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Suzu Fanatic

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Posts posted by Suzu Fanatic

  1. Won't lie, it's taking all my willpower to read this thing - I so badly want to punch Yuuki in the face. (partway through Satsukis route)

    I mean...graaaaghh...I don't have much patience for characters like him, it seems lol.... :makina: Satsuki is a cutie though~


    EDIT: Finished Satsuki's story.


    Overall not bad - though I honestly don't get what she saw in Yuuki

    :P. Her stepping down from the elections was kind of a let-down though, somehow it felt like a cheap win. My heart went out to Chisato, but she hadn't made enough of a honest effort - and was too late. Can't help but wonder about the crumpled up note: "I'll help with the elections, but-" but what? "but I will never forgive you"? "I will not give up"?

    But like I said - not bad arc, even if underwhelming. The bond of the sisters was heartwarming.

  2. Alright, looks like my opinion of Chisato has improved a great deal. I still find her to be a bit of a bitch at times, but I have alot more respect for her.


    Before, when she would get stupid-jealous at every little thing, It felt uncalled for - becuase it's not like she was being the worlds nicest person to Yuuki anyway - but when she finally made her intentions clear during that bath scene, I have nothing but respect for her. Regardless of any emotional/mental bagage she might be carrying (not much further atm), she at least made her stance clear on how she felt about him .


    Now, it's Yuuki I think is a little shit (well ok, not much has changed - he's spineless, emotionally dense, and not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to practical thinking.) I mean, telling Chisato he didn't want her to go to the president's place at night, yet has no problem wanting to take Isara home alone? Fucking hypocrite.


    Ah well, /rant off :P



    Liking it so far, it's engaging - even if frustrating.

  3. Personally I'd "like" to get Root Double, but I'm getting a bit tired with the whole pre-purchase process Sekai is angling at. I'm already waiting for about 6 other titles to come to life that I have backed as it is. Esp. when you consider the technical conundrum that they "could" just take the money and run - it would be business suicide, sure - but crowdfunding currently does not count as legally-binding purchases, but rather donations, at the core.


    Not really inclined to throw any more of money into the void until I see some concrete results (on new titles, rather then re-sold fan TLs with some polish, and short indie titles)

  4.  Though it doesn't help that I don't like the protags' limp-wristed personality either. Sigh, gonna be a tough read I think~

    The protagonist was somewhat lost on me, until he started to trashtalk other people's cooking skills. As someone who likes to both cook and express contempt, I suddenly had a connection to this character. 

    I think even a doormat puts up more of a fight then he does, lol. But that aside, I'm taking a dark pleasure in choosing every option that runs counter to what Chisato probably wants me to say/do. Seeing how her route is forced, I can at least enjoy the minor acts of spite. :makina:

  5. I am... really not liking Chisato right now. I suppose it's a good thing I'll be getting her route over and done with sooner rather than later. 

    Agreed, finally loaded this up and going through it - she's becoming pretty obnoxious, even in the first hour of reading.


    Though it doesn't help that I don't like the protags' limp-wristed personality either. Sigh, gonna be a tough read I think~

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