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Mr Poltroon

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Everything posted by Mr Poltroon

  1. Say, "Sorry, but who are you? I think it's bad manners to call random strangers 'onii-chan'"
  2. Well, well. Welcome. I hope you'll enjoy your stay. Have an image:
  3. I see you can't draw a straight line either.
  4. Usually I use my keyboard and my mouse to type. Not my fingers or any drawing equipment. But according to your logic, it appears he 'drew' a straight line over the letters he wrote. It would be a useful ability, being able to doodle on my posts. *Ahem* Again, nevermind my rambling. I think I've figured out what I'm going to do. I'll add Edgeworth to one of the Dangan Ronpa games. Wish me and my sub par writing skills luck!
  5. Oh, for goodness sake. I'll skip Ageha's route for now. I'm not about to read something I do not understand. As such, if anybody actually knows what went one in that route, it'd be very appreciated if you were to enlighten me. In the meanwhile, I'll read the other routes.
  6. ,that set comes with what you see there in the photo, Fantastic, I was just in need of a new drawer. *ahem* Just noticed I forgot to write something relevant to the thread... I'll see if I manage to write up a work of art later this week.
  7. It honestly depends on my mood. When I play Visual novels I have three different stages. The start, when I just got the visual novel and am attempting to get into it. Here I don't skip the voiced lines. If it becomes boring, then I start skiping voiced lines. If it doesn't, then I don't.
  8. From what I understand, the objective is to make him laugh, not cry.
  9. Aren't all families like that? Welcome back, lad. I wasn't really paying attention to most of your stuff until you left, but this was certainly a fantastic turn of events. Reminds me of what celebrities do, you create a scandal, and then gain lots of publicity from it. You're a genius.
  10. I've seen enough of your posts to know you don't need any welcoming. Nevertheless, you have a right to an image:
  11. Ah, devil. So people really didn't understand any of Ageha's route? It's like, the sentences are readable, but they're just wrong. Sometimes they're talking about something completely different, and sometimes the translators seem to have made up their own versions of the conversations. As for Kotori's, I had no problem understanding any of it, really. I did skip all of the classes about planes and aerodynamics, though Haven't read anything else, so can't vouch for that.
  12. So. I'm currently somewhere in the beginning of this route. And it just so happens that I can't understand anything of what's going on. Here's the story so far, or what I make of it. - Ageha suddenly tells the Soaring club that they should be more discreet with their activities. - There's some kind of discussion about Kotori being the 'club leader' or the 'president'. I couldn't understand any of this, so I just assumed it was lost in translation. - Ageha has Hotaru hang out with Aoi as some kind of cover. - Something happens at school and everyone's acting cold or mad at Aoi. Either it didn't explain why, or was poorly translated. - They need to share the room with the Touring Club and something happens here that I didn't understand at all. - Amane and Kanako, 'hit' on Aoi? I didn't get this at all, either. What actually happened? I stopped here since I want to understand what's actually going on. I may have missed some stuff, but those are the main things that bug me. Have I simply lost all semblance of English skills, or is this route simply poorly translated? I am currently at the beginning of the route. But since I made this topic you can discuss the ending freely if you want.
  13. You have leveled up. Stat changes: Hype +701 Current stats: Hype 9001
  14. It varies a lot, really. It's usually between 25º to 32º Celsius.
  15. Welcome to the forum, then. I hope you enjoy your stay here, and have an image:
  16. I believe she was the first 'loli' I ever saw. I didn't even know they were a thing until quite a bit later.
  17. Welcome, welcome! I hope you have a nice stay in the forums. Have an image!
  18. Honestly, I'm not sure why I prefer visual novels over other stuff. But it is true that I neglect other games, films and books to read visual novels. So let's go with the standard and uninspired answer. "It's because I enjoy them greatly, even when compared to other forms of entertainment".
  19. Don't worry, I'm on your side! See? You have my support.
  20. Yuuji in particular had a somewhat British sounding voice. I didn't give him a different accent because otherwise all my sentences would come out butchered, since I'm not very proficient at speaking fast.
  21. For me it'd have to be that one. It's the only one I actually sat through the whole thing everytime I start the game, since I have a tendency to not enjoy most music.
  22. Hmm... When the characters have no voice I tend to give them russian, french, german and other accents just for fun But I think I'm fairly good at getting a grasp of what voice fits whom. For example, in Grisaia no Kajitsu, the protagonist isn't voiced. But he tends to use complicated vocabulary in everyday conversation and to go into overly long explanations of simple stuff. I adapted my voice according to these parameters.
  23. Kud Wafter is 18+. And the version that's being translated is too. Everyone indeed.
  24. For some reason, people generally don't know that they can edit the titles of their own threads. I learnt about this on the second thread I made, but I didn't know until I was told either.
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