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Dark Ariel7

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Everything posted by Dark Ariel7

  1. Fall is looking better. Look forward to the new Fate/Stay
  2. He he he. I kind of like it. Why would they not at least read the first couple of posts?
  3. Ah! I just realized that that comment was meant for Arakura. Well hopefully she tells me where its from.
  4. Greetings and salutations. I like your avatar. Where is she from?
  5. Well that is just childish. And you clearly do not know what gentleman means. That is just taking an uppity attitude and walking out in the middle of what I had presumed to be a civilized conversation. A chivalrous, courteous, or honorable man is what is considered a gentleman. Please do not mistake that. It is just being condescending.
  6. i operate rather poorly as I dont type often. Words per minute (WPM) 35 Keystrokes 185 (175 | 10) Correct words 34 Wrong words 2
  7. I really would rather do neither but as long as my eyes don't dry out of their sockets in an excruciating way. The de capo. A. Fap until red raw and painfull. right before the blood starts. B. Abstain from sexual behavior faping or otherwise for 2 years.
  8. First off. The glass ceiling is not a proven fact rather more of supposed assumption based on surveys. Is it believeable? Yes. It could be argued, and it has, that it is because women are willing to take on lower starting wages and ask for raises less often. They are less assertive. Though I think this part of the conversation is getting off topic. His point is exactly the fact that it is becoming the norm. More women attend college now than males. That translates into future jobs of higher caliber. Reproductive system says nothing for brain activity. More difficult to understand is a very relative term. More difficult for whom? I understand women about as well as men. Also even if I let it slide that you are using the bible to prove your point. What does the order in which they were created have to do with the complexity? I may be a satanist but I am not ignorant. I have basic knowledge of what the bible says.
  9. Is there any way I can get another? DimDito makes some awesomeones! So if you have time. Name: Dark Ariel7 Title: Loli Smitten Avatar: My forum avatar is fine Gender: Male Birthday: January 29 Favorite Visual Novel: Majikoi Card based on: No Game no Life and Shinobu from BakeMonogatari.
  10. The fact that you refer to them as common is part of the problem. I did not say slam the door on any ones face. That said there is a difference in between making sure the door does not hit the guy behind you and rushing forward to open the door for a girl. If an asshole for not keeping the door open, is the other guy an idiot for not opening the door like I did? Why the heck should I pay? Were you not going to eat that day if I did not invite you? That is just you paying for your meal like you should do anyways. You are a grown adult that ave her consent to go out to see if we like each other. I invited you but I should not have to pay you for it to.
  11. Shinobu. Loli is a look not really an age. I do wish more loli characters were better created. Like Shiro.
  12. Some how your appearance and the things you say dont match...
  13. If I may be so bold as to interpret, he seemed to mean something closer to educate your children so that they know the difference between playing catch and doing sexual favors. I agree with that. and the second statement is a little crude but it seems to mean means that you should not be presenting the opportunity. Opportunity makes the crime. Which, to some degree, I can agree with. I do believe he already said that rape was wrong so I can assume he would be OK with a pedophile that rapes a kid being arrested. If I am wrong on any of this please feel free to correct me, Okami. This is just what I got from your posts.
  14. "But enough with the history shit. What's your opinion on this? From the different forums I've visited It seems that people are really divisive on this topic. It's either "It's sick and twisted" or "It's fine and I don't mind"" was the original post topic. Since we are talking about opinions and using laws as reference I feel that it is a perfectly extendable topic that still relates to the original post. I mean if we stay too single tracked we can hardly have a discussion past "sex with a minor is illegal" and "2d is 2d 3d is 3d". We are simply expanding on the "sick and twisted" side of it. He wanted and interesting discussion about loli. I feel that this fits the bill "and thus should be punisheable." is particularly the part that I cannot agree with that interposes that laws make justice and not that justice makes the law. A very important differentiation. Just because it is a law does not mean it is ok. There is validity in discussing pedophilia as it to some extent pertains to loli.
  15. Well from what I read he just seemed to be saying that odds of getting caught by one such agent are relatively low. Which I can agree with.
  16. In that case, I concede the point. Attempt at rape is pretty terrible. With enough evidenve to make sure that it is indeed an attempt at rape then I concur. They should be arrested.
  17. I just noticed that there is a loli thread in the forum. I just HAD to participate. I am sure Jun understands. Also, yup the chris route was a total curve. It was better in every way than I thought it would be. Also for anyone that has read the S+ for Chris. Can I expect a repeat of the drunken scene? You know the one. So?
  18. Actually if you read my other post I did address that. \
  19. If that is not an implication of the fact that they should be arrested before they do anything, ergo for what they think, then I don't know what is.
  20. I would like to register myself here as a lolicon. Am I seriously the only one that saw that Okami was on topic and was right? The penalization for the act of sexualizing a child in fiction or not seems to be with the topic at hand. Also maybe its because I am still relatively young but I still remember what it was like when I first took up interest in girls in a sexual way. I was maybe 10 or 12? The girls I had a sexual interest in were about my same age. Why is it so wrong for a person to keep that sexual consciousness that we all had at that age? Do I like children? No. I think they are freaking gross. I mean seriously dirty. Maybe that is just because I saw snot covered kids to much when I was younger but I digress. Do I sometimes see a "hot" underage girl? yes. Does that mean I want to have sex with her. yes. Does that mean I have any plans to molest her? NO. I see hot older women all the time and I have no plan to molest them either. Rape is rape. Sexual preferences are sexual preferences. Mutually exclusive. What does this have to do with the topic? Well I mean we are talking about Lolis. Lolis are for the most part a fictional 2d object in your head. If you love them in a sexual way that does mean you would rape them even if you could. Though, you can't(yet). So, whats the harm? Also, even if you want to say that they are sexual symbols for kids. Sure that could easily be argued. However, they are enhanced versions that hardly resemble actual kids. They have more sensual bodies and erotic adult behavior. I mean my favorite loli is Shinobu. Sure she is similar to a kid. But I dare any of you to find a picture of a kid that resembles her adult charm and cute juxtaposition of old and young.
  21. Did you seriously say that first statement? I can maybe agree with the second but not with the first.
  22. Ha ha. My bad. I was in the middle of an argument with some nitwit on the other side of the internet when I wrote that. + I have a cold. That was childish though. Im sorry.
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