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Suzu Fanatic

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Posts posted by Suzu Fanatic

  1. Suzu (who would've thunk?), from Ayakashibito, the mix of maturity, immaturity, compassion (for the mc, anyway, heh), and her protective nature all really stand out strong to me. That, and she's too cute to ignore. :)


    Favorite route...that's a tough one...


    Think I'll cheat and just list the three that are most memorable, or had the largest impact on me:


    Touko - Ayakashibito. Drew out the most emotion from me, and went in a fairly unique direction.

    Heavens Feel - Fate/Stay Night. Can't explain without starting a huge debate on ethics and values, lol...

    Sora - Yosuga no Sora. While romanticized, still one of the most serious portrayals of brother/sister incest - Dramatic and thought provoking, gives you a chance to "think outside the box".

  2. I would agree with you, but Kosame wasn't interested in a triangle, so it would be behind your back. That's the reason i didn't like that end.. Well, in addition to her allowing Kosame to be intimate with her in public and not you, and just tease you with "jelly?"  I just found it annoying. She's your girlfriend after all.


    Da capo 1 has a different style than 2? If not shouldn't i just start from the beginning?

  3. Or maybe unless you legitimately believe that 100% of the community cares about Grisaia enough to follow its news in the first place?



    Again, the Denpasoft and SP Twitters both appeal to different audiences. There are also many people who follow Denpasoft but don't follow SP. That is just how the market is divided. Believe it or not, there are a lot of people who are strict anti-lewd or are simply too ashamed to have obscene photos showing up on their TL. It is that surprising that not 100% of the visual novel fanbase resides in the 18+ eroge fanbase?


    People follow the SP Twitter because they care about the SP side of things - you'd only follow Denpasoft if you only wanted to know about the 18+ titles. Since there are only, what, two 18+ titles released so far in comparison to the plethora of all-ages titles, that follower discrepancy does not seem all that strange nor relevant to me.


    You need to keep the general demographic in mind. It's just neither appropriate nor tasteful for an all-ages company to refer to an 18+ company just because it'd be convenient for you. Be reminded that eroge IS pornographic material. You may be desensitized to this kind of stuff because you've been exposed to it for so long, but it is a sensitive subject for many. You don't see Crunchyroll posting about hentai just because some of their employees work at the Fakku office.

  4. @Astro

    I don't see what's so "shaky" about those preconceptions - I've been under the same impression ever since reading through posts over at SP's forum (back around Christmas, when tongues were looser then maybe SP would have liked, in hindsight.).


    For reference, the Fuwanovel forums had an average of 17,300 pageviews a day in August last month
  5. I'm in agreement with you on this, but I'd go even further and say the show went downhill before season 2. It went downhill after the first half of season 1 and that is because Asuna was no longer a strong female major character and was just a dependent woman. I think a lot of people were still riding on the high that was the first half of season 1 if they think the whole series was exceptional, for that first part was quite refreshing and well executed.

  6. That's what they use to make these games.

    If Sakura Clicker assets are any example, it pretty much confirms that, tbh. (they're designed like those dress-up flash games the float around the net, where you can swap in clothes/parts/hair etc.)

    It's pretty much a recipe for a endless source of short vns. The only expense that they might have to pay for in future creations are the unique CGs.


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