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  1. Like
    Rose reacted to Kaguya in FuwaApocalypse 2/26-2/27 Discussion Thread   
    Tay, I  swear to god, if the site goes down for a half a day again you're gonna have to let us be pink for eternity to make up for it
  2. Like
    Rose reacted to Tay in FuwaApocalypse 2/26-2/27 Discussion Thread   
    I give you my word I will do my very best to burn this place to the ground.

  3. Like
    Rose reacted to Jade in Fate/Grand Order   
    So....the first day of the event i spent like 7 tickets to get a bunch of CEs 
    Today i decides to try my luck again and spend 2 tickets that i have

    2 is officially my lucky number.
  4. Like
    Rose got a reaction from Valmore in Fate/Grand Order   

  5. Like
    Rose reacted to Kawasumi in I have a problem   
    well, if the first option work, why not try the second one?
  6. Like
    Rose reacted to Darklord Rooke in I have a problem   
    Oh? Well, maybe not more qualified but I seem to recall a certain admin who's studying medicine, and I'm positive he would love to help out with this problem. He's a tad busy, but let's see if he turns up.
    @Tay @Tay @Tay @Tay @Tay @Tay @Tay what would you recommend for this problem?  
  7. Like
    Rose reacted to Nosebleed in I have a problem   
    I know shitposting can be fun, but you've continuously posted random joke threads in the General Discussion board for a while now when they should clearly go into the Coliseum of Chatter board. Figured I'd mention it by now since I've had to move all of them. Next time, please post them in the correct board.
    Furthermore, most of these threads are really crude, clickbaity and based mostly around inside jokes no one really gets or wants to see.
    I know this is the coliseum of chatter but... could you use some common sense in the future?
    One thread is one thing but you've done this with every single thread you create.
    It is in the rules that excessive amounts of these may result in threads getting deleted. I'd like people to at least think before they post, even if just a little.
    I'm not going to do anything now but I figured I'd leave this message as a warning for future references.
  8. Like
    Rose reacted to Nosebleed in Lucy -The eternity she wished for- released!   
    Update: Game is now for sale for 10 USD: http://www.mvizlab.com
    A little over a year after their Kickstarter got funded, M-vizlab has announced that the Korean visual novel Lucy -The eternity she wished for- will be going live on Steam on February 26th.
    This game is a complete remake of the 2010 version with new graphics, more CGs, a new ending that was supposed to be in the original version and even full voice acting for Lucy's character in both Japanese and Korean.
    The creators had a thread on Fuwa while the Kickstarter was running, although they seem to have disappeard off the site since then.
    I'm making this thread to let people know this title exists because I've been hyped for it ever since I saw it back in 2015. My only concern is really with the translation quality, although since I don't know Korean I won't be able to tell if it's good or not, but what I really want to see is a narrative that flows nicely and has no grammar mistakes or typos. 
    I listened to their preview which has Korean and Japanese voice acting clips. Although I have no clue what the fuck the Korean version said, the Japanese voice acting was not bad at all. What really struck me was how much deeper the Korean voice was, but maybe it was only for that particular scene.
    Ultimately I'm hoping I won't end up hating the story and that this really does end up feeling sort of like Planterian a bit.
    Anyone else hyped or was I the only one who remembered this?
    Will update the thread when there's a Steam page but here's the Greenlight page.
  9. Like
    Rose reacted to Nosebleed in What essential features should modern VNs today have?   
    This so much. One of the most useful features of any pornographic material is having some form of cue that lets you know when the scene is about to finish so you can follow along without worrying.
    Nothing feels more bitter than finishing before the people on the screen do and then being forced to watch the content you missed out on.
  10. Like
    Rose reacted to madvanced in What essential features should modern VNs today have?   

    As evident by my attempt at shit posting, flowcharts are dank stuff.
  11. Like
    Rose reacted to Monmon in What essential features should modern VNs today have?   
    I really want Scene recollections feature like Grisaia, its not just H-scenes but other stuffz too. 
  12. Like
    Rose reacted to Fiddle in Special Announcement   
    Experience tells me these are the exact items required for self-castration.
    I support your decisions, Ren.
  13. Like
    Rose reacted to sanahtlig in Eroge with a censored official English release, a comprehensive list   
    An ongoing project to document eroge with various types of censorship in an easily browsable and sortable spreadsheet
    Eroge with a censored official English release, a comprehensive list
    Community contributions, feedback, and corrections are appreciated.  Freeform discussion within this thread is also welcome.
  14. Like
    Rose got a reaction from Valmore in One Thousand Lies [Download for free from STEAM or ITCH.IO]   
    Before I forget: Ziva best girl! Diniz sounds like quite a character I must add.
    Huh, it's actually quite hard for brazillians to understand the european portuguese, sometimes incredibly so. I don't know if it's the same for them, but our languages are considerably different as of now. As you said, we do share quite a few rules and "merging" the languages seems to be somewhat of a goal our countries are aiming to achieve, but we're not quite there yet.
  15. Like
    Rose reacted to Keinart in One Thousand Lies [Download for free from STEAM or ITCH.IO]   
    (Also available on steam)


  16. Like
    Rose reacted to Kaguya in Who would read a parody of modern america in an alternate universe   
    I'd do it if there was an evil route where you go full corrupt.
  17. Like
    Rose reacted to hitoribocchi in Fate/Grand Order   
    Hot damn.
    So excited for this to start.
  18. Like
    Rose reacted to Down in Had to share John Oliver's takedown of Hollywood (Opinions?)   
    It's not just a US thing, racism is a big thing in other countries like european ones too. We don't have the same unhealthy relation to violence the US has so it might be less violent but it's incredibly much there nonetheless, see refugee crisis etc. These questions are fairly tense and often the object of debates and quarrels in france, for example.
    Race is important because it's made to be important (otherwise it obviously doesn't even have an existence whatsoever): people are discriminated because of the color of their skin, which is why we talk about racialized people rather than people of different races. The thing is, this is an oppressor/oppressed system, therefore the relationship is not symmetrical. Which is why the issues are not treated in a symmetrical way either. Advocating "let's all be equal about everything" tends to erase from consciousness the precise fact that it is supposed to fight: inequalities. Instead, the issue needs to be named clearly and fought against precisely. This is why there tends to be multiple movements fighting for each separate issues rather than whole "humanist"/"progressist" movement.
    To take another example, it's the same reason why feminists call themselves feminists and not humanists, equalists, etc. Because it otherwise wouldn't point out the fact that the relation isn't symmetrical to begin with.
    (Of course positive discrimination, on the other hand, is a tricky issue that I think is rarely a good thing, but it still needs to be pointed out that stuff like the Oscars lack diversity)
  19. Like
    Rose reacted to Nosebleed in Had to share John Oliver's takedown of Hollywood (Opinions?)   
    People's obsession with race contributes more towards segregation and reinforces racism more than it does fix it. Wanting to ascertain people solely by the color of their skin and not by anything else in something like a movie or the Oscars is, imo, incredibly disrespectful to all the actors, regardless of their skin color, because you're seeing them as either white people or black people and not for who they are, actors with different personalities and talent.
    I don't want to see a black person win an oscar just because they're black, I want them to win an oscar because they had a good performance, and I'd feel incredibly insulted if my worth was judged solely based on my skin color. I don't want people to cast a role in a movie based on people's skin color, I want them to cast whoever performs the best. And it should be like this for everything.
    Maybe I just don't get it because I was never in the US but I just don't get the obsession with having everything be a race issue. It's such a divisive way of thinking.
    They do make one fair point though, having an already clearly established character suddenly change skin colors is pretty retarded, merely because of historical/narrative accuracy. This is valid for both sides though.
    Also John Boyega's performance in Star Wars was freaking glorious and made the movie shine, it's a shame people were so adamant about him just because he was black; that I agree is stupid and shouldn't be a thing in this day and age.
  20. Like
    Rose reacted to Decay in So... how would you want Fuwanovel to be like in 2016?   
    Being active on both the forums and fuwazette made me realize that right now, Fuwanovel has two entirely separate sides, and they don't interact with each other or even really share a user base at all. So I decided what would help most in getting forum users to care about front-page stuff and front-page users to care about forum stuff is complete integration. This obviously won't be easy, but, the absolute ideal scenario would be no separate comment fields for fuwazette articles, creating an article also creates a thread in the forums and the comments/posts are the same. Same with reviews. And going further, comments in the front-page VN database would work similarly. You could make a comment thread that really just makes a forum thread tagged for that game. The way I envision this, is that there is just a "discussions" section in each game entry that shows a list of threads on fuwanovel about that game. And anyone who makes a thread on the forums tagged with that game has it show up there. I imagine that none of this would be easy, I'm just going with pie in the sky ideas here.
    The one thing our front page can do that other sites lack is easily comprehensible translation information and status. Basically, I believe people would actually use it if we could replicate most of the functionality of the now-defunct http://vntls.org/. At some point, this was in the plans. I still think it's a very good idea.
  21. Like
    Rose reacted to Darklord Rooke in So... how would you want Fuwanovel to be like in 2016?   
    and strangle somebody
  22. Like
    Rose reacted to sanahtlig in So... how would you want Fuwanovel to be like in 2016?   
    If pressed, I'd say the site needs MOAR lolis.
    I'm actually not sure what purpose the front page was supposed to serve in the first place.  For VN info, there's VNDB.  For VN news, there's the main blog.  For reviews, there's FuwaReviews.  And then the community itself resides on the forums.  In my opinion, all the front site needs to do is connect these together in one place.  You can always tack on other things later as needed.
  23. Like
    Rose reacted to Darklord Rooke in Nekoporna & Mousepads   
    'Oppai' mousepads should never have been a 'thing' in the first place. Similar to 'gel' mousepads they may actually contribute to wrist pain, and that they shorten the actual mousepad itself is never a good thing.
    Of course there's always the 'you dirty man' aspect, but that's of secondary importance ...
  24. Like
    Rose reacted to Fiddle in Tay Appreciation Thread   
    It is in the midst of controversy surrounding beloved traditions and other subjects of discord that some come to bear disagreements about our administration, but when everything moves smoothly (with some exceptions) so as to ensure enjoyment and camaraderie, we, in our human nature, tend to forget those who are responsible for our well-being.
    Thus, in order to offer a fraction of the gratitude he deserves, I say we voice our acknowledgement of @Tay's efforts to keep the community running. Despite being heavily occupied with the work characteristic of a successful three-dimensional denizen, and despite a divine malignancy that subjects him to various natural disasters and misfortunes, he fearlessly carries the burden of promoting our unity and prosperity.
    I've drawn him a picture in gratitude.

  25. Like
    Rose got a reaction from Kawasumi in Conjueror's Untranslated Visual Novel Tournament [Discussion]   
    Yup, I've been saying it for a good while now and I still think it's DI, the timing is perfect.
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