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Everything posted by Niko

  1. Trust me, I will. Have anymore up your sleeve?
  2. I'd ask the above poster what happened to Niko Yazawa! (She was just next to me before I went to sleep!)
  3. Since you've finished it, is there any chance you know a legal streaming site that has the Gosick recap on it? That I have yet to see.
  4. I just recently started buying figurines actually. I own two as of right now: 1) Niko Yazawa from Love Live 2) Kuroneko from Oreimo That NGNL figurine seems really well made and worth the money you paid for it. Figurine collecting is surely not for everyone, but I plan to get more into it soon.
  5. I'm not much of a manga person anymore, but I am reading two: 1) AKB0049 2) Oomuro Ke (Yuru Yuri spinoff).
  6. I will NEVER look at Rin the same way again. Rofl, loving those lines.
  7. Haha, thanks for the welcome. May I borrow your pun? @ Life: Thanks for the welcome! Hope we can be friends!
  8. Oh man Nosebleed. I'll be getting a nosebleed when Niko Yazawa saids to me "Did you call for me, master?" Its like a dream come true for an anime fan who has a waifu like myself. This is going to be awesome.
  9. Just used google to look it up! < Characters look awesome, must read. Yes, we can be great friends now. Right? xD
  10. My friend on Xbox told me about this game really recently. Is it true you can click Niko multiple times and make her say the phrase "Nico Nico Ni~"? Even so, looks really amusing and fun. Anyone know how much a Smart Phone will cost me?
  11. Thanks for the welcome! Love your username!
  12. Gosick is actually in my top five! It was pretty well made and actually has a sequel novel if you're interested in the series titled "Gosick RED". Yuru Yuri is another great one. I'm watching fourteen things this season maybe? My favorites being: 1) Love Live 2) One Week Friends
  13. Thanks for the welcome! I appreciate it!
  14. Well, that is a relief! Cheating on Niko would easily be the greatest sin any one person can commit! Thanks, I appreciate it my fellow Niko fan.
  15. Yeah, memories can be painful. Poor girl from EF Memories wouldn't even remember her! D: Niko Yazawa spinoff series please~ Oooh. What site can I read them? You can private message me sometime on here or MaL. Whatever works for you! @ Nagisa. But.. But.. If you make me a lolicon I would have to cheat on Niko Yazawa. Isn't that bad? My Niko deserves better!
  16. Yeah, Nisekoi was extremely popular. For some reason, some people doubt they'll be a second season. My opinion? A second season will happen. I mean, there is plenty of material (even if people say it goes down the endless harem route).
  17. If you'll start with VNs, I recommend you read Clannad, even if you saw the anime. Hope to see you around more, and you have a potential for lolicon I see. hehe maybe you'll be one of us soon~~ Clannad? Sure, I'll think about that one first. I've seen the first seven episodes and really enjoyed it so far! Are you saying you'll make me a lolicon? Oh gawd! Haha, thanks for the welcome! Rabbit anime fan? @ Meogii: Thanks for the welcome! Hope we can be friends as well.
  18. Maki is another great character from the series~. Easily in my top four favorite (if not top two at the point). I agree, Niko may act cocky and all.. but she just wants the attention (she deserves).. Love Love "may" make my top five of all time. Not sure yet. Depends where it and how the season wraps up! @ Ceris: Thanks for the welcome man and thanks for showing me the site! Hope we talk on here as well (:
  19. I actually am quite excited for Sequel.. I mean Summer 2014. I have plenty of sequels to anime I've watched in the past which makes me pumped! Also, I am excited for several other non sequel anime.
  20. I started off my anime experience with "Dragon Ball Z". Back then it was easily in its peak of popularity, but still has a huge fanbase around the world. Though, nowadays it is much easier to see the shortcomings "Dragon Ball Z" offers.
  21. Hi fuwanovel! My name is Brandon and as you can see I'm a huge Niko Yazawa fan! I have a really great experience on forums (moderator on an official anime forum / ex moderator on Xat forums and I'm apart of many other more!). I'm 21 years old and have been watching anime for quite a while. My favorite three anime are: 1: Aria the Origination 2: Lucky Star 3: Monogatari Series 2nd Season My favorite three anime characters are: 1: Niko Yazawa (Love Live) 2: Shinobu Oshino (Monogatari Series) 3: Riruka Dokugamine (Bleach) I'll admit, I have yet to play visual novels, but I plan to (hence why I signed up). I was browsing the forum a few days before joining and noticed a member here had a Niko Yazawa avatar and was a fan of the NikoxMaki pairing so I decided to join up! Other interests include: Video Games, Football, WWE (barely now though). I'll be as active as possible and hope to make new friends here!
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