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Everything posted by Niko

  1. W-W aren't f-friends anymore you baka! Scum!
  2. You're right. Brandon is my worth. @MonMon: Funny thing is I consider myself a pun master as well. I do them daily, no lie xD
  3. Yeah, that's who I was thinking of.. Reminds me, my nickname is Steve..
  4. You will be if you spend an extended amount of time here.
  5. I love you. Miss Monochrome ftw!~ Derailing? I'm not.
  6. I've been playing "Blazblue CS Extend" on my Play Station Vita! Pretty damn fun.
  7. You killed me inside ,_,
  8. Hey, welcome to Fuwa Cofee! Enjoy, and join my harem sometime.
  9. Niko


    I agree with the PM, you are like talking to a brick wall. Carry on thread, sorry for the debate.
  10. Niko


    Okay, let's leave the ones on the street who have yet to rape or kidnap a kid so they can possibly do that in the future. Getting arrested by an undercover cop isn't stupid low, what's stupid low is a man or women trying to meet up with a small kid. I'm glad they get busted in the process. I would never let my kid hang with an adult who I feel will attempt something in the future.
  11. Niko


    Pedophiles are arrested all the time for things not involved with rape, so it isn't stupid low. Undercover cop operations, lol.
  12. Niko


    +1 internet point. @Demo: I'm just replying to him when he said its only bad when it involves rape. You can be arrested by an undercover cop for far less.
  13. Niko


    You realize you can be arrested for being a pedophile even if you don't rape them? I gotta ask, are you one?
  14. Niko


    It still makes you a pedophile and it'd be frowned upon and nobody would allow you next to their kid, lol.
  15. Niko


    Has an anime character actually lived a real life on our planet outside anime? Are you trolling because I can't seem to grasp your side at all. 2D is 2D. I wish they were real and I really do adore them, but lol.
  16. I'm watching Die Busters which is the sequel to Gun Busters. IMO its stronger than Gun Busters so far..!
  17. Niko


    How is it subjective?
  18. I love your avatar~ Welcome to Fuwanovel, have fun!
  19. Its fine, but besides the point: Your name makes me hungry.
  20. Yeah, I really do like her. Why, she's a hated character? That kinda shocks me because she comes off as a good character. Plus, she's cute.
  21. Am I the only one who REALLY likes Rail Wars? Its pretty much in my top five of the season two weeks in.
  22. Niko


    Honestly, I don't see how anyone could be attracted to a real life kid. What do they see in them? Who knows? Though, anime loli's IMO are fine because they are so god damn cute and not actually real.
  23. Easily a 8 or 9 right now. I adore how the anime presents itself and the overall plot.
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