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Everything posted by Freestyle80

  1. ah shit yeah my bad, mixed them up hmm, thats strange then last time Nekonyan didnt seem to have too much issues, dammit steam EDIT: Seems like they have no idea either-
  2. well MG announced its gonna be released next week just yesterday so shouldnt effect anything probably delayed release on steam
  3. depends on JAST as they are the only ones who target older titles nowadays it seems
  4. Well dunno what this will mean but just saw this annoucement
  5. Happy endings because anything else is usually not handled right and just leaves a sour taste in my mouth. They also feel unfinished or rushed most of the time some VNs handle them well though such as G-Senjou so depends on the execution i guess
  6. now that u mention it no it was not obvious at all, they definitely rewrote those parts so much effort for basically nothing
  7. barely remember the VN but i hate it when something is implied heavily but isnt touched upon plus pretty sure the route felt very disjointed as if it was written periodically and they failed to keep it consistent one of the many problems with the VN, didnt even bother reading the after stories lol
  8. How is this censored???? I see, i dont really know much about these things
  9. I finally finished most of it, it was a pretty good VN overall Nene's route easily trumps everything else but most of the heroine routes were decent For Nene's route though
  10. Nice there's a fair few releases going into the holidays Also one of the heroines seem to be an Ex, which is rare
  11. True if it starts effecting mainstream games its gonna be a problem Lul so are they gonna censor stuff like the Witcher 3 now?
  12. For us its not a big deal, i dont know many people who even buys VNs on ps4 but it should be a big negative hit for Japan which is ironic because thats where they are based...
  13. My exams are over on 21st so pretty good timing lol hopefully it was worth the wait, the premise is interesting
  14. 3 Games in one year, not to mention Fureraba and Sanoba Witch's translation is also pretty good good work from Nekonyan
  15. Started playing it bit by bit, did the senpai route first which started decent but dragged on and on, got boring Doing Tsumugi's route now, god she's adorable been a while since i've seen a heroine like her So far decent game
  16. They also announced some sort of new Digital LN service like Jnovel
  17. oh i didnt know you were the Editor, nice Game looks good, hope you guys releases the Extra stuff from Fureraba next Too bad i dont have time to play it much meh, Uni break from end of November
  18. yes of all mediums there is available we should expect VNs to have life-changing effects There may be some out there but even then
  19. Applies to everything, manga anime LN but for LNs tbh it does need to be halfway decent or i aint reading that, its too hard to understand. Manga and stuff though people act way too entitled to translation, some manga projects have 2 teams working on it, one does it quick and apparently one does it 'better', i found no damn difference most of the time and am able to understand the story the same either way. As for VNs, as long as its not KonoSora Flyable Heart levels of bad, translation is generally fine, most of Sekai's ones are okay, MG are always good the recent publishers Nekonyan and Sol Press are also doing it pretty well, There hasnt been a fan translation of a VN in a long time but most of them are readable and i dunno how anyone can complain about it like they are paying the guy or something
  20. I just hope they do more titles from Purple Software, the 2 we got so far were pretty good
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