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Suzu Fanatic

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Posts posted by Suzu Fanatic

  1. Yeah, it's rape... regardless of how long it takes to mindbreak Chris. Not sure why you people keep trying to tie it to the real world, I'm actually more disturbed that people are taking this soo seriously. Guys it's the 2D world, it's a completely different reality from the one we are currently in. That is why Momoyo hasn't been charged with assualt, the US hasn't nuked Japan (again) out of fear of super people, and corporations rule the world (and everyone is happy with that).


    Personally, I find the real problem stems from the writers' mentality that thinks it's o.k. to portray it as harmless, by trying to nullify the gravity of the act. But that debate can lead into some really messy topics that I'm not really into hashing out. :makina:


    You argument doesn't hold, Takahiro is too bad of a writer to have thought out his story that well :Teeku:


  2. probably clannad because I love the vn so much and the anime changed so many important things without any reason, so I was really mad while watching it, the tomoyo part (the ova) was pretty good because it actually didnt change anything important.


    The lack of kissing in the anime actually really bothered me - as weird as that may seem.


    ìf it was an eroge... We all know where it's going and it would be flawless.  :rolleyes:

    you sir are getting a like, the moment my likes recharge :P


    The anime about the moon people that disguised itself as the non existent Tsukihime anime.


    What Tsukihime anime? blank stare (eXaCtLy)

  3. Someone says no, you stop. End of discussion.


    And you and I must have different versions, she was clearly unwilling when he penetrated her. Furthermore, his mindset and plan of "I will force her to stay, by any means" by itself is selfish, and manipulative. And finally, "if you just remove that starting part" ...yeah, just like how "it's not murder if the victim survives" huh? Sorry to break it to you, but no matter how people view the scene, she was tied up and fondled even before she was awake. I know it's a inconvenient truth, but that's what the author wrote~


    She would have kicked his ass if she hadn't been tied up - you can try and argue she could undo the bindings because she's a "martial artist", but do you think she had much training in being tied up? Consider the fact she relies on speed over strength. Also, there are many ways to incapacitate a skilled and powerful individual if they have no leverage.


    And regardless of the method, the intent is what is at fault. Sex between two consenting people is one thing - but the moment one willingly exerts their will over another - even if it's "just at the start" - it tramples on the will of the other. Even if the offender thinks they know what the other really wants, it's not the offenders place to make that decision.


    The end does not justify the means.

  4. I haven't played the Toradora visual novel yet, but if we take anime's character into consideration, then Taiga is my most favorite of all time. She's being a loli is a bonus too :wub:  


    Ah a VN one huh? Hmmm, I'll agree with ya and say Mitcher. :D


    Ah, a fellow believer~  :illya:  Henceforth a new order shall be formed:



    (been waiting ages to use that screencap : P)

  5. Just watched the first episode of Kakumeiki Valvrave. Can't decide to drop or give it more of a chance. Felt really "busy" for a single episode, kinda concerned it doesn't know what to do with itself.


    Thoughts? Is it any good?


    EDIT: Re-watched the first episode, when I actually had time to focus on it and not a million other things. I take back what I said earlier, it actually has a pretty good start. :)

  6. Finished all I want to do in Snow Sakura. (read Saki's and Misaki's routes)


    For how much is written, there sure is a whole lot of nothing going on most of the time~ :shrug: Probably doesn't help I dislike the TL style.


    Wouldn't call the stories/themes "bad" or anything, but definitely forgettable.

  7. From a completely neutral perspective, I'd like to point out that we have to remember just how many disasters have struck Japan in recent years. And since it's an island country, they don't exactly have a lot of wiggle room.


    The Fukashima reactors are still a huge technical and financial nightmare they have to contend with - right in their backyard. As well as such events as the massive floodings.


    Don't get me wrong, It's rather drastic and heavy-handed, but I can guess at what they are aiming for. They don't exactly have the luxury of time and money.



    ...That having been said - Crazy Abe sure likes to do controversial things. :makina:

  8. This won't turn into another of those VN's with heroine paths that ends up being a complete waste of time will it?`Little busters, Rewrite and to a lesser degree, G-Senjou made me pretty damn irritated when the final routes just threw away everything. What was the point of even doing those routes? I really enjoy reading this VN thus far, but it's giving off some weird vibes. Star obsessed mysterious girl, she saying she wants to rid you of your nightmares, Ludicrous restaurant with a star themed menu, a heroine with a star accessory in her hair. If this ends with everything being a dream  or it being a fake place and nothing really happened apart from Mare, i wouldn't be surprised.


    I much prefer when each heroine was a perfectly viable end even if it wasn't the "correct" end.


    Understandable concern - I esp. agree about Little Busters. But you don't have to worry about it - every girl has a clear and distinct future, and the "true route" has no affect on them - rather then "true route", I'd simply call it the "unlocked route". After that, it's up to you to decide which is the actual true end.

  9. So making a bit more progress in Snow Sakura...but I'm wondering if I should quit before I lose braincells...I just came across a Jar Jar Binks reference the translator decided to throw in randomly... -_- But, it's not the first (now ancient) pop-culture reference I've seen while reading this, so I guess I'll live.


    Guess I'll just have to man up and hope for the best. :amane:

  10. Ok, then it's definitely no point waiting. But i've already decided to finish this VN now!


    Ohh, and i asked before. Is the options and such untranslated? It's only the main menu and in game text that's in English here, and all options are in Japanese.


    Make sure you have everything from this page d/l'd and installed correctly (if you haven't already) - you might have a out-of-date TL.




    Official game bugfix (by Favorite)

    Complete English Patch 1.0

    English patch update 1.2


    1. Install official game bugfix

    2. Install Complete English Patch 1.0

    3. Install English patch update 1.2

  11. Ok, thanks for the clarification. I don't know anything about Mare, but as for what i see in the start, it's the person the main character is looking for so i guess i didn't want anything anticlimactic when i know the continuation is being translated atm. True route unlocking after the rest of the heroines in the end is nothing new to the genre.


    I managed to spoil something though. Typical search where the first thing you see is a major spoiler. It was pretty disgusting though, mare raping the MC. Can't say i like the girl after reading that, but we'll see where the VN heads


    lol, don't worry, that spoiler is a lie.


    My best advice? Try not to be swayed by preconceptions, based on the words of others.

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