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Suzu Fanatic

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Posts posted by Suzu Fanatic

  1. Finished Charlotte.


    Had some interesting ideas, and was mostly enjoyable to watch. But in the end it was underwhelming.


    Making him remember something from a different timeline was a pretty forced way to get the ball rolling for the last half, and you can tell the show suffered for it. Though, I am glad they killed off his ability to travel back in time when they did, that shit gets old, ya know? And it's a cop-out that's been used too often in other series by Key.


    Not sure if the story should have been told over 24 episodes instead of 13 - or if the flaw lies in the writing itself, but something was definitely holding the show back from being something amazing.


    Would gladly read it if they turned it into a proper VN though~ :sachi:


    guess I'll give it a 7/10?

  2. Yumina? you mean this VN? https://vndb.org/v1155 If so, is it good?


    It's not amazing, but it's still worth going through - and the gameplay will definitely keep you busy. I can think of a lot worse titles out there.


    But Rewrite is one of the very few VNs to be actually funny, unlike Little Busters or Clannad (to quote other Key titles) that are full of boring tropes and previsible situations. Romeo's humor is awesome, it's absurd and clever at the same time. It's obvious from the start, mostly by reading Kotarou's lines, that it wasn't written the same way as a standard Key VN and it's a good thing.


    Bleh, many people say that - but I just didn't see it. I found it to be as unfunny as it could possibly get. I found its humor stupid at best, obnoxious at worst. (With a some exceptions, of course - there was still a handful of funny parts)


    I actually liked Little Busters humor compared to it. Different strokes for for different folks and all that~

  3. I just found out about the announcement and I was ready to orgasm all over the place. Then I read some people (not you guys but you guys reaffirmed it) saying that its going to suck because of 8-bit. I haven't seen Grisaia, because I haven't read Grisaia yet, but are they legitimately that bad? Is it as bad as Tsukihime?


    There is no Tsukihime anime. (long, hard stare)

  4. the write for almost all the plot is a really good one (tanaka romero) but this clearly is not his best work...it almost seems childish,

    the akane's ending is the best proof, she killed the entire population of the earth literally and yet her punishment was to live the rest of her life with the love of his life and dont tell me she was secluded from the society because that fake town was nothing and everyone knowing what she did and still doing nothing seems the most stupid thing.

    The whole Apocalypse thing was like a child version of swan song lol

  5. Agreed, I could clearly tell the difference between each section by the style and pacing. Was slightly jarring~


    For instance, some people will hate me for this - but I disliked Kotori's story (felt like it was trying too hard), but loved Akane's. Not sure who wrote what - never paid much attention to that stuff, but I could see a clear distinction.

  6. The time loop was really stupid and made absolutely no sense, but i didn't mind as long as the ending was happy. I had only just finished Rewrite and Eden* so you can say there was a gaping hole in my soul at then, and damn does it feel good to have a happy ending after reading such VN's.


    True enough, I had just finished the Muvluv series prior to Little Busters, so I can def. empathize with you.

  7. Riki tried saving them the first time, but he failed and ended up at the hospital, then time looped back before his birth seemingly with the strength kyouske had helped him obtain so that he could grow up without that mental trauma that made him faint when emotionally shaken.

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