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McDerpingheimer III

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Everything posted by McDerpingheimer III

  1. future vns will be bad, just like current vns and past vns
  2. it's part of an industrywide plot to undermine 57th prime minister of japan shinzo abe
  3. tfw the existence of punctuation is your benchmark for a good translation
  4. his question cant talk how can it tell you if it’s satisfied or not none of these are kamige
  5. if only there were an actual kotori route movie and not a few pieces hacked off a chimera
  6. I’m not looking to join myself, I’m more inquiring into your recruitment process.
  7. Do you have any tests for the people you’re recruiting?
  8. Are you recruiting an editor and QC, or do you already have those positions filled?
  9. The irony of calling someone out for calling someone an autist while acting like that while acting like that
  10. There are only three types of post, good post with lot of thought, stupid post that make you want to commit die and post that disturb you. You rode through a great argument, then you realise you have no brain cell to process. The emptiness overwhelms you. You endured the post for the sake of making your point, feeling you have wasted your time and should have done something else. You are so disturbed you closed window. Since you have already seen it, it is still your own loss. In all cases, the reader suffer. I have observed that people frequently deliberately and consciously do something that is against their own interest. This can only be explained by a latent desire to be punished, a thing I know well. I have long realised I am incapable of bringing much joy to anyone, and as such does not deserve to be happy. This is the punishment that is due to me. A sin that cannot be absolved through religion, science and humanity. Fuwanovel is one of the last thing I can enjoy in life. Through this masochistic experience I can repent my sin.
  11. the best solution is to ban real children if there are no real children there is no child abuse or child pornography and therefore sexualization of lolis cannot lead to irl abuse or exploitation
  12. that's very true but also remember that those are more likely to be the big ones that people like to say are good and that some people also like to translate poorly
  13. Like a couple people in the vndb thread, I would genuinely recommend learning English thoroughly, given the massive utility in both professional and personal contexts. Good for jobs, good for being able to talk with more people, good for being able to experience more media.
  14. The way I’ve always thought about localization and literalism vs liberalism is: in the end, a VN is an experience. The audience reads the VN and reacts to the words, visuals, and audio within. And so, the point of translation is to replicate that experience as best as possible to whatever new audience is targeted. At the most basic level, the audience comprehends the information contained in the script, processing that, say, Shujin is sitting at a table or Akane is walking with her friends. Someone who can read English but can’t read Japanese, well, can’t read Japanese, so the experience of understanding that Akane is walking with her friends is replicated by translating the text from Japanese to English. To move this up a level (or maybe a couple, idk) gets into culture differences. If a line references something about Japanese culture, the Japanese audience will get it because they’re part of the culture, but the English audience won’t get it because they’re not, and so there’s a difference in experiences. These references can range from puns (after all, language is part of culture) to pop culture to common sayings. Localization is the solution to this, as by changing a reference, the new audience will (hopefully) understand the intent of the line, and get the same experience as the Japanese audience. Of course, this can certainly be taken too far (eat your hamburgers, Apollo), so it’s important to identify what actually changes the experience significantly, but I find localization to be an important part of translation.
  15. Don’t forget the “editing” by a former Amaterasu QCer
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