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Suzu Fanatic

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Posts posted by Suzu Fanatic

  1. Most famous one I can think of is Illyas' route (F/SN) getting scrapped due to various constraints - time, budget, and too similar to what he (Nasu) wanted to do with Sakura's route. They ended up cannibilizing most of her story ideas into Heavens Feel and UBW.

    A rough explaination of it anyway, as I understood the circumstances. I've also read unconfirmed rumors TM was hesitant about including a loli heroine - but considering Len in Kagetsu Tohya, dunno if I put much stock in that.

  2. 22 hours ago, Clephas said:

    To be honest, your request is one of the few I honestly couldn't think of on the spot.  VNs without romance don't tend to be very light-hearted (mostly the reverse).  If it were just light-hearted, there are hundreds I could name... but no romance? 

    Romance isn't a focus on Namima no Kuni no Faust, but that VN is pretty heavy and dark...  I really am sorry, I scanned my list of VNs and I honestly couldn't come up with one that would satisfy you.

    Yeah, I decided to opt for "low on romance" instead of "none" - otherwise it would be slim pickings. gave him Denegki for now, see what he thinks~ I figure if he gets enough laughs out of whatever he reads, it'll count as a success.

  3. 22 minutes ago, TexasDice said:

    Ayakashibito, more like HalfofthisVNisflashbacksibito. 

    This is ... fun. A lot of fun. A whole lot even. I have reached the drinking party and would consider myself hooked at this point.


    Spoiler-free thoughts:

    - The script started to pick up the pace between entering the city and reaching the mansion. It wasn't too fast to annoy me, but enough to bother me a little. 

    - I am immersed in the plot and the setting, but I won't ever get used to... whatever this is

    - Suzu is pretty amazing. In fact, she's almost too fleshed out as far as heroines are concerned. I'm kind of questioning whether or not the others will get enough screentime to make me like them.

    - The soundtrack has something great for every situation. I like it. 


    Oh folks, looks like it's time for


    Here's how it works: I'll write down something I believe will happen and if I turn out to be right, I get eternal bragging rights. And if I'm wrong, I can just edit this part later.

      Reveal hidden contents

    Touko and her brother are the same person/ two souls in one body / something around those lines.

    I predict that, because Touko knew the details of the hallway fight, even though the only two people who should know about it were unconcious. The siblings were also never seen in the same room (so far) and mr. student council president didn't want to talk about his superpower during the introduction.


    Considered the route order yet? Or are you playing this "in the dark"? (Without knowing who the routes are, etc) One thing I'll say, is don't be afraid of bad ends in this one - some of them are pretty well done (though tragic).


    Here's how it works: I'll write down something I believe will happen and if I turn out to be right, I get eternal bragging rights. 

    And if I'm wrong, I can just edit this part later.

    Captured, no backing out now :P Though, that's one of my favorite parts to a VN like this - guessing how things will unfold.


    I look forward to you getting further in, and your thoughts. Think I'm going to dust off my copy and read through it again as well, actually. :sachi:

  4. This second installment feels pretty watered down in content - from game mechanics and progression (equipment, skill choices, etc) - to events and CGs with various generics you could hire. So far it's focusing pretty hard on the named characters only~


    Not my preferred style of VN to begin with, but still a little dissapointing compared to the first - but maybe I'm judging it a bit too harshly, too early? (currently I just reached the flames of Valor floorset)

  5. I recently found out an old buddy of mine had a pretty tragic christmas, and during our conversation he asked me to reccomend something lighthearted/funny. I can think of a few, but they all have their share of drama and/or romance attached to them - and I suspect that would not do him any favors.


    Generally speaking, VNs are pretty romance-focused - but there's gotta be a few out there that know how to keep it to the friend zone? I was almost thinking of maybe Rance or something - but it's a bit too rapey for his tastes.


    Thanks for any suggestions - i'm the one that first got him into VNs (used to lend him a usb stick with my favorite VNs when we worked together, heh), but having a tough time thinking of anything right now. :huh:

  6. 1 hour ago, CeruleanGamer said:

    Pics or it didnt happen Rooke! :illya: 

    It's all the space hamster - he just doesn't realize how popular Boo makes him~

    10 minutes ago, Black Sands Entertainment said:

    we will have some Novella entries in roughly 2 weeks as we begin our web series of the prologue

    Look forward to it! I haven't had a chance to look into your work yet, but basing on the art alone, I'm interested. :)

  7. 2 minutes ago, KuroganeHomura said:

    There's probably a fair number of people that mainly or only buy nukiges. Not to mention being able to download H anime means very little if you prefer nukige over H anime. Plus, they don't necessarily actually vote for the VN they liked the most, rather than the VN the kind of which they want to see more licensed of. Meaning if someone, say, likes loli nukige, they might very well vote for that, even if they enjoyed a particular story VN more, simply because they can expect MG to license more of the latter in the future anyway.

    Lies, that's alluding to the idea some people actually like the writing in those possible titles - and that I cannot believe. :makina:  Nobody goes into that genre to "read" it. The only possible allure I can imagine is the voiceacting that goes with it - otherwise, you can typically find all CGs for most nukiges anywhere on the net - sancom, sad panda, the booru's - you name it.


    simply because they can expect MG to license more of the latter in the future anyway.

    hahahaha....  No. 2015 was really the 1st year MG really tried to step outside its comfort zone (besides higurashi). If those story-rich titles do poorly, they'll huddle back into their safe territory.

  8. Problem with these polls, is they are pretty much the equivalent to Steam Greenlight - people are gonna vote for shit that nobody actually wants, and instead just vote for ironic stuff. I mean, did you see the amount of garbage that ranked high on the "top 2015" list? Subjective tastes aside, Nukige shouldn't ever rank that high, in a age where you can find hentai pretty much anywhere you want on the net for free.

  9. 3 hours ago, TexasDice said:

    Well, there go my plans of shoving something long in front of Ayakashibito.

    I personally had my doubts ever since this title was stuck on MangaGamers "Coming Soon"-section for what, 6 months? That's an indicator for time pressure if I've ever seen one.

    *Exaggerated gasp* (re Ayakashibito) :P

    Shame about Noby, I wanted it to be something good - considering how hard it was being promoted. But, it sadly fits the norm of most Oelvns....

  10. 7 minutes ago, LightBladeNova said:

    If Regista is actually more of the problem here, then all SP has to do is show them that everyone - here, on the VN reddit, and on the Vita reddit - is not liking this crap. Will that work...? Please...

    Heh, If things are the way they are - I'm sure SP has already went through talks as best they could - unless SP is simply bad a talking/negotiating with devs in general....(though there's of course the chance Regista is one of the remaining devs that have a xenophobic attitude).


    Take Libra for example - Xero was all about getting involved with MikandI and getting involved with the consumers (I haven't paid much attention, but have we heard even a peep of involvement from Regista? Not to say I expect that from every project - hell, Xero and Mikandi are really the only example of such a strong showing, besides perhaps Muvluv.


    Bottom line is, it really depends on how much Regista cares if it sells/succeeds - they might not really care about overseas market, but are simply trying as a "why not?".

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