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Everything posted by rainsismyfav

  1. My parents are in a worse debt than me. #FirstWorldDebtProblems
  2. Confession: I have $30,000 in student loans
  3. I took College Jp 102 class. It was とても時間の無駄だ. Not for $1200~ and time spent. I could have taken a better class from the whole university catalog. Even Crusades were worth the $$.
  4. I need to save up $13000 for a diamond ring. Or 52000 instant ramen noodles.
  5. Thank you guys for the interest. I have chosen Kawasumi. I will potentially keep doing this in the future if everything goes well.
  6. That said, what happened to rains? He did return but not to this thread and didn't mention Cyr. They fell out, I guess We're doing fine. I've stabilized with work and stuff. Cyr's busy with her last semester in school. We ok
  7. Some feedback: You should include specific slides from the fuwa forums, reddit's buying guide, VNDB's homepage, steam etc. to give your audience some idea how they look like, it would match while you're taking your time explaining instead of just having the general slide for each. You might even be able to point out specific locations if you have a mouse cursor or pointer to work with. Might be extra work though
  8. Two carriers under construction. I just skimmed the wiki though not sure of the specifics. Elizabeth class or whatever
  9. Hello I'm rains. Now that my life has stabilized, I'm looking to refresh my Japanese basics by tutoring one person basic grammar over skype. I will do this for free (of course) though I cannot guarantee that I'm going to be a super good tutor. I have finished tutoring two people awhile back: Nosebleed and Grieviious (Keaton). You can ask them for feedback. Details: I'll be following this book ---- Japanese Sentence Patterns for Effective Communication. But I also reference Kanzen Master N4 and Taekim for topics. I will ONLY cover BASIC Japanese grammar. I won't be covering vocabulary, kanji, listening or speaking. The aim is for you to be able to get a good grasp of how Japanese sentences work and what to look for. Overall goal is for you to start being able to understand sentences in a Japanese Visual Novel. I personally want this to only last around 4-6 months (well I just don't want it to drag). I'm mainly looking for beginners and people who are into VNs. I personally learned Japanese to be able to read VNs and I've read them in Japanese, watched animes raw, and played games raw. I want to share the experience around. Requirements: Be passionate and motivated to learn the language. Have skype Know basic English grammar terms like "noun / verb / adjective / adverb / direct object" since I use that to explain stuff. Be able to do skype sessions (of around an hour maybe?) at a minimum of once or twice a week. Be able to coordinate with my schedule. I work full time on Central US time hours, and mostly free at early evenings CST (6-10 pm). You need at least to be able to read hiragana and katakana. Basic kanji knowledge is preferred. Process for selection: I will personally choose you. Either post on this thread or PM me. I mainly want to see what you're planning to do with the knowledge and your plans with the Japanese knowledge. Since we're in a VN forum, I obviously want to see people interested in reading VNs / eroges or translating later on. Add whatever you think is interesting. P.S. For the people who know, I still have my youtube series on hold. I should be getting back to it soon.
  10. I learn each reading within a context (sentence or phrase). Makes it easier to remember. Straight rote memorization of every reading of one kanji is just difficult. I get my context through experience or learning books. Imo, learning Japanese is all about exposure. Later on it just becomes 2nd-nature / natural to you.
  11. Regarding XReaper's comment etc. As a natural proofreader. WEE disgusted me. I loved the series so much after I read episode 1. But proofreading spelling/grammar/flow issues killed much of episode 2 for me. There are a TON of (simple) errors. It's distracting. I called SP out on it. It's like the game never went on any sort of QC. http://puu.sh/mOG1N/1739fc5244.png (blue hyperlinks) shows just how much I found and I wasn't even halfway through episode 2; it doesn't even show the ones I found on episode 1. Even some free fan-translations surpass this game by a milestone. They were asking me to keep submitting errors. I stopped reading since I lost motivation and I just told them to completely overhaul the whole script. No point in me pointing (no pun intended lol) out errors one by one when there's going to be hundreds of them. Even to this day, it's a slow drag to continue reading episode 2. I don't care much for 3 anymore. What a shame.
  12. that's what I bought when I was saving up money from my college part-time job. I got a nice yamaha p-105. I loved it. Good beginner keyboard imo
  13. What do boobs feel like? It certainly was not a balloon.... and not jiggly... Just perfect..
  14. I did . I live somewhere else now~ Finally out of the prison called New Jersey. I went to Rutgers-Newark for 2 years and 3 years in New Brunswick. I'm just sick of miles and miles of urban landscape (and associated traffic). /vomit Also Jersey City and Newark ain't exactly flowers and gardens (unintended pun incoming? Garden state..). I lived just blocks away from the bad areas of Jersey City. I remember on the news there was that one game people played called "knockout game" --- shit got a couple of people killed. Jersey City sure is proud to be the origin of the game. Btw for those who don't know, knockout game is this thing where you need to knockout your target with just one punch. Bored people went overboard for fun.
  15. I find it rare to find a group that doesn't get reduced to chatter... If you guys form any, I'd like to join to observe~ skype: rains90
  16. Confession: There's a certain thread that reminded me of my jury duty this year.
  17. Get picked and appear *subtly* biased. You'll eventually get lawyer challenged. Worked twice for me. I said I watch fox news and listen to conservative radio. Two defense lawyers used a challenge on me. It should count as if I fully served and shouldn't get called anytime soon (though I recently relocated so dunno how that works now).
  18. I bet someone's gunna give you Guilty-gear for a gift ... ba dum tsk
  19. Thanks everyone, I almost forgot I had a birthday.
  20. Voluntary. Though it coincided a lot with my other goals in life like moving out of state, cheaper standard of living, getting my own place, getting another job (which pays more), new experiences etc. So it was a really easy decision and relatively easy to pull off since I was ready at the time (and even easier with Cyr's support). Logged in on my phone just to fangirl. I am fangirling so hard right now like ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Glad everything is working out! Confession: I usually don't confess much but here's to Linova/Eclipsed or others who might be interested. I'm glad I was able to break the 1000+ miles barrier. It always felt like this huge wall in between us. It felt like it didn't matter how long or how often we talk. I know that if it had stayed online, nothing would have came out of it. It only served to maintain the interest until something happens. Given the distance there was always uncertainty, of whether I we'd work out "IRL" and there was no way of answering that online (Even 8+ hours of skype calls won't get close to answering that). Since Cyr won't be able to do anything about it in a reasonable time, it was up to me. I had to act and get it together. Luckily I had already been saving up and preparing for my move months even before I met her and had interest in that part of the US. After awhile I was ready, but I won't just move there with nothing to back me. So I absolutely had to have a more-than-minimum-job lined up already before the move. This was really tough. Given the job market and the fact that I'm so far out of state. Most hire locally and won't bother to look online. Only one came up and it was super risky. It was a Tuesday when I got the notice for the interview, which would be held that Friday. I have to pay hundreds of $$, fly for the weekend and back, take a day off from my current workplace --- all without reimbursement. It was higher pay and huge company so I thought why not. I came out disappointed that weekend because the job i interviewed for wasn't what I was expecting it to be. Though long story short, I ended up getting it because they opened up a new (different) position for me. Anyways, When it came to it, the 1000+ miles drive was nothing. Gunned it in 2 shots. I guess I'm lucky Cyr's not in another country or something. But I'm leaving away established familiar place, friends, and family for the sake of this move. Looking for an apartment was tough. Lots of challenges but it helped me tones that I had $$$ saved up and Cyr saved my butt so many times. P.S: Unfortunately, though everything worked out and I'm super satisfied with many aspects of my life right now, my new job is making me unhappy. I applied to places (near me of course) already 2 weeks into my new job. I have one interview this week in field that I want to be in. (proof that I can easily get interviews if I'm part of the local pool... as with entry-level jobs). Hopefully I can get it and it's a better job, so I can start thinking about enjoying the moment and looking into the future.
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