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Posts posted by Ariurotl

  1. I've only ever replayed two VNs: Crescendo (numerous times, mostly just Yuka's route, sometimes also Kaori) and Canvas 2 (read it twice, Mami and Tomoko ftw), and that was years ago. Sure, there are better VNs out there, but they're usually too long to re-read, and these days I can't even keep up with the stuff I already own but still haven't read.

  2. Yeah, you can pretty much list every tsundere here, at least all classic ones. But just for the heck of it, my favorite is Tomoko from Canvas2. She starts off as a bit of a modern tsundere (although her behavior MAKES SENSE in context, which is not exactly all that common) but ends up full deredere eventually.

  3. 1 minute ago, Darklord Rooke said:

    If you’re in Russia, then you’d be interested in Trump’s seeming happy relationship with Putin. This could mean the lifting of sanctions, which is starting to fray in Europe anyway, resulting in a stronger Russian economy.

    Yeah, this fucking coin has two sides. But as much as it goes against all my principles, at this point I'd take better economy in the shadow of those two dipshits over penniless freedom. And it's sad.

  4. Male: Yuuji from Grisaia, Tomoya from Clannad, Kyousuke from ef.

    Female: Elis from Canvas2, Nemu from DC1, Miyako from ef.

    That's just off the top of my head.

    P.S. Nevermind, I can't read. Those are just characters I generally hate. I'll leave them here for posterity and as a warning re: reading comprehension.

    P.P.S. It's not even in the VN discussion section, so meh. I'm gonna clean the egg off my face and go get some sleep now.

  5. 9 hours ago, Soulless Watcher said:

    Saber is RIDICULOUSLY overrated.

    Ain't that the truth. Half the fun of Fate/Zero was in observing Urobutcher try to deal with this pile of black and white morality that he just doesn't do. In the end, half the time she's waaaaay over there dealing with a subplot, and the other half is spent on her being lectured by pretty much the entire cast taking turns.

  6. Very few free VNs out there. The only two that come to mind currently are Katawa Shoujo and Everlasting Summer, but neither of those is Japanese. The first one is OEL, the second is... ORL (and I haven't read it despite knowing both languages!)

  7. 1 hour ago, VLOCKUP said:

    So Overdrive is now on cooldown drive? I haven't heard much of it after Green Green remaster. And GGN but eh, I'm talking about new IP.

    Bamboo had been losing interest in the Western market for a while, I gather. And then Overdrive lost a lot of money on Bokuten in Japan (it was expensive to make and it bombed), and he basically decided to take a step back from big expensive projects. Remastering Green Green is supposed to be a much less costly endeavor, and I assume GGN 2016 is not exactly a blockbuster either. That's what I heard, anyway. Take it with a pinch of salt, cause I'm no insider (can't even read Japanese).

    I miss livestreams with him though. Those were fun. :wahaha:

  8. 1 hour ago, yorikbad said:

    The major change has happened after the ridiculous success of Go! Go! Nippon! ~My First Trip to Japan~ in early 2014.

    I disagree. While it did cause MG to pay more attention to Steam, I don't see any evidence of that fact influencing their choice of localizations. It did cause the estimable Bamboo to wake up from his poor-sales-induced slumber and pay attention to the West a bit more over the following few months (before he apparently cooled down again), but that was it. MG still license cheap nukige, various moege and story-focused stuff. Some of it gets on Steam, some of it doesn't, but the core ratio is largely the same.

  9. MG's output has always maintained a fairly consistent ratio of nukige v. non-nukige, I don't know where people get the idea that they changed their focus one way or another at any point. There was one big con a few years ago where they announced nothing but nukige and got a lot of flak for it, but it was just an unfortunate coincidence (and admittedly, a shockingly bad PR decision).

  10. 8 minutes ago, ChaosRaven said:

    The only positive thing is that Navel seem to have an interest in the Western market again. Although they seem to prefer to go independent now, which is fine by me, but helloooooo we have 2016 and not 2004 anymore, could we maybe raise our mindset beyond Shuffle for a change?! Is it too much to ask for an Oretsuba or Tsuriotsu?! I mean, even Oretsuba is already about 10 years old, so maybe just maybe it would be about time for that instead of Shuffle release 1245, which isn't even the final and definite edition? <_<

    It's probably best to wait and see how this retranslation pans out before thinking of any other Navel VNs. If they hired a shit translator a-la IMHHW, what chance does that person have of successfully navigating Oretsuba?

  11. 4 hours ago, Decay said:

    lol, people really hate Shuffle here, huh? Well, I think it's pretty crap, too. But it was one of MangaGamer's top performing non-nukiges for a while, and I've seen some fans of the anime as well. It's certainly not a VN I enjoyed much at all, but even then I think some people are being a wee bit hyperbolic here. Really its main crime is that it's just really freaking boring. It's not offensively bad or anything.

    I can't speak for the other guy but personally, I hate things using the following equation: Hate = Shittiness x Popularity. That's why I'll whine about Clannad and Shuffle for absolute ages, whereas some obvious third-rate schlock is relatively safe from my fearsome wrath.

  12. You know, in a dream world where Steam allows 18+, I'd actually buy it for the older blonde kitsune heroine. It's my kryptonite.

    And that is why I had been badgering MangaGamer about Toppara for ages, until it became apparent that they don't really work with Caramel Box anymore...

  13. 3 minutes ago, Dergonu said:

    Yeah, hopefully a ton of these comes in. But based on the sales of things like Nekopara, a lot of people might quite simply not know that this has a Japanese boob version

    Hell, I didn't know that it has a 18+ version when I picked all three at a discount. I mixed it up with something else, lol. I only realized that after I had encountered those conspicuous "there-should-be-ecchi-here"-shaped holes in the "story".

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