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Everything posted by Niko

  1. You like loli? You'll fit right in. Enjoy FN..!
  2. Niko


    I love your avatar. Its kawaii, keep it kay? Enjoy Fuwa!
  3. I actually did like Slaine. Some people seem to dislike him though, lol. Anyways: I liked Aldnoah. Can't wait for season two.
  4. I've always wanted to visit Itaily ,__, Pizza yo.. Enjoy Fuwa!
  5. Am I the only one who thinks: Sora no Method has bad characters and got hella boring? Cept Noel though.
  6. Hi Max. I haven't seen Inuyasha, but is it worth watching? Enjoy!
  7. Episode 19 IMO was the best episode of the entire anime.
  8. Certainly is a honor to be here! Welcome aboard~ Post often!
  9. Ping Pong: The animation took a little time to get used to, but really great show. I'd say a 8/10 maybe? Anyone seen it?
  10. I've heard good things about the Fate Stay Night VN. Anyways, enjoy FN!
  11. You know.. *gulp* us humans having attractions towards anime characters? Have any? If so, who and why? Mine: Nico Yazawa: She is: N: Nice I: Irritable C: Cutie O: Oh... oh.. um awesome....?
  12. Niko


    Well, you won't be bored anymore! Have fun. Respect Nico. Resp.....ect Nico..
  13. The sixth episode was a trainwreck, though IMO good show. Though: Characters are weak.
  14. I hope you overcome these real life issues D: Anyways, enjoy Fuwa!
  15. Great introduction. It was great getting to know you! Enjoy Fuwa!
  16. Niko


    Oni Chi Chi isn't on doujin-moe. Though, its anime adaption is on h-moe.
  17. I... Love... Your... Avatar... Nico~ Welcome aboard!
  18. Niko


    I love your Sena avatar <3 Welcome aboard and stay often!
  19. Yo, what anime do you like? Heh, cya around!
  20. Welcome aboard! Wanna be pals Carron?
  21. You have Nico in your name? I think we can be friends! Welcome aboard!
  22. Dragon Ball Z. I believe I was 5 at the time possibly? Anyways, pretty cool stuff.
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