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Everything posted by HMN

  1. I've met a fellow Palestinian on the forums about...a year and a half ago, I think? He even turned out to live in the same city as me, surprisingly enough. Although we've only managed meet up just recently.
  2. We'll be reading this https://vndb.org/v933 So brace yourself.
  3. Teamspeak and Skype had a baby. And it was discord.
  4. He has a discord channel if you're interested in joining~
  5. Where have you been by the way? That's just unfortunate, isn't it?
  6. I'm highly disturbed with that shipping but putting it aside, I'm glad you're still alive, Cofee.
  7. I don't like Fridays that much, though~ Anyways, let me stay on topic here and welcome you to fuwa! even though we've already been talking to each other : P Hopefully you'll enjoy your time here~
  8. I have a good side? :3
  9. You've outdone yourselves this time boys....
  10. I think i remember you from the old FSG.. Anyways, welcome back to Fuwa again.
  11. Shouldn't you feel overjoyed? Anyhow, congrats on your 1k posts, micthy~
  12. Here's your prize~ Congrats on your 1000th post.
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