  because I know it is the only way to get(for me anyway) pussy is to pay for pussy.

    I get what you mean but do you really want to pay for something that will suck (figuratively)?

    How old are you by the way, if you don't mind my asking?

    what do you mean? How else am I suppose to get it besides this option?

    Almost 23. Never kissed a girl I'll add as well.

    There was someone near me charging 400 a fucking hour. That is laughable for something that will last 4 seconds for me.

    Imo I still think you're still a pup, in a bit too much a rush. But then again everyone is different and have different standards. I personally think you still have plenty of time to have a chance at it the "traditional" way. Unlike what anime teaches us, you're not dead after 20 :makina: You might think you know your own future - but you don't. Only if you're stubborn about sticking to your current life path. And even then - life likes to throw curveballs and throw you completely off the track.


    That being said, I think it would be a shitty experience to be with someone that you had to pay - to them, it's just a job - to you, it's cynical self-depreciation. I suspect any of the sexual pleasure would be drowned out by the whole situation.


    Eitherway, Don't really have a right to say much I guess, having lost my virginity almost 20 years ago, to someone I loved. But the insight I can offer you, because of my experience - is that if you manage to end up with someone you care about, and cares about you - that first time is incredible, regardless how bad you both are at it. You don't want some experience with a escort hanging in the back of your mind, during something like that.


    And really, if it's just a case of being horned up on hormones - get a fleshlight or something, along with lube with a warming effect, it's obviously not the same, but it's alot safer then a escort.

  6. Welp, first playthrough done.  Worth the money, i'd say so.  It's not the best game but it's still good.  I'm going to go back and get the rest of my achievements so I'll probably hit like 80-100 hours on it at some point.  I'm more excited for symphonia if anything at this point.

    how long did it take you to finish your first playthrough? 

    around 40 hours but I meticulously did everything and found all the collectibles I could possibly get on a first run.

    What difficulty did you play at? I'm currently on intense, but trying to figure out how many fights it takes to unlock nightmare (or whatever it was called).

  7. It's a pain in the ass if your not in shape, unless you let your partner do all the work :P I remember having to get into a serious exercise routine just to feel like I was in good enough shape to not burn out halfway through, lol~

    Really it depends on what you want from it. There is physical pleasure - but for myself the emotional aspect is what really made it enjoyable - being with the person you care about, and them wanting to be with you. Personally I think it would be a pretty hollow experience if you pay someone you can't trust for it. Just get a high quality onahole/fleshlight if you want a rough idea of the overall sensation - don't risk being with a stranger.

    Depending on your age - I think you should just wait it out. If your still young(ish) and in your twenties, then you still have plenty of time for shit to work out. And if it goes beyond that - well, me being in my late 30s - I really don't miss having sex (been like, 10 years?). Hormones cool down after awhile and it just doesn't seem important anymore.

  8. My first Tales game since Snes's ToP. It's a bit complex for what I'm used to nowadays - I think I've played too many intuitive (aka "dumbed down") games in recent years, now my brain is suffering from it, lol...

    Don't mind it so far, but - a big turn off for me was noticing the subs are completely made up b.s., compared to the actual dialouge - switched it to dubbed so that I can at least hear the "reimagined" conversations, rather then just read them and feel like something is off~

    I don't normally nitpick about that kind of thing, but I mean the subs were waaay off compared to the conversations, at least the parts I watched up to. I know enough of the language to know at least what is and is NOT being said.

    EDIT: Made some decent progress and banked a few hours into it. Been a lot of fun, and the characters are likable - not really sure where the hate comes from for this game. Besides the sub/dubs issues, the only problem I have is the janky in-combat movement.

    Despite some flaws, a worthwhile game.

  9. "Shrug" It's worded in a style to establish it as objective instead of subjective - at least that is what it came across to me as a I read it.

    I smell butthurt :makina:

    Oh joy.

    lol, not really :sachi: - I disagree strongly with the review - but he's entitled to his opinion regardless. : P Or, am I not allowed to speak against it? Does OR somehow have a immunity to criticism here? :makina:

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