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Posts posted by Eclipsed

  1. To make up for abandoning my Elementary Japanese 2 class I'm pursuing another for-funzies-wishlist class of mine:

    Piano :Chocola:

    It's something I've always wanted to learn but never bothered for whatever reason.

    And I learned sooo much just in the first 2 hours today. Everything from proper posture & hand placement/techniques to all the technoterminolobabbles with the middle Cs and treble/bass clefs and how to read them music sheets staff time signature whole quarter half notes/rests etc etc 

    The first weeb piano thing i wanna eventually one day self study on the side once I start getting into the groove of things will be Rewrite's Journey theme :wafuu:


  2. TbilxfF.jpg (960×544)


    Jeezis Kristo, Root Letter's "Cursed Letter" ending was sooo dark and out of place. You can't just have a Modern Day Japanese Town setting for 90% of the VN and then just because you make Takayuki be a narcissistic ass to his penpal Aya have the last 10% blitz you with all this horrific supernatural Corpse Party shit :notlikemiya::
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    ^Ya the dude literally got crow'ed.

    These ends so far are at the very far corners of the spectrum; Bond of Marriage being the epitome of bliss and happiness, Cursed Letter being the ultimate fk all the characters...

    Overall these routes seem to be very standalone-in-their-own-separate-universe kind of deal so I'm guessing there won't be any fancy pancy grand revelation route tying all of the little various facts you learn in each of them together or anything. A shame. Btw I would've loved to play Root Letter from start to finish with the same tone it had for the last 10 minutes of Cursed Letter, it was a decent horror flick.

  3. YaygnD6Rxu.jpg (960×544)

    Root Letter's ends are apparently all based on what replies you choose in your little P.S. statements to Aya after every letter, so thankfully after you get your first nasty unsatisfying abrupt ending which unlocks all the other ends the VN grants you a Skip-to-next-chapter function you can use so you can burn through the letters quickly

    It's always funny how, for the sake of have branching plotlines, your decisions in these VNs can have such drastic effects; it's like whoop-dee-doo to avoid running into that sucky first ending and instead get the best ending with all the happy feels and loose ends tied up all nicely n' postivitutely all you had to do is blatantly mention that you have a thing for Aya and so by power of love EVERYTHING will work out just fine between everybody 15 years later :heart:

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    P.S. I totally didn't choose "P.S. Please tell me your measurements" reply during my first playthrough (yes they have that option) :notlikemiya:

    Everything worked out so nicely in this end actually that I'm hesitant to pursue the "Cursed Letter" and "Government Plot" ends.... I like to end my VNs on a high note :<

  4. 13 hours ago, Kenshin_sama said:

    So yeah, I just got an invitation letter to join Phi Theta Kappa, which I'm both excited and anxious to join. I see it as a good opportunity for growth, but I'm not sure how big of a step that's gonna be for me and how well I'll be able to cope with it. I have made up my mind and I will definitely take advantage of that opportunity, but I'm still nervous as hell.

    Aha, gz bruddah :D

    PTK's what you make of it. Now cough up da dough, get your made in china PTK badge, attend your induction ceremony, participate in weekly meetings and volunteer events, build your network, keep an eye out for scholarships, and lastly aim for a leadership position sometime.

    I probably did at least 3 of the above so far. I think.

  5. I contributed to the Vita count, if the specific numbers ever get released ^_^. Though I'll feel bad for anyone who bought launch price, this VN's definitely not worth that much.

    I'd be surprised if PS4 outsold Vita disregarding Vita's western deadness because who the fk actually wants to play VNs on TV, it's either Tablet or handheld for me. But if i reaaaally wanted Tv for some somes, i got my PSTV sitting in da closet

  6. I'm *probably* gonna bail from my Elementary JP 2 class, none of my peeps from my 1st class decided to move on, and this main sensei is the upper middle aged stern strict lostthepassionyearsago type, the class I'm in is full of elitist try hards who eagerly raise their hands like dogs upon every beckoning whenever we're going over worksheets because participation is a whopping 30% of the grade (ie. vs the final's 12.5% wtff), and I'm already at 18 units + part time working newlypromotedtosupervisorhihi, and frankly my passion for learning da weebs is just not there anymore :<

  7. Got my first Root Letter ending.

    Took about 6 hours. Root Letter's an aight experience so far, you basically play as nameable 32ish years old protagonist Takayuki from Tokyo who comes to Matsue to look for his long lost penpal Aya Fumino whom he exchanged a total of 10 letters with during their high school years 15 years ago. Reason being he's a sentimental douchebag, jk he finds an extra undated letter of hers that he apparently didn't read for all these years and in it Aya confesses she 'killed someone' so she's cutting off contact.QA738YT.jpg (960×544)
    Yo dw, I just finally read this letter of yours 15 years later, but I like murder mysteries, sign me up!!

    The exploration aspect plays like the Kara no Shoujo & it's investigation segments- you have free roam to visit locations on the map and can examine/probe the background CGs for extra information. There's no automatic progression in the narrative- you have to actively choose all the time where to go and what to do next; it's a bit of a chore but thankfully the game's pretty linear and handholds you on where to go via Takayuki's self monologues. Everything is also pure business in this VN; there is very sparse to no idle banter or slice of lifey scenes outside of the occasional witty remark you can make; anything you do, everywhere you go, everyone you talk to is all in your pursuit of Aya.
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    Why dis place soo big!?!! Me don't know where to go next :(( 

    And so the hunt & stalking begins, Takayuki books a night or two (turns out his hunt will last an entire week by endgame) at the local Matsue Inn and then heads over to Aya's address. Cue the mystery time, the Fumino residence is vacant, has been vacant, and the neighbors say that Aya died 25 years ago. Wait, what? Weren't my letters from 15 years ago? Who the fk is the Aya I've been communicating with then?! This is some mistake, she MUST EXIST, RIGHT??? RIIIIGHT???!!!@!11

    And so you spend the next 5 hours spending each Chapter of the game going on a wild goosechase to find out more about Aya by re-reading one of her letters and trying to locate her Snow White 7 Dwarves friends- Shorty, Fatty, Snappy, Four-Eyes, Monkey, Bestie, and Bitch (yesyoureadthatright):
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    Oh! Oh! I know someone who wore magatama pendants, let's go find that person and interrogate them!!!@#

    Problem is, it becomes readily apparent that some dark, deep shit must have happened between this group of friends 15 years ago, because they all actively feign ignorance to the existence of Aya and adamantly deny their past high school aliases so it's up to you to explore the city and gather clues and information to eventually corner them and make them all fess up.

    The eventual boss dialogue encounters are reminiscent of Danganronpa's Class Trials; the characters will vehemently deny who they were while you slowly whittle down their defenses by presenting your evidence until you finally just hit them with a YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE, BETCH, NOW TELL ME ABOUT AYA!@#$. It's decently entertaining and pretty straightforward so you'll usually know what to say and what evidence to bring up:
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    Who is Aya? Is she alive? Does she even exist? What happened 15 years ago?

    The first ending concludes Takayuki and Aya's penpal relationship in the most abrupt and unsatisfying way ever, however the game hints that there are still many mysteries to be revealed:
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  8. Goddammit I jumped into Masamune-kun no Revenge w/o realizing that it's an ongoing current anime, aka I can't just marathon the whole damn thing now, fk me

    I like the romance premise. This isn't some guy-who-is-naturally-going-for-a-girl-true-love-at-first-sight-destined-for-each-other-Re;zero-style or a guy-forms-unlikely-alliance-with-girl-only-to-eventually-fall-in-love-tora-dora style, but rather a guy-who-is-planning-to-get-revenge-on-a-girl-for-rejecting-him-during-childhood-by-wooing-her-10yearslater-to-then-instabreak-up-with-her-but-plotwist-he-will-probably-fall-in-love-for-real-cue-drama so it's pretty interesting to see how this pairing will develop and their interactions so far are quite entertaining

  9. Picking up Root Letter on a random whim, which usually means I have a >99% chance of actually being able to finish it, btw it's apparently been ~four months now since I finished a VN, last one being Remember11 back in September last year, wtf time flies #toomanyPS4games&beingbusywithlifeingeneral

    Assuming I'm able to get back in the groove of things, I need to knock out unfinished business VNs Psychopass & I/O, then I'm thinking doing a Legendary like S;G0 or FataMorgana, then Flowers, then the other Legendary

    And then since it's been a year and a half since I've read a full fledged charamoege (Princess Evangile back in Apr '15), with all the DCIII hype I'm thinking that series will be my go-to to satiate them high skoo SoL needs-

    *Disappears, never to be seen again*

  10. The one thing I didn't take into consideration or even think about when opting to go for my Supervisor position

    Is how it will change all of my relationships and dynamics with my coworker peers

    I can lead when I have to, but for the most part I've always been a beta/follower, so I gotta watch out and make sure noone undermines my authority when the time comes, while also not being an overbearing iron fist micromanaging tyrant, glhf me. 

    I'll start running some stores solo without my AM hovering over me in the next couple of weeks, my main concern is how my 'buddy-buddy' type coworkers will react to me being in charge (I can just imagine going 'go ahead and count this' and them giving me flak with a 'NO YOU DO IT') and the 'old timers' who are like twice my age and 10x my tenure, I'm only a year and a half old here mang :notlikemiya:

  11. Finished SAO: Hollow Realization,

    Fking it's just 50 hours of Kirito n' Friends fillers and fanservices, actually more like 15 hours, and then 30 hours of 'gameplay' where you just do a bunch of mindless kill X and gather Y quests while making your way to clear them area bosses, rinse repeat, all for a paltry 5 hours of 'story' involving the new character Premiere

    But I had my fun. I'd take post-Aincrad SAO over other modern day friend based charamoeges anyday :badnicoman:
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    Meanwhile I've also been playing Atelier Rorona, it's a legit Run-your-own-successful-alchemy-shop simulator; unlike Atelier Ayesha where you have to explore the entire world in your search to find Nio, Rorona is solely focused on keeping her recently-forcedly-inherited-atelier-because-her-alchemy-sensei-is-uber-lazy alive via completing alchemy tasks given by the Kingdom every three months-ish for three years; failure to perform adequately = bye bye.

    I've had a few close calls where I have 30 days remaining for a deadline and it's like, "Pshhh I got this, that's plenty of time" but then BAM I have to spend 10 days travelling to hunt and gather ingredients, then another 5 days synthesizing other ingredients needed for the actual thing I need to make, then another 5 days to rest to restore MP to do more alchemies, then finally the last 10 days making the thing I need, cross fingers n' pray pray pray it's good enough. Pretty thrilling.

  12. 8 hours ago, Zenophilious said:

    Wait, why are you taking a drug test?  I only had to take one when I got an interview.  Does your job require you to take them annually or something?  If so, that's bullshit.

    promotion to supervisor

    we lost two 10+ year supervisors this year actually, cuz ya. so i guess they wanna crack down 

  13. Symphonic Rain offers very slow paced somber charage that gets somewhat interesting once you get into the Al Fine route with its character revelations

    Kara no Shoujo is all about Reiji appearing and sounding like a competent detective but ultimately the body count will just keep rising as he plays catchup, and banging Touko.

  14. SAO's Sinon is one of my favorite characters from the anime and so I was always interested in how they would develop her in the PS games, and boy was the end result very anti-climatic LOL

    The games' timeline is a bit different than the anime's; you actually have to go to the 100th floor, Leafa & Sinon exist during Aincrad arc, new awesome characters Strea, Philia, Seven are introduced..., Yuuki actually (spoilers!) 



    etc etc..

    Overall I like the game's universe better than the anime's in terms of 'Kirito & Friends' level of enjoyment which the anime sadly regressed to after the famous Aincrad arc.

    But anyways back to Sinon.

    Gun Gale Online doesn't exist / isn't relevant to the game's timeline, so Sinon never became the badass Hecate but they were still able to emphasize her natural marksman prowess by making her the only Bow user in Aincrad, similar to Kirito being the only Dual Wielder

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    Throughout the games Sinon was her always her usual calm, cool and collected self who was slowly but surely warming up to Kirito n' Friends, but her 1-on-1s with Kirito would always be alluding to her having a dark past haunting her

     Hollow Fragment (2014)


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    Every now and then Sinon would just be by herself, looking distressed and contemplating something deeply. It is only around the presence of nice guy Kirito that she is able to feel at peace and nod off like dis. How cute.


    Lost Song (2015)


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    Yo we're in the second game now and we're still beating around the bush?! SAO II came out in 2014, you tellin' me the gamers have to wait 2 years for the third game to come out to finally dive into Sinon's backstory?!@#

    Hollow Realization (2016)


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    ^Dat translation doe. But yeah, the truth finally comes out after three games, and unfortunately it wasn't from Sinon finally mustering up the courage to tell Kirito n' Friends, but instead from nice guy fkface Richter who we all know had that super creepy scene in SAO II:

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    But alas, after the truth is revealed all it takes for her to get over it is 3 minutes worth of exposition and dialogue where she just logs off for an unknown amount of time before Kirito n' Friends rally and do a quick pep talk and then everything is okay.
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    Naturally the anime SAO II had all the time it wanted to develop Sinon's background, her guilt, and her accepting her past and moving on;;; overall though I'm just surprised that, after two games of stalling this is how quickly they decide to wrap up Sinon's story >.>

    But hey, Yuuki lives in this universe, so that's all that matters 
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  15. So I went to take my pee drug test, and for the first time in DECADES i couldn't actually pee on the spot, note to self Don'tEverReleaseYourENTIRELoadWhenYouWakeUp, i mean i ate breakfast and guzzled a can of soda an hour before but still gg me, and so they made me sign papers that they'll hold me hostage, hand me a couple of cups of water and say 'u gots 3 hours or its an automatic refusal-to-test'

    I was able to go by the next hour but goddamn 


  16. On 2/24/2016 at 5:11 PM, Eclipsed said:

    Kaiser Permanente pharmacy inventory season is starting again, so we had orientation the other day.

    We had like 8 new people show up, I'm thinking only like 2 will actually become regulars since the shifts for Kaiser are inconvenient (late afternoons / evenings; most people in this job are available early mornings only).

    Anyways, I got my eye on my successor (I'm busy with skoo so I can only do Kaisers on weekends). 

    We'll call him J. Even my co-workers and Supervisors were like, "Yo Eclipsed, J will be your successor"


    Cuz he's the only other asian to have joined (and stick around) since me :makina:.

    Holy shi, J really is my successor, and has officially surpassed me now since he's being promoted to an Inventory Supervisor, awk

    They grow up so fast, i watched this guy start off as a deadweight counter, slow as fuh, then he joined our pharmacy inventory team, still slow as fuh, then 6 months later he slowly but surely started to rise and be on par with my count speed, prob faster since I'm washed up now >.> and now a year later he's da readies to supervise

    Though actually, I'm also going to be bumped up to that position, my Area Manager has been pushing for it over the past year now actually #cuzI'msogood but i was always like 'l0l nope i got skools srrz' but now that J is surpassing me I finally jumped the gun, gotta one up him ya kno. And dat base pay increase. And mileage. And opportunity to be like 'oh ya, i am/was a supervisor, i gots dem leadership skillz and whatnot'

    Since they know I'm a busy bee my AM assures me that I'll be more of a backup part time Supervisor for running them small random mall stores on the weekend or something(lies they're gonna super pressure me when they really need me and it's gonna be during midterms/finals week just watch), J's the one they'll groom into the next major full timer

    ...Which also means his promotional raise offered according to my intel is a whopping dollar more than me, fk i lost. 

  17. 4 hours ago, Funyarinpa said:

    Root Double, spoilers for a full route

      Reveal hidden contents

    So... just got the good ending for Route A. That was a bit more anticlimactic than expected though I see how they went for raising questions. 

    Some things I want to note down:

    1) There was a book titled Before Crime * After Days in the office where Watase finds books about BC. Fishy! Also their capitals (B-C-A-D) forms the chronological order of the routes, from what I've spoiled for myself (C connects two routes and D is like a true ending). 

    2) I'm sure something about repetition is going on here. I suspect it's related to Watase's amnesia, does he dream it all (Normal ending hinted at that, something about him being stuck reliving the LABO incident while comatose on a bed)  perhaps, or are people around him not letting him know that he lost his memory several times in a row? I mean, we have no info whatsoever about how Watase spent the time between 6:42 and him waking up at 9:10 or thereabouts, right? Or do I simply misremember the time deficiency?

    3) Kazami betraying Watase like that hurt, man. ;-;

    4) Isn't there a possibility that Jun was hunting the scientist guy down and not Watase?

    5) We don't know Ena's fate by the end of the route. 

    Anyways, I wouldn't put this route very high in terms of "surviving in enclosed spaces" VNs, there just weren't that many memorable moments about it. I did enjoy it regardless, enjoyed it greatly in fact. Something about it didn't really click with me the way these types of stories and settings usually do, but maybe Zero Time Dilemma just put me off about it. I'd give it about 7.5-8/10, I guess. I'm not miffed about other routes taking a different approach (SOL), because I feel that Route A was losing its hook a bit by the end. The whole "everyone is out to kill now" thing was both predictable and disillusioning, it just didn't feel scary. 


    The best thing about Root Double's A route is sandbagging choices just so you can completionist all the bad ends

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