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  1. Like
    Nier got a reaction from Swim Swim in My Rant About Sekai Project And Their Unending Stream of Lies, Scams and Other Deceitful Schemes   
    Absurd Difference in Quality and Pricing Between Their Clannad Physical And The Rest:
    For all the Kickstarters and IndieGogo Sekai Project did, there is not much to show in terms of rewards that was delivered, I have almost backed every crowdfunding campaigns Sekai Project did and so far after thousands of dollars spent I only have Clannad, 1/4 of the Grisaia Boxset and Root Double to show for it.
    Here we compare Grisaia DVD Boxset quality to Texhnolyze DVD Boxset:
    Comparison Pic 1:
    The Texhnolyze DVD Boxset is very sturdy while the Sekai Project Grisaia Boxset is flimsy and of low quality (especially for that price) also even though the Texhnolyze DVD Boxset is very sturdy for good measure a solid Styrofoam block was also added to prevent the DVD Boxset from getting bent since the boxset was only bundled with volume 1, while the rest of the space is empty:
    While the Sekai Project Grisia DVD Boxset "anti-bent protection measures" consist simply of a thin and flimsy piece of cardboard layer:
    Styrofoam blocks must be too expensive for Sekai Project... And a low quality DVD Boxset with a set of cheap black DVD cases is apparently worth hundreds of dollars! There this is what you got for hundred of dollars...
    Now I would like to now compare that with Clannad HD Kickstarter Limited Edition from Sekai Project to Majikoi S First Print Print Limited Edition.
    Comparison Pic 1:
    Comparison Pic 2:
    Clannad 1 Guidebook:
    Clannad 2:
    Majikoi S 1 First Print Limited Edition Artbook:
    Majikoi S 2:
    Now with the Clannad Kickstarter Limited Edition we have something which seems as good as japanese releases, with a big box, a high quality 81 pages guidebook, the game disc in a long jewel case and the mabinogi soundtrack disc in a standard jewel case, not only that it is a numbered edition with only about 4000 units made, all this for 40 USD Early Birds and 50 USD for the rest.
    So basically for 40/50 USD, you could get something that rival japanese eroge First Print Limited Edition releases with plenty of content, but for hundred of dollars you get a cheap low quality Boxset with censored copies on DVD in cheap black DVD cases? I am not so good at math, but I think something's wrong here. Now it seems that the prices have increased since Clannad Kickstarter by 3x and the quality and amount of content for your buck seem to have diminished? Again either something's wrong with the math...
  2. Like
    Nier got a reaction from krill in My Rant About Sekai Project And Their Unending Stream of Lies, Scams and Other Deceitful Schemes   
    It's fine, I deserve that much for being a dumb fanboy who just went around defending Sekai Project and co., you guys were right all along.
    I don't think too many people noticed the situation issue with the A Clockwork Ley-Line (though I have seen a few perplexed people on the comment section of the Kickstarter wondering how it went from 135 USD to 75 USD), but regarding the Grisaia Physical I am just one among the thousands who got screwed over for hundreds of dollars worth:
    I tried to get in contact with both Frontwing and Sekai Project about this debacle, but I am basically only getting robotic PR replies, with Sekai Project telling me to go complain about it to Frontwing and Frontwing tells me to go complain about it to Sekai Project.
  3. Like
    Nier got a reaction from Infernoplex in My Rant About Sekai Project And Their Unending Stream of Lies, Scams and Other Deceitful Schemes   
    If you would check my Kickstarter profile you would notice that I have been supporting the localization Visual Novel effort since it's beginnings on Kickstarter with The Grisaia Trilogy and The Clannad Crowdfunding campaigns being the first things that I have ever backed on Kickstarter, since I was eager to see more Visual Novels translated in english, I have spent thousands of dollars in the last few years on supporting pretty much every major japanese VN crowdfunding campaign since the beginning of the trend. However as these localization companies grow, they get more and more bold with their schemes, false advertisements, cheatings, lies and coy word play which in the ends result in them royally screwing over the very same people that helped these localization companies grow as big as they are now. I would prefer to say nothing and just keep things as they are now, but I feel that if I did that these companies would see that they can get away with this and grow bolder and bolder with their schemes aimed at screwing over their customers out of their money for all they are worth, so they need to be called out on it and since no one seem to have noticed and/or mentioned this and I feel that at least someone has to do it.
    Sekai Project's False Advertising Scam and Creating Demand Schemes:
    Sekai Project had recently launched another Kickstarter Campaign, this time it was for A Clockwork Ley-Line Trilogy, on this Kickstarter the only way to get a physical edition of the Trilogy was to pay a minimum of 135 USD, it is a similar system to what they used for their ChronoClock Kickstarter Campaign which was the first Sekai Project Kickstarter Campaign where they finally dropped the false pretenses of it being for the sake of the game localization and more for the sake of manufacturing physical goods, in the Clockwork Ley-Line Trilogy Kickstarter you could get a I quote "The Physical Limited Edition" for a premium price of 135 USD not any less, the 135 USD tier is a tier that include both digital copies and physical copies of the rewards, HOWEVER, the I quote "Physical Limited Edition" could not be obtained as stand-alone, they were exclusives to these higher premium tiers and were exclusively sold bundled together with digital codes, which brought the price to a minimum of 135 USD for a I quote "Physical Limited Edition".
    A few people had (rightfully) complained about this in the past and mentioned how it was not fair to keep the Physical Edition exclusively bundled together with digital which raised the price by x2 and how a choice should be offered to backers who only wanted a physical edition without any of the digital rewards, to which Sekai Project basically replied to them that they should go take a hike and they they wouldn't change anything and that if they wanted a physical edition it was 135 USD+ or nothing.
    The Clockwork Ley-Line Trilogy raised a total of 135,430 USD during a 31 days Kickstarter Campaign, which ended on the 19th March 2017 (less than a month ago), however unlike usually it seems that Sekai Project has gone into a new direction unlike before and decided to open an Store Page on the Backerkit Pre-order Store for A Clockwork Ley-Line Trilogy.
    See here, Backerkit Preorder Store:
    Now look here on the original Kickstarter Crowdfunding Campaign page:
    You would notice the following things:
    - On Kickstarter it was only sold for 135 USD minimum bundled together with digital codes, On the Backerkit Store it is sold stand-alone for only 75 USD.
    - On Kickstarter it was advertised as a "Limited Edition", on the Backerkit Store the words "Limited Edition" have been completely removed, yet according to the description it is the same physical set of the trilogy in a slipcase.
    This is what is called a "False Advertising", by falsely putting the words "Limited Edition" next to a non-Limited Edition they would create more demand for it and as such garner more money even though their intention is to keep making money on their Backerkit Store by having it readily available for purchase in a non-limited capacity, this is called "Artificial Creating Demand", see this example to easily understand this scam:
    That's basically what Sekai Project has sold you on Kickstarter if you backed for their "Limited Edition" of a Clockwork Ley-Line which was "Limited" in name only and for a limited time, the only thing "limited" about it is the limited amount of time it took for it to lose it's status of "Limited Edition" (only after they got their 135k from the Kickstarter funds mind you) as you saw on it's Backerkit Pre-order Store.
    Some info on the Backerkit Preorder Store https://www.backerkit.com/preorder_projects
    What they don't tell you is that the "Backerkit Pre-order Store" is a "Pre-order store" in name only, as it is not restricted to only preorder projects, no, even if something has been released years ago you can still let your Backerkit Pre-order Store Page open for business for an indefinite amount of time no matter how long ago the project has already been done with and released. So if Sekai Project wanted, they could use Backerkit as their very own cheap Online Store to sell their fake "Limited Editions" in a seemingly inexhaustible numbers of supply for an indefinite amount of time.
    So basically here you see that Sekai Project royally screwed over their Kickstarter physical backers (the very same people that made their Kickstarter a success), by lying and selling to them a non-Limited Edition as a "Limited Edition" and by overcharging these same Kickstarter Backers a minimum of 135 USD for a physical edition, while they now offer the same physical edition on their Backerkit Store for only 75 USD.
    I urge everyone who backed the A Clockwork Ley-Line Kickstarter for a physical "Limited Edition" to send a message to Sekai Project to request a refund here: [email protected]
    Unless off course you like being overcharged and taken for a fool.
    Sekai Project And Frontwing Screwing Over The Grisaia Trilogy Kickstarter Physical Backers:
    As you probably know, we now are going to have 2 different Grisaia Boxset in english, not one, but two. However one is clearly inferior to the other as I will explain in a few line below, now it's been confirmed that Frontwing will release an English version of the Grisaia Complete Box, which basically screws over every one of the Backers that backed Grisaia Physical Kickstarter in Q4 2014-Q1 2015,
    So who's to blame for this? Frontwing? Sekai Project? Both of them? Who knows, but Sekai Project shares the blame in this as they are the holders of the license and only they could give the greenlight to Frontwing for producing physical copies of the Complete Box and so they did even though they damn well knew that if they did this, that it would instantly screw over the thousands of Grisaia Trilogy Kickstarter Backers who have as of yet not even received 3/4 of the physical game rewards.
    Why is this situation so bad? I will let you judge for yourself:
    Frontwing 2017 Boxset:
    Sekai Project 2014 Boxset:
    So what happens now:
    1. Thousands of Grisaia Trilogy Kickstarter Backers are now going to be stuck with to the clearly shittier Sekai Project Boxset compared to the Frontwing Boxset.
    2. Thousands of Grisaia Trilogy Kickstarter Backers have as of yet only received only 1 (Fruit) of the physical game out of the 4 (Labynrinth, Eden, ChiruChiru Michiru)
    3. The Frontwing Boxset has about 14 different goods included (including the high quality collector's box), while the Sekai Project Boxset has only the measly DVD physical games cases in a flimsy DVD Boxset.
    4. The Frontwing Boxset will be 18+, While the Sekai Project Boxset was censored.
    5. Now that the Frontwing Boxset has been announced this has totally devalued the Sekai Project Boxset to nothing and made it worthless.
    6. Because of point "5.", thousands of Backers are now stuck with the Sekai Project Boxset that they will never be able to sell off, especially if they wish to upgrade to the clearly superior Frontwing Boxset, because who will now pay hundreds of dollars for the Sekai Project Boxset now that there is going to be a Frontwing Boxset that is clearly superior in every way?
    7. Frontwing has shown a complete lack of professionalism and care by basically telling their gaijin customers to buy again and again different versions of Grisaia Boxsets because "That's as good as it's going to get for non-japanese" to only release new ones who were better than the last, some people had to buy Grisaia Boxsets 3 times between 2014 and now (Sekai Project 2014 Boxset, Japanese 2017 Frontwing Boxset Provided by Frontwing who used J-List as their very own online store, English 2017 Frontwing Boxset who will use Backerkit as their own Online Store). This sort of unprofessional behavior certainly wouldn't fly in Japan as it would have been called out real quick in the otaku eroge gamers circles and would have ruined the reputation of said infringing companies, but they do it here because they know they can get away with it in gaijinland. In retrospect, there is only ONE Grisaia Boxset in Japan that was produced in an actual limited quantity.
    I am not gonna lie, I am not crazy about the physical library of titles from MangaGamer or JAST, but at least these have never tried to royally screw over so horribly their customers like Sekai Project does and I never had any problems with the few times I dealt with them.
  4. Like
    Nier got a reaction from krill in My Rant About Sekai Project And Their Unending Stream of Lies, Scams and Other Deceitful Schemes   
    If you would check my Kickstarter profile you would notice that I have been supporting the localization Visual Novel effort since it's beginnings on Kickstarter with The Grisaia Trilogy and The Clannad Crowdfunding campaigns being the first things that I have ever backed on Kickstarter, since I was eager to see more Visual Novels translated in english, I have spent thousands of dollars in the last few years on supporting pretty much every major japanese VN crowdfunding campaign since the beginning of the trend. However as these localization companies grow, they get more and more bold with their schemes, false advertisements, cheatings, lies and coy word play which in the ends result in them royally screwing over the very same people that helped these localization companies grow as big as they are now. I would prefer to say nothing and just keep things as they are now, but I feel that if I did that these companies would see that they can get away with this and grow bolder and bolder with their schemes aimed at screwing over their customers out of their money for all they are worth, so they need to be called out on it and since no one seem to have noticed and/or mentioned this and I feel that at least someone has to do it.
    Sekai Project's False Advertising Scam and Creating Demand Schemes:
    Sekai Project had recently launched another Kickstarter Campaign, this time it was for A Clockwork Ley-Line Trilogy, on this Kickstarter the only way to get a physical edition of the Trilogy was to pay a minimum of 135 USD, it is a similar system to what they used for their ChronoClock Kickstarter Campaign which was the first Sekai Project Kickstarter Campaign where they finally dropped the false pretenses of it being for the sake of the game localization and more for the sake of manufacturing physical goods, in the Clockwork Ley-Line Trilogy Kickstarter you could get a I quote "The Physical Limited Edition" for a premium price of 135 USD not any less, the 135 USD tier is a tier that include both digital copies and physical copies of the rewards, HOWEVER, the I quote "Physical Limited Edition" could not be obtained as stand-alone, they were exclusives to these higher premium tiers and were exclusively sold bundled together with digital codes, which brought the price to a minimum of 135 USD for a I quote "Physical Limited Edition".
    A few people had (rightfully) complained about this in the past and mentioned how it was not fair to keep the Physical Edition exclusively bundled together with digital which raised the price by x2 and how a choice should be offered to backers who only wanted a physical edition without any of the digital rewards, to which Sekai Project basically replied to them that they should go take a hike and they they wouldn't change anything and that if they wanted a physical edition it was 135 USD+ or nothing.
    The Clockwork Ley-Line Trilogy raised a total of 135,430 USD during a 31 days Kickstarter Campaign, which ended on the 19th March 2017 (less than a month ago), however unlike usually it seems that Sekai Project has gone into a new direction unlike before and decided to open an Store Page on the Backerkit Pre-order Store for A Clockwork Ley-Line Trilogy.
    See here, Backerkit Preorder Store:
    Now look here on the original Kickstarter Crowdfunding Campaign page:
    You would notice the following things:
    - On Kickstarter it was only sold for 135 USD minimum bundled together with digital codes, On the Backerkit Store it is sold stand-alone for only 75 USD.
    - On Kickstarter it was advertised as a "Limited Edition", on the Backerkit Store the words "Limited Edition" have been completely removed, yet according to the description it is the same physical set of the trilogy in a slipcase.
    This is what is called a "False Advertising", by falsely putting the words "Limited Edition" next to a non-Limited Edition they would create more demand for it and as such garner more money even though their intention is to keep making money on their Backerkit Store by having it readily available for purchase in a non-limited capacity, this is called "Artificial Creating Demand", see this example to easily understand this scam:
    That's basically what Sekai Project has sold you on Kickstarter if you backed for their "Limited Edition" of a Clockwork Ley-Line which was "Limited" in name only and for a limited time, the only thing "limited" about it is the limited amount of time it took for it to lose it's status of "Limited Edition" (only after they got their 135k from the Kickstarter funds mind you) as you saw on it's Backerkit Pre-order Store.
    Some info on the Backerkit Preorder Store https://www.backerkit.com/preorder_projects
    What they don't tell you is that the "Backerkit Pre-order Store" is a "Pre-order store" in name only, as it is not restricted to only preorder projects, no, even if something has been released years ago you can still let your Backerkit Pre-order Store Page open for business for an indefinite amount of time no matter how long ago the project has already been done with and released. So if Sekai Project wanted, they could use Backerkit as their very own cheap Online Store to sell their fake "Limited Editions" in a seemingly inexhaustible numbers of supply for an indefinite amount of time.
    So basically here you see that Sekai Project royally screwed over their Kickstarter physical backers (the very same people that made their Kickstarter a success), by lying and selling to them a non-Limited Edition as a "Limited Edition" and by overcharging these same Kickstarter Backers a minimum of 135 USD for a physical edition, while they now offer the same physical edition on their Backerkit Store for only 75 USD.
    I urge everyone who backed the A Clockwork Ley-Line Kickstarter for a physical "Limited Edition" to send a message to Sekai Project to request a refund here: [email protected]
    Unless off course you like being overcharged and taken for a fool.
    Sekai Project And Frontwing Screwing Over The Grisaia Trilogy Kickstarter Physical Backers:
    As you probably know, we now are going to have 2 different Grisaia Boxset in english, not one, but two. However one is clearly inferior to the other as I will explain in a few line below, now it's been confirmed that Frontwing will release an English version of the Grisaia Complete Box, which basically screws over every one of the Backers that backed Grisaia Physical Kickstarter in Q4 2014-Q1 2015,
    So who's to blame for this? Frontwing? Sekai Project? Both of them? Who knows, but Sekai Project shares the blame in this as they are the holders of the license and only they could give the greenlight to Frontwing for producing physical copies of the Complete Box and so they did even though they damn well knew that if they did this, that it would instantly screw over the thousands of Grisaia Trilogy Kickstarter Backers who have as of yet not even received 3/4 of the physical game rewards.
    Why is this situation so bad? I will let you judge for yourself:
    Frontwing 2017 Boxset:
    Sekai Project 2014 Boxset:
    So what happens now:
    1. Thousands of Grisaia Trilogy Kickstarter Backers are now going to be stuck with to the clearly shittier Sekai Project Boxset compared to the Frontwing Boxset.
    2. Thousands of Grisaia Trilogy Kickstarter Backers have as of yet only received only 1 (Fruit) of the physical game out of the 4 (Labynrinth, Eden, ChiruChiru Michiru)
    3. The Frontwing Boxset has about 14 different goods included (including the high quality collector's box), while the Sekai Project Boxset has only the measly DVD physical games cases in a flimsy DVD Boxset.
    4. The Frontwing Boxset will be 18+, While the Sekai Project Boxset was censored.
    5. Now that the Frontwing Boxset has been announced this has totally devalued the Sekai Project Boxset to nothing and made it worthless.
    6. Because of point "5.", thousands of Backers are now stuck with the Sekai Project Boxset that they will never be able to sell off, especially if they wish to upgrade to the clearly superior Frontwing Boxset, because who will now pay hundreds of dollars for the Sekai Project Boxset now that there is going to be a Frontwing Boxset that is clearly superior in every way?
    7. Frontwing has shown a complete lack of professionalism and care by basically telling their gaijin customers to buy again and again different versions of Grisaia Boxsets because "That's as good as it's going to get for non-japanese" to only release new ones who were better than the last, some people had to buy Grisaia Boxsets 3 times between 2014 and now (Sekai Project 2014 Boxset, Japanese 2017 Frontwing Boxset Provided by Frontwing who used J-List as their very own online store, English 2017 Frontwing Boxset who will use Backerkit as their own Online Store). This sort of unprofessional behavior certainly wouldn't fly in Japan as it would have been called out real quick in the otaku eroge gamers circles and would have ruined the reputation of said infringing companies, but they do it here because they know they can get away with it in gaijinland. In retrospect, there is only ONE Grisaia Boxset in Japan that was produced in an actual limited quantity.
    I am not gonna lie, I am not crazy about the physical library of titles from MangaGamer or JAST, but at least these have never tried to royally screw over so horribly their customers like Sekai Project does and I never had any problems with the few times I dealt with them.
  5. Like
    Nier got a reaction from Infernoplex in My Rant About Sekai Project And Their Unending Stream of Lies, Scams and Other Deceitful Schemes   
    Absurd Difference in Quality and Pricing Between Their Clannad Physical And The Rest:
    For all the Kickstarters and IndieGogo Sekai Project did, there is not much to show in terms of rewards that was delivered, I have almost backed every crowdfunding campaigns Sekai Project did and so far after thousands of dollars spent I only have Clannad, 1/4 of the Grisaia Boxset and Root Double to show for it.
    Here we compare Grisaia DVD Boxset quality to Texhnolyze DVD Boxset:
    Comparison Pic 1:
    The Texhnolyze DVD Boxset is very sturdy while the Sekai Project Grisaia Boxset is flimsy and of low quality (especially for that price) also even though the Texhnolyze DVD Boxset is very sturdy for good measure a solid Styrofoam block was also added to prevent the DVD Boxset from getting bent since the boxset was only bundled with volume 1, while the rest of the space is empty:
    While the Sekai Project Grisia DVD Boxset "anti-bent protection measures" consist simply of a thin and flimsy piece of cardboard layer:
    Styrofoam blocks must be too expensive for Sekai Project... And a low quality DVD Boxset with a set of cheap black DVD cases is apparently worth hundreds of dollars! There this is what you got for hundred of dollars...
    Now I would like to now compare that with Clannad HD Kickstarter Limited Edition from Sekai Project to Majikoi S First Print Print Limited Edition.
    Comparison Pic 1:
    Comparison Pic 2:
    Clannad 1 Guidebook:
    Clannad 2:
    Majikoi S 1 First Print Limited Edition Artbook:
    Majikoi S 2:
    Now with the Clannad Kickstarter Limited Edition we have something which seems as good as japanese releases, with a big box, a high quality 81 pages guidebook, the game disc in a long jewel case and the mabinogi soundtrack disc in a standard jewel case, not only that it is a numbered edition with only about 4000 units made, all this for 40 USD Early Birds and 50 USD for the rest.
    So basically for 40/50 USD, you could get something that rival japanese eroge First Print Limited Edition releases with plenty of content, but for hundred of dollars you get a cheap low quality Boxset with censored copies on DVD in cheap black DVD cases? I am not so good at math, but I think something's wrong here. Now it seems that the prices have increased since Clannad Kickstarter by 3x and the quality and amount of content for your buck seem to have diminished? Again either something's wrong with the math...
  6. Like
    Nier got a reaction from Asonn in My Rant About Sekai Project And Their Unending Stream of Lies, Scams and Other Deceitful Schemes   
    If you would check my Kickstarter profile you would notice that I have been supporting the localization Visual Novel effort since it's beginnings on Kickstarter with The Grisaia Trilogy and The Clannad Crowdfunding campaigns being the first things that I have ever backed on Kickstarter, since I was eager to see more Visual Novels translated in english, I have spent thousands of dollars in the last few years on supporting pretty much every major japanese VN crowdfunding campaign since the beginning of the trend. However as these localization companies grow, they get more and more bold with their schemes, false advertisements, cheatings, lies and coy word play which in the ends result in them royally screwing over the very same people that helped these localization companies grow as big as they are now. I would prefer to say nothing and just keep things as they are now, but I feel that if I did that these companies would see that they can get away with this and grow bolder and bolder with their schemes aimed at screwing over their customers out of their money for all they are worth, so they need to be called out on it and since no one seem to have noticed and/or mentioned this and I feel that at least someone has to do it.
    Sekai Project's False Advertising Scam and Creating Demand Schemes:
    Sekai Project had recently launched another Kickstarter Campaign, this time it was for A Clockwork Ley-Line Trilogy, on this Kickstarter the only way to get a physical edition of the Trilogy was to pay a minimum of 135 USD, it is a similar system to what they used for their ChronoClock Kickstarter Campaign which was the first Sekai Project Kickstarter Campaign where they finally dropped the false pretenses of it being for the sake of the game localization and more for the sake of manufacturing physical goods, in the Clockwork Ley-Line Trilogy Kickstarter you could get a I quote "The Physical Limited Edition" for a premium price of 135 USD not any less, the 135 USD tier is a tier that include both digital copies and physical copies of the rewards, HOWEVER, the I quote "Physical Limited Edition" could not be obtained as stand-alone, they were exclusives to these higher premium tiers and were exclusively sold bundled together with digital codes, which brought the price to a minimum of 135 USD for a I quote "Physical Limited Edition".
    A few people had (rightfully) complained about this in the past and mentioned how it was not fair to keep the Physical Edition exclusively bundled together with digital which raised the price by x2 and how a choice should be offered to backers who only wanted a physical edition without any of the digital rewards, to which Sekai Project basically replied to them that they should go take a hike and they they wouldn't change anything and that if they wanted a physical edition it was 135 USD+ or nothing.
    The Clockwork Ley-Line Trilogy raised a total of 135,430 USD during a 31 days Kickstarter Campaign, which ended on the 19th March 2017 (less than a month ago), however unlike usually it seems that Sekai Project has gone into a new direction unlike before and decided to open an Store Page on the Backerkit Pre-order Store for A Clockwork Ley-Line Trilogy.
    See here, Backerkit Preorder Store:
    Now look here on the original Kickstarter Crowdfunding Campaign page:
    You would notice the following things:
    - On Kickstarter it was only sold for 135 USD minimum bundled together with digital codes, On the Backerkit Store it is sold stand-alone for only 75 USD.
    - On Kickstarter it was advertised as a "Limited Edition", on the Backerkit Store the words "Limited Edition" have been completely removed, yet according to the description it is the same physical set of the trilogy in a slipcase.
    This is what is called a "False Advertising", by falsely putting the words "Limited Edition" next to a non-Limited Edition they would create more demand for it and as such garner more money even though their intention is to keep making money on their Backerkit Store by having it readily available for purchase in a non-limited capacity, this is called "Artificial Creating Demand", see this example to easily understand this scam:
    That's basically what Sekai Project has sold you on Kickstarter if you backed for their "Limited Edition" of a Clockwork Ley-Line which was "Limited" in name only and for a limited time, the only thing "limited" about it is the limited amount of time it took for it to lose it's status of "Limited Edition" (only after they got their 135k from the Kickstarter funds mind you) as you saw on it's Backerkit Pre-order Store.
    Some info on the Backerkit Preorder Store https://www.backerkit.com/preorder_projects
    What they don't tell you is that the "Backerkit Pre-order Store" is a "Pre-order store" in name only, as it is not restricted to only preorder projects, no, even if something has been released years ago you can still let your Backerkit Pre-order Store Page open for business for an indefinite amount of time no matter how long ago the project has already been done with and released. So if Sekai Project wanted, they could use Backerkit as their very own cheap Online Store to sell their fake "Limited Editions" in a seemingly inexhaustible numbers of supply for an indefinite amount of time.
    So basically here you see that Sekai Project royally screwed over their Kickstarter physical backers (the very same people that made their Kickstarter a success), by lying and selling to them a non-Limited Edition as a "Limited Edition" and by overcharging these same Kickstarter Backers a minimum of 135 USD for a physical edition, while they now offer the same physical edition on their Backerkit Store for only 75 USD.
    I urge everyone who backed the A Clockwork Ley-Line Kickstarter for a physical "Limited Edition" to send a message to Sekai Project to request a refund here: [email protected]
    Unless off course you like being overcharged and taken for a fool.
    Sekai Project And Frontwing Screwing Over The Grisaia Trilogy Kickstarter Physical Backers:
    As you probably know, we now are going to have 2 different Grisaia Boxset in english, not one, but two. However one is clearly inferior to the other as I will explain in a few line below, now it's been confirmed that Frontwing will release an English version of the Grisaia Complete Box, which basically screws over every one of the Backers that backed Grisaia Physical Kickstarter in Q4 2014-Q1 2015,
    So who's to blame for this? Frontwing? Sekai Project? Both of them? Who knows, but Sekai Project shares the blame in this as they are the holders of the license and only they could give the greenlight to Frontwing for producing physical copies of the Complete Box and so they did even though they damn well knew that if they did this, that it would instantly screw over the thousands of Grisaia Trilogy Kickstarter Backers who have as of yet not even received 3/4 of the physical game rewards.
    Why is this situation so bad? I will let you judge for yourself:
    Frontwing 2017 Boxset:
    Sekai Project 2014 Boxset:
    So what happens now:
    1. Thousands of Grisaia Trilogy Kickstarter Backers are now going to be stuck with to the clearly shittier Sekai Project Boxset compared to the Frontwing Boxset.
    2. Thousands of Grisaia Trilogy Kickstarter Backers have as of yet only received only 1 (Fruit) of the physical game out of the 4 (Labynrinth, Eden, ChiruChiru Michiru)
    3. The Frontwing Boxset has about 14 different goods included (including the high quality collector's box), while the Sekai Project Boxset has only the measly DVD physical games cases in a flimsy DVD Boxset.
    4. The Frontwing Boxset will be 18+, While the Sekai Project Boxset was censored.
    5. Now that the Frontwing Boxset has been announced this has totally devalued the Sekai Project Boxset to nothing and made it worthless.
    6. Because of point "5.", thousands of Backers are now stuck with the Sekai Project Boxset that they will never be able to sell off, especially if they wish to upgrade to the clearly superior Frontwing Boxset, because who will now pay hundreds of dollars for the Sekai Project Boxset now that there is going to be a Frontwing Boxset that is clearly superior in every way?
    7. Frontwing has shown a complete lack of professionalism and care by basically telling their gaijin customers to buy again and again different versions of Grisaia Boxsets because "That's as good as it's going to get for non-japanese" to only release new ones who were better than the last, some people had to buy Grisaia Boxsets 3 times between 2014 and now (Sekai Project 2014 Boxset, Japanese 2017 Frontwing Boxset Provided by Frontwing who used J-List as their very own online store, English 2017 Frontwing Boxset who will use Backerkit as their own Online Store). This sort of unprofessional behavior certainly wouldn't fly in Japan as it would have been called out real quick in the otaku eroge gamers circles and would have ruined the reputation of said infringing companies, but they do it here because they know they can get away with it in gaijinland. In retrospect, there is only ONE Grisaia Boxset in Japan that was produced in an actual limited quantity.
    I am not gonna lie, I am not crazy about the physical library of titles from MangaGamer or JAST, but at least these have never tried to royally screw over so horribly their customers like Sekai Project does and I never had any problems with the few times I dealt with them.
  7. Like
    Nier got a reaction from Swim Swim in My Rant About Sekai Project And Their Unending Stream of Lies, Scams and Other Deceitful Schemes   
    If you would check my Kickstarter profile you would notice that I have been supporting the localization Visual Novel effort since it's beginnings on Kickstarter with The Grisaia Trilogy and The Clannad Crowdfunding campaigns being the first things that I have ever backed on Kickstarter, since I was eager to see more Visual Novels translated in english, I have spent thousands of dollars in the last few years on supporting pretty much every major japanese VN crowdfunding campaign since the beginning of the trend. However as these localization companies grow, they get more and more bold with their schemes, false advertisements, cheatings, lies and coy word play which in the ends result in them royally screwing over the very same people that helped these localization companies grow as big as they are now. I would prefer to say nothing and just keep things as they are now, but I feel that if I did that these companies would see that they can get away with this and grow bolder and bolder with their schemes aimed at screwing over their customers out of their money for all they are worth, so they need to be called out on it and since no one seem to have noticed and/or mentioned this and I feel that at least someone has to do it.
    Sekai Project's False Advertising Scam and Creating Demand Schemes:
    Sekai Project had recently launched another Kickstarter Campaign, this time it was for A Clockwork Ley-Line Trilogy, on this Kickstarter the only way to get a physical edition of the Trilogy was to pay a minimum of 135 USD, it is a similar system to what they used for their ChronoClock Kickstarter Campaign which was the first Sekai Project Kickstarter Campaign where they finally dropped the false pretenses of it being for the sake of the game localization and more for the sake of manufacturing physical goods, in the Clockwork Ley-Line Trilogy Kickstarter you could get a I quote "The Physical Limited Edition" for a premium price of 135 USD not any less, the 135 USD tier is a tier that include both digital copies and physical copies of the rewards, HOWEVER, the I quote "Physical Limited Edition" could not be obtained as stand-alone, they were exclusives to these higher premium tiers and were exclusively sold bundled together with digital codes, which brought the price to a minimum of 135 USD for a I quote "Physical Limited Edition".
    A few people had (rightfully) complained about this in the past and mentioned how it was not fair to keep the Physical Edition exclusively bundled together with digital which raised the price by x2 and how a choice should be offered to backers who only wanted a physical edition without any of the digital rewards, to which Sekai Project basically replied to them that they should go take a hike and they they wouldn't change anything and that if they wanted a physical edition it was 135 USD+ or nothing.
    The Clockwork Ley-Line Trilogy raised a total of 135,430 USD during a 31 days Kickstarter Campaign, which ended on the 19th March 2017 (less than a month ago), however unlike usually it seems that Sekai Project has gone into a new direction unlike before and decided to open an Store Page on the Backerkit Pre-order Store for A Clockwork Ley-Line Trilogy.
    See here, Backerkit Preorder Store:
    Now look here on the original Kickstarter Crowdfunding Campaign page:
    You would notice the following things:
    - On Kickstarter it was only sold for 135 USD minimum bundled together with digital codes, On the Backerkit Store it is sold stand-alone for only 75 USD.
    - On Kickstarter it was advertised as a "Limited Edition", on the Backerkit Store the words "Limited Edition" have been completely removed, yet according to the description it is the same physical set of the trilogy in a slipcase.
    This is what is called a "False Advertising", by falsely putting the words "Limited Edition" next to a non-Limited Edition they would create more demand for it and as such garner more money even though their intention is to keep making money on their Backerkit Store by having it readily available for purchase in a non-limited capacity, this is called "Artificial Creating Demand", see this example to easily understand this scam:
    That's basically what Sekai Project has sold you on Kickstarter if you backed for their "Limited Edition" of a Clockwork Ley-Line which was "Limited" in name only and for a limited time, the only thing "limited" about it is the limited amount of time it took for it to lose it's status of "Limited Edition" (only after they got their 135k from the Kickstarter funds mind you) as you saw on it's Backerkit Pre-order Store.
    Some info on the Backerkit Preorder Store https://www.backerkit.com/preorder_projects
    What they don't tell you is that the "Backerkit Pre-order Store" is a "Pre-order store" in name only, as it is not restricted to only preorder projects, no, even if something has been released years ago you can still let your Backerkit Pre-order Store Page open for business for an indefinite amount of time no matter how long ago the project has already been done with and released. So if Sekai Project wanted, they could use Backerkit as their very own cheap Online Store to sell their fake "Limited Editions" in a seemingly inexhaustible numbers of supply for an indefinite amount of time.
    So basically here you see that Sekai Project royally screwed over their Kickstarter physical backers (the very same people that made their Kickstarter a success), by lying and selling to them a non-Limited Edition as a "Limited Edition" and by overcharging these same Kickstarter Backers a minimum of 135 USD for a physical edition, while they now offer the same physical edition on their Backerkit Store for only 75 USD.
    I urge everyone who backed the A Clockwork Ley-Line Kickstarter for a physical "Limited Edition" to send a message to Sekai Project to request a refund here: [email protected]
    Unless off course you like being overcharged and taken for a fool.
    Sekai Project And Frontwing Screwing Over The Grisaia Trilogy Kickstarter Physical Backers:
    As you probably know, we now are going to have 2 different Grisaia Boxset in english, not one, but two. However one is clearly inferior to the other as I will explain in a few line below, now it's been confirmed that Frontwing will release an English version of the Grisaia Complete Box, which basically screws over every one of the Backers that backed Grisaia Physical Kickstarter in Q4 2014-Q1 2015,
    So who's to blame for this? Frontwing? Sekai Project? Both of them? Who knows, but Sekai Project shares the blame in this as they are the holders of the license and only they could give the greenlight to Frontwing for producing physical copies of the Complete Box and so they did even though they damn well knew that if they did this, that it would instantly screw over the thousands of Grisaia Trilogy Kickstarter Backers who have as of yet not even received 3/4 of the physical game rewards.
    Why is this situation so bad? I will let you judge for yourself:
    Frontwing 2017 Boxset:
    Sekai Project 2014 Boxset:
    So what happens now:
    1. Thousands of Grisaia Trilogy Kickstarter Backers are now going to be stuck with to the clearly shittier Sekai Project Boxset compared to the Frontwing Boxset.
    2. Thousands of Grisaia Trilogy Kickstarter Backers have as of yet only received only 1 (Fruit) of the physical game out of the 4 (Labynrinth, Eden, ChiruChiru Michiru)
    3. The Frontwing Boxset has about 14 different goods included (including the high quality collector's box), while the Sekai Project Boxset has only the measly DVD physical games cases in a flimsy DVD Boxset.
    4. The Frontwing Boxset will be 18+, While the Sekai Project Boxset was censored.
    5. Now that the Frontwing Boxset has been announced this has totally devalued the Sekai Project Boxset to nothing and made it worthless.
    6. Because of point "5.", thousands of Backers are now stuck with the Sekai Project Boxset that they will never be able to sell off, especially if they wish to upgrade to the clearly superior Frontwing Boxset, because who will now pay hundreds of dollars for the Sekai Project Boxset now that there is going to be a Frontwing Boxset that is clearly superior in every way?
    7. Frontwing has shown a complete lack of professionalism and care by basically telling their gaijin customers to buy again and again different versions of Grisaia Boxsets because "That's as good as it's going to get for non-japanese" to only release new ones who were better than the last, some people had to buy Grisaia Boxsets 3 times between 2014 and now (Sekai Project 2014 Boxset, Japanese 2017 Frontwing Boxset Provided by Frontwing who used J-List as their very own online store, English 2017 Frontwing Boxset who will use Backerkit as their own Online Store). This sort of unprofessional behavior certainly wouldn't fly in Japan as it would have been called out real quick in the otaku eroge gamers circles and would have ruined the reputation of said infringing companies, but they do it here because they know they can get away with it in gaijinland. In retrospect, there is only ONE Grisaia Boxset in Japan that was produced in an actual limited quantity.
    I am not gonna lie, I am not crazy about the physical library of titles from MangaGamer or JAST, but at least these have never tried to royally screw over so horribly their customers like Sekai Project does and I never had any problems with the few times I dealt with them.
  8. Like
    Nier reacted to Narcosis in My Rant About Sekai Project And Their Unending Stream of Lies, Scams and Other Deceitful Schemes   
    Sounds familiar to me 
    I have no idea what's going on between SP and Frontwing, but it clearly shows their lack of proper communication... unless one of them is screwing over another (Frontwing?).
    Regarding CE's - in a normal case, when a publisher gets hold on exclusive rights to release a product within certain boundaries, he makes sure the said product will be definite... which seems to not be the case regarding Grisaia. How is that even possible? Should we blame Frontwing for being greedy, or is it perhaps Sekai Project's fault for showing (yet again) a complete lack of professionalism?
  9. Like
    Nier got a reaction from ヤミハナ in My Rant About Sekai Project And Their Unending Stream of Lies, Scams and Other Deceitful Schemes   
    If you would check my Kickstarter profile you would notice that I have been supporting the localization Visual Novel effort since it's beginnings on Kickstarter with The Grisaia Trilogy and The Clannad Crowdfunding campaigns being the first things that I have ever backed on Kickstarter, since I was eager to see more Visual Novels translated in english, I have spent thousands of dollars in the last few years on supporting pretty much every major japanese VN crowdfunding campaign since the beginning of the trend. However as these localization companies grow, they get more and more bold with their schemes, false advertisements, cheatings, lies and coy word play which in the ends result in them royally screwing over the very same people that helped these localization companies grow as big as they are now. I would prefer to say nothing and just keep things as they are now, but I feel that if I did that these companies would see that they can get away with this and grow bolder and bolder with their schemes aimed at screwing over their customers out of their money for all they are worth, so they need to be called out on it and since no one seem to have noticed and/or mentioned this and I feel that at least someone has to do it.
    Sekai Project's False Advertising Scam and Creating Demand Schemes:
    Sekai Project had recently launched another Kickstarter Campaign, this time it was for A Clockwork Ley-Line Trilogy, on this Kickstarter the only way to get a physical edition of the Trilogy was to pay a minimum of 135 USD, it is a similar system to what they used for their ChronoClock Kickstarter Campaign which was the first Sekai Project Kickstarter Campaign where they finally dropped the false pretenses of it being for the sake of the game localization and more for the sake of manufacturing physical goods, in the Clockwork Ley-Line Trilogy Kickstarter you could get a I quote "The Physical Limited Edition" for a premium price of 135 USD not any less, the 135 USD tier is a tier that include both digital copies and physical copies of the rewards, HOWEVER, the I quote "Physical Limited Edition" could not be obtained as stand-alone, they were exclusives to these higher premium tiers and were exclusively sold bundled together with digital codes, which brought the price to a minimum of 135 USD for a I quote "Physical Limited Edition".
    A few people had (rightfully) complained about this in the past and mentioned how it was not fair to keep the Physical Edition exclusively bundled together with digital which raised the price by x2 and how a choice should be offered to backers who only wanted a physical edition without any of the digital rewards, to which Sekai Project basically replied to them that they should go take a hike and they they wouldn't change anything and that if they wanted a physical edition it was 135 USD+ or nothing.
    The Clockwork Ley-Line Trilogy raised a total of 135,430 USD during a 31 days Kickstarter Campaign, which ended on the 19th March 2017 (less than a month ago), however unlike usually it seems that Sekai Project has gone into a new direction unlike before and decided to open an Store Page on the Backerkit Pre-order Store for A Clockwork Ley-Line Trilogy.
    See here, Backerkit Preorder Store:
    Now look here on the original Kickstarter Crowdfunding Campaign page:
    You would notice the following things:
    - On Kickstarter it was only sold for 135 USD minimum bundled together with digital codes, On the Backerkit Store it is sold stand-alone for only 75 USD.
    - On Kickstarter it was advertised as a "Limited Edition", on the Backerkit Store the words "Limited Edition" have been completely removed, yet according to the description it is the same physical set of the trilogy in a slipcase.
    This is what is called a "False Advertising", by falsely putting the words "Limited Edition" next to a non-Limited Edition they would create more demand for it and as such garner more money even though their intention is to keep making money on their Backerkit Store by having it readily available for purchase in a non-limited capacity, this is called "Artificial Creating Demand", see this example to easily understand this scam:
    That's basically what Sekai Project has sold you on Kickstarter if you backed for their "Limited Edition" of a Clockwork Ley-Line which was "Limited" in name only and for a limited time, the only thing "limited" about it is the limited amount of time it took for it to lose it's status of "Limited Edition" (only after they got their 135k from the Kickstarter funds mind you) as you saw on it's Backerkit Pre-order Store.
    Some info on the Backerkit Preorder Store https://www.backerkit.com/preorder_projects
    What they don't tell you is that the "Backerkit Pre-order Store" is a "Pre-order store" in name only, as it is not restricted to only preorder projects, no, even if something has been released years ago you can still let your Backerkit Pre-order Store Page open for business for an indefinite amount of time no matter how long ago the project has already been done with and released. So if Sekai Project wanted, they could use Backerkit as their very own cheap Online Store to sell their fake "Limited Editions" in a seemingly inexhaustible numbers of supply for an indefinite amount of time.
    So basically here you see that Sekai Project royally screwed over their Kickstarter physical backers (the very same people that made their Kickstarter a success), by lying and selling to them a non-Limited Edition as a "Limited Edition" and by overcharging these same Kickstarter Backers a minimum of 135 USD for a physical edition, while they now offer the same physical edition on their Backerkit Store for only 75 USD.
    I urge everyone who backed the A Clockwork Ley-Line Kickstarter for a physical "Limited Edition" to send a message to Sekai Project to request a refund here: [email protected]
    Unless off course you like being overcharged and taken for a fool.
    Sekai Project And Frontwing Screwing Over The Grisaia Trilogy Kickstarter Physical Backers:
    As you probably know, we now are going to have 2 different Grisaia Boxset in english, not one, but two. However one is clearly inferior to the other as I will explain in a few line below, now it's been confirmed that Frontwing will release an English version of the Grisaia Complete Box, which basically screws over every one of the Backers that backed Grisaia Physical Kickstarter in Q4 2014-Q1 2015,
    So who's to blame for this? Frontwing? Sekai Project? Both of them? Who knows, but Sekai Project shares the blame in this as they are the holders of the license and only they could give the greenlight to Frontwing for producing physical copies of the Complete Box and so they did even though they damn well knew that if they did this, that it would instantly screw over the thousands of Grisaia Trilogy Kickstarter Backers who have as of yet not even received 3/4 of the physical game rewards.
    Why is this situation so bad? I will let you judge for yourself:
    Frontwing 2017 Boxset:
    Sekai Project 2014 Boxset:
    So what happens now:
    1. Thousands of Grisaia Trilogy Kickstarter Backers are now going to be stuck with to the clearly shittier Sekai Project Boxset compared to the Frontwing Boxset.
    2. Thousands of Grisaia Trilogy Kickstarter Backers have as of yet only received only 1 (Fruit) of the physical game out of the 4 (Labynrinth, Eden, ChiruChiru Michiru)
    3. The Frontwing Boxset has about 14 different goods included (including the high quality collector's box), while the Sekai Project Boxset has only the measly DVD physical games cases in a flimsy DVD Boxset.
    4. The Frontwing Boxset will be 18+, While the Sekai Project Boxset was censored.
    5. Now that the Frontwing Boxset has been announced this has totally devalued the Sekai Project Boxset to nothing and made it worthless.
    6. Because of point "5.", thousands of Backers are now stuck with the Sekai Project Boxset that they will never be able to sell off, especially if they wish to upgrade to the clearly superior Frontwing Boxset, because who will now pay hundreds of dollars for the Sekai Project Boxset now that there is going to be a Frontwing Boxset that is clearly superior in every way?
    7. Frontwing has shown a complete lack of professionalism and care by basically telling their gaijin customers to buy again and again different versions of Grisaia Boxsets because "That's as good as it's going to get for non-japanese" to only release new ones who were better than the last, some people had to buy Grisaia Boxsets 3 times between 2014 and now (Sekai Project 2014 Boxset, Japanese 2017 Frontwing Boxset Provided by Frontwing who used J-List as their very own online store, English 2017 Frontwing Boxset who will use Backerkit as their own Online Store). This sort of unprofessional behavior certainly wouldn't fly in Japan as it would have been called out real quick in the otaku eroge gamers circles and would have ruined the reputation of said infringing companies, but they do it here because they know they can get away with it in gaijinland. In retrospect, there is only ONE Grisaia Boxset in Japan that was produced in an actual limited quantity.
    I am not gonna lie, I am not crazy about the physical library of titles from MangaGamer or JAST, but at least these have never tried to royally screw over so horribly their customers like Sekai Project does and I never had any problems with the few times I dealt with them.
  10. Like
    Nier reacted to Narcosis in My Rant About Sekai Project And Their Unending Stream of Lies, Scams and Other Deceitful Schemes   
    Don't see anything he's wrong with pointing at, though. It's obviously clear now SP turned into a bunch of corporate leechs that care little about their consumer base. We're on a shitty internet forum, for god's sake; there's no point in calling this "sensationalist trash" and we're talking about people who literally got screwed over hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. I myself would feel extremely cheated, to say the least and this gives me no more actual reasons to support them anymore, mostly because I can get - actually, I am sure I will - obtain the goods I want at a later date, without a hassle and propably of much better value. Which instantly brings us to the beginning - why even support them right from the start in the first place?
    That aside, I'm also concerned with the ammount of games they are currently trying to push through the whole crowdfunding process. This short period of time saw more games being prepared for release, than throughout the whole previous years. Can they even actually handle it? Won't it affect the quality of both products and customer handling?
  11. Like
    Nier reacted to RedK in My Rant About Sekai Project And Their Unending Stream of Lies, Scams and Other Deceitful Schemes   
    Is it really shitpost though?
    I think he has a point lol
  12. Like
    Nier got a reaction from Chronopolis in My Rant About Sekai Project And Their Unending Stream of Lies, Scams and Other Deceitful Schemes   
    If you would check my Kickstarter profile you would notice that I have been supporting the localization Visual Novel effort since it's beginnings on Kickstarter with The Grisaia Trilogy and The Clannad Crowdfunding campaigns being the first things that I have ever backed on Kickstarter, since I was eager to see more Visual Novels translated in english, I have spent thousands of dollars in the last few years on supporting pretty much every major japanese VN crowdfunding campaign since the beginning of the trend. However as these localization companies grow, they get more and more bold with their schemes, false advertisements, cheatings, lies and coy word play which in the ends result in them royally screwing over the very same people that helped these localization companies grow as big as they are now. I would prefer to say nothing and just keep things as they are now, but I feel that if I did that these companies would see that they can get away with this and grow bolder and bolder with their schemes aimed at screwing over their customers out of their money for all they are worth, so they need to be called out on it and since no one seem to have noticed and/or mentioned this and I feel that at least someone has to do it.
    Sekai Project's False Advertising Scam and Creating Demand Schemes:
    Sekai Project had recently launched another Kickstarter Campaign, this time it was for A Clockwork Ley-Line Trilogy, on this Kickstarter the only way to get a physical edition of the Trilogy was to pay a minimum of 135 USD, it is a similar system to what they used for their ChronoClock Kickstarter Campaign which was the first Sekai Project Kickstarter Campaign where they finally dropped the false pretenses of it being for the sake of the game localization and more for the sake of manufacturing physical goods, in the Clockwork Ley-Line Trilogy Kickstarter you could get a I quote "The Physical Limited Edition" for a premium price of 135 USD not any less, the 135 USD tier is a tier that include both digital copies and physical copies of the rewards, HOWEVER, the I quote "Physical Limited Edition" could not be obtained as stand-alone, they were exclusives to these higher premium tiers and were exclusively sold bundled together with digital codes, which brought the price to a minimum of 135 USD for a I quote "Physical Limited Edition".
    A few people had (rightfully) complained about this in the past and mentioned how it was not fair to keep the Physical Edition exclusively bundled together with digital which raised the price by x2 and how a choice should be offered to backers who only wanted a physical edition without any of the digital rewards, to which Sekai Project basically replied to them that they should go take a hike and they they wouldn't change anything and that if they wanted a physical edition it was 135 USD+ or nothing.
    The Clockwork Ley-Line Trilogy raised a total of 135,430 USD during a 31 days Kickstarter Campaign, which ended on the 19th March 2017 (less than a month ago), however unlike usually it seems that Sekai Project has gone into a new direction unlike before and decided to open an Store Page on the Backerkit Pre-order Store for A Clockwork Ley-Line Trilogy.
    See here, Backerkit Preorder Store:
    Now look here on the original Kickstarter Crowdfunding Campaign page:
    You would notice the following things:
    - On Kickstarter it was only sold for 135 USD minimum bundled together with digital codes, On the Backerkit Store it is sold stand-alone for only 75 USD.
    - On Kickstarter it was advertised as a "Limited Edition", on the Backerkit Store the words "Limited Edition" have been completely removed, yet according to the description it is the same physical set of the trilogy in a slipcase.
    This is what is called a "False Advertising", by falsely putting the words "Limited Edition" next to a non-Limited Edition they would create more demand for it and as such garner more money even though their intention is to keep making money on their Backerkit Store by having it readily available for purchase in a non-limited capacity, this is called "Artificial Creating Demand", see this example to easily understand this scam:
    That's basically what Sekai Project has sold you on Kickstarter if you backed for their "Limited Edition" of a Clockwork Ley-Line which was "Limited" in name only and for a limited time, the only thing "limited" about it is the limited amount of time it took for it to lose it's status of "Limited Edition" (only after they got their 135k from the Kickstarter funds mind you) as you saw on it's Backerkit Pre-order Store.
    Some info on the Backerkit Preorder Store https://www.backerkit.com/preorder_projects
    What they don't tell you is that the "Backerkit Pre-order Store" is a "Pre-order store" in name only, as it is not restricted to only preorder projects, no, even if something has been released years ago you can still let your Backerkit Pre-order Store Page open for business for an indefinite amount of time no matter how long ago the project has already been done with and released. So if Sekai Project wanted, they could use Backerkit as their very own cheap Online Store to sell their fake "Limited Editions" in a seemingly inexhaustible numbers of supply for an indefinite amount of time.
    So basically here you see that Sekai Project royally screwed over their Kickstarter physical backers (the very same people that made their Kickstarter a success), by lying and selling to them a non-Limited Edition as a "Limited Edition" and by overcharging these same Kickstarter Backers a minimum of 135 USD for a physical edition, while they now offer the same physical edition on their Backerkit Store for only 75 USD.
    I urge everyone who backed the A Clockwork Ley-Line Kickstarter for a physical "Limited Edition" to send a message to Sekai Project to request a refund here: [email protected]
    Unless off course you like being overcharged and taken for a fool.
    Sekai Project And Frontwing Screwing Over The Grisaia Trilogy Kickstarter Physical Backers:
    As you probably know, we now are going to have 2 different Grisaia Boxset in english, not one, but two. However one is clearly inferior to the other as I will explain in a few line below, now it's been confirmed that Frontwing will release an English version of the Grisaia Complete Box, which basically screws over every one of the Backers that backed Grisaia Physical Kickstarter in Q4 2014-Q1 2015,
    So who's to blame for this? Frontwing? Sekai Project? Both of them? Who knows, but Sekai Project shares the blame in this as they are the holders of the license and only they could give the greenlight to Frontwing for producing physical copies of the Complete Box and so they did even though they damn well knew that if they did this, that it would instantly screw over the thousands of Grisaia Trilogy Kickstarter Backers who have as of yet not even received 3/4 of the physical game rewards.
    Why is this situation so bad? I will let you judge for yourself:
    Frontwing 2017 Boxset:
    Sekai Project 2014 Boxset:
    So what happens now:
    1. Thousands of Grisaia Trilogy Kickstarter Backers are now going to be stuck with to the clearly shittier Sekai Project Boxset compared to the Frontwing Boxset.
    2. Thousands of Grisaia Trilogy Kickstarter Backers have as of yet only received only 1 (Fruit) of the physical game out of the 4 (Labynrinth, Eden, ChiruChiru Michiru)
    3. The Frontwing Boxset has about 14 different goods included (including the high quality collector's box), while the Sekai Project Boxset has only the measly DVD physical games cases in a flimsy DVD Boxset.
    4. The Frontwing Boxset will be 18+, While the Sekai Project Boxset was censored.
    5. Now that the Frontwing Boxset has been announced this has totally devalued the Sekai Project Boxset to nothing and made it worthless.
    6. Because of point "5.", thousands of Backers are now stuck with the Sekai Project Boxset that they will never be able to sell off, especially if they wish to upgrade to the clearly superior Frontwing Boxset, because who will now pay hundreds of dollars for the Sekai Project Boxset now that there is going to be a Frontwing Boxset that is clearly superior in every way?
    7. Frontwing has shown a complete lack of professionalism and care by basically telling their gaijin customers to buy again and again different versions of Grisaia Boxsets because "That's as good as it's going to get for non-japanese" to only release new ones who were better than the last, some people had to buy Grisaia Boxsets 3 times between 2014 and now (Sekai Project 2014 Boxset, Japanese 2017 Frontwing Boxset Provided by Frontwing who used J-List as their very own online store, English 2017 Frontwing Boxset who will use Backerkit as their own Online Store). This sort of unprofessional behavior certainly wouldn't fly in Japan as it would have been called out real quick in the otaku eroge gamers circles and would have ruined the reputation of said infringing companies, but they do it here because they know they can get away with it in gaijinland. In retrospect, there is only ONE Grisaia Boxset in Japan that was produced in an actual limited quantity.
    I am not gonna lie, I am not crazy about the physical library of titles from MangaGamer or JAST, but at least these have never tried to royally screw over so horribly their customers like Sekai Project does and I never had any problems with the few times I dealt with them.
  13. Like
    Nier reacted to Kkoro in False Elegy [Kickstarter Launched just now!]   
    Glad I made a preview with this prefundia. The artbook will be hardcover.
  14. Like
    Nier reacted to Kkoro in False Elegy [Kickstarter Launched just now!]   
    Thanks for the feedback. We'll add an estimation of the Artbook.
    We'll also look into the prices. It's kind of wonky as we have to do an estimation converted from euros. Kickstarter doesn't allow us to do dollars, but they'll automatically show an estimate in dollars in the reward tier.
    It's a strange situation because we want to offer the game at 18 euros(lower than retail), which would be converted to 19 dollars approximately. Anyway, we'll consider changing it to 19 euros/20 dollars!
  15. Like
    Nier reacted to Kkoro in False Elegy [Kickstarter Launched just now!]   
    Added an estimate of the artbook. Will at least be 80 pages!
  16. Like
    Nier got a reaction from Kkoro in False Elegy [Kickstarter Launched just now!]   
    I think it's mainly good, except for the fact that for the pricing you used is kinda non-standard for Kickstarter (For example I never seen anyone using retail pricing models such as 59.99 on Kickstarter), with the exception of the first tier (the 1 USD) you should use 0's and 5's rather than 0's and 9's, like instead of having the pricing at 15 USD and 19 USD as it is right now, it is better to put it at 15 USD and 20 USD, I checked quite a few of the Kickstarter that I backed (Sharin, Dies Irae, Chrono Clock, Muv-Luv) and they all used 0's and 5's.
    You should also perhaps give an approximate on how much pages the physical Artbook might have.
    Aside from this I might probably back for the 69 USD tier for the Nephilim Edition tier, the 110 USD tier interest me too for the physical Artbook, but it depends on how meaty it is.
  17. Like
    Nier reacted to InvertMouse in The Last Birdling (InvertMouse's 5th year project)   
    Hi Nier! Thank you for your question .
    The Last Birdling will not have a kickstarter campaign. The community has supported my previous projects, and thanks to them, I am able to fund recent games on my own. I noticed on other threads you like to support English VNs, so I very much appreciate that! But yeah, though Kickstarter can be a good promotion tool, I cannot undermine what the community has done for me in the past five years.
  18. Like
    Nier reacted to Kkoro in False Elegy [Kickstarter Launched just now!]   
    Yeah there were still being worked on. But they're released now! Let me know what you think.
  19. Like
    Nier got a reaction from InvertMouse in The Last Birdling (InvertMouse's 5th year project)   
    Any plans to run a Kickstarter for this?
  20. Like
    Nier reacted to Kkoro in False Elegy [Kickstarter Launched just now!]   
    Prefundia is live NOW: http://prefundia.com/projects/view/false-elegy-kickstarter/10683/
  21. Like
    Nier reacted to VLOCKUP in Mangagamer secrets project   
    lol apparently Waffle may have spoiled the one of the secret projects.
    According to Google:
    Big tits fantasy English edition was sold only for download distribution until now, but soon the packaged version will be on sale as well.

    Also, the English version of Big Breasts Fantasy Gaiden is also delivered, so the big tits series seems to be supported by overseas users as well.
    I feel that the charm of "big tits" is common to all countries.
    So we can expect physical of FF and FFG reveal.
  22. Like
    Nier reacted to Decay in VN with 18+ scenes   
    In the style of mosaicing being done these days, the vast majority of VNs wouldn't have the pubic hair hidden by mosaics. It's really just an issue of most eroge artists not really knowing how to make it look good.
  23. Like
    Nier reacted to Dergonu in Sekai Project Set to Publish KARAKARA 2 And Neko-Nin Ex Heart   
    Nice to see Neko-Nin get an 18+ version. Was a bit worried they would only sell the all-ages version and nothing more. (They are even removing the mosiacs. Good stuff.)
  24. Like
    Nier got a reaction from Dergonu in Sekai Project Set to Publish KARAKARA 2 And Neko-Nin Ex Heart   
    Here, have some kawaii pictures:

    So now we finally know that the "mysterious publisher" who signed a licensing deal with whirlpool was in fact Sekai Kami Purojecto!
    More info here:
  25. Like
    Nier reacted to #YOLOGNAISWAGETTI in Trap Visual Novels?   
    so many gay  ppl
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