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Everything posted by rainsismyfav

  1. I think it's cute either way, whether it was by chance or a voluntary decision. My Cyr x Rain ship will upgrade to legendary proportions if it was voluntary. Voluntary. Though it coincided a lot with my other goals in life like moving out of state, cheaper standard of living, getting my own place, getting another job (which pays more), new experiences etc. So it was a really easy decision and relatively easy to pull off since I was ready at the time (and even easier with Cyr's support).
  2. Lol I should change it to something bizarre right now so people would wonder what you were smoking But I'm not that mean
  3. You could give up some of your cyr-time Yesssssssssss~ I luv me some freeeeeeeeeeeee-time. You could give up some of your cyr-time Isn't cyr-time important? : < Nope, it's not. 2D-Time first!!!
  4. Confession: This is the only thread I constantly go on Fuwa with my seemingly short free-time. I miss having free-time...
  5. Communication is key If you (and him) are confused, nothing's better than talking directly. At least hear him out, and speak your mind after. If he's stubborn, you'll have no choice but to keep rejecting him. Point out why it didn't work / why it's not going to work. You have to break his heart. *dun dun dun* Though, some people can be quite desperate and always cling onto something. In which case, goodluck.
  6. Confession: I'm quite unsatisfied with my new job... Though I really like my new living quarters and area. Imma have to start job hunting again ASAP... At least I relocated already and would be part of the local pool. I would feel bad about leaving so quick though if I happen to get the opportunity.. whelp
  7. One punch man and chill?? How about Netflix and chill instead?
  8. You're a cool guy! Really glad you're a part of this community! わあああああい~ 
  9. Can I say it? I want to say it. Say what?? Ask the other person if it doesn't just pertain to me
  10. Confession: 18 hrs of driving (with breaks of course) and I'm still alive. yay! I clocked in 1200 miles. Everything went smoooooth.
  11. Ahhh so you guys started as an internet thing and married when you were 27. Wow really inspiring story. Thanks for sharing. I'm still 24 and there are still many challenges ahead of me. Your story gives me hope and optimism in life. One thing I realized was I definitely have to step my game up when it comes to finance and general real life stuff. You made it happen. You flew to NH and Florida. I can relate to this. I'm soon leaving NJ (by next week). I've lived a decade in Jersey City area; absolutely hate this place... but I'm hopeful I'll be in a better place. I can attest that online interactions really help break the ice. It helps develop relationships that otherwise wouldn't happen in real life. Long distance is definitely not viable for the long-term though... It's tough.
  12. So what you're basically saying is "yes" and "I'm actually a grill"?
  13. Moving in with Cyr? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U-Haul_lesbian http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Uhaul Lesbian http://www.lesbiatopia.com/2008/01/theories-on-lesbian-u-haul-phenomena.html
  14. I feel disconnected with Fuwa lately... I didn't even realize there are quite a number of threads that look interesting~ Doesn't help that I feel so busy orz. Job change and moving to my own place takes so much time out of my hobbies :X Finally leaving New York City area. I hated living in this forsaken land. It's just not my lifestyle. Being poor and introverted makes the city useless. I just take in all of the negatives that comes with it: traffic, population density, pollution, inflated prices of everything. Absolutely no benefits of living nearby unless you actually work there (which for my career path, is highly unlikely). If you live near the city please tell me positive things about this place...
  15. What are you talking about, you utterly and crushingly beat me on that Final fantasy rhythm game on DS... REVENGE WILL BE SWEET
  16. Glad you understand how great they are <3 Unfortunately for me, my family's financial situation is woefully inadequate, my waifu is likely to have little to nothing in the way of something like that, and even if she did I'd probably end up not getting it anyway for sake of I still live with my mother. So, yes. Life is pain. ;-; I also still live with my mother . I'm moving out soon though. In about the next two weeks~ Keep working at it, we'll all get there eventually.
  17. #humblebrag I can't make it possible without this . Senpai pls understand.
  18. Well ok I'm lucky. I'm solving the distance problem soon through luck and persistence. It helps that I'm a bit successful in real life.
  19. It's not like people couldn't stalk you before, just look at Rains! But now, it's even easier! ..so tempted...must resist stalker tendency. Hidden Content rains is the luckiest man on earth dang Luck makes the encounter but hard work builds the rest... 1000+ miles is no joke. Pls send halp.
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