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Dark Ariel7

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Everything posted by Dark Ariel7

  1. Holy crap! no way. You can get one of those? How?
  2. I just realized that I seem to be missing a scene on the Sayaka route. How many are there supposed to be. No matter what I try all I get is 2. Is there a walktrhough somewhere?
  3. A great addition to the discussion. Most people only ever think of it from one side. I like to believe that if we can keep a certain non asshole like balance then the system works. For example, as a woman. If Men have to pay for your food and entertainment when you go out. Is it that bad that they ask you to cook when at home? Now what I mean from before is as a guy, do not take advantage. It's not like she HAS to cook. Especially every day. however I do feel that she should cook often. Things like that keep the system going, I think.
  4. Again. There is more to being a gentleman than common courtesy. Common courtesy is just that, common. To be a gentleman you must go above and beyond that. So just because you are not a gentleman aka open the door for girls it does not make you an asshole OR a scumbag.
  5. Why does not being a gentleman=being an asshole in your head? There is more to being agentleman than simply having common courtesy.
  6. That's odd. I have never signed out accidentally. Though I can totally see how you would do so on a tablet.
  7. I find that for most series that I really want a doujinshi for there are either none or not for the girl I want.
  8. It's one of the only 3 I like so far. Probabky second after Akame. I do however seem to the only one that likes Matsutaro.
  9. Even the freedom to be an asshole is a part of freedom. I agree with Rooke on that part. You cannot have freedom and have people get along at the same time to begin with there are only rules BECAUSE people cannot get along when you let them do what they want.
  10. WHAT THE HELL?!?! The Momoyo after story in S is just far too short. The Mayucchi one is much longer. Although rejoice one of the complaints has been fixed.
  11. What is MoeNovel btw? Also learning Jp IS faster than waiting for TL. I should know, I started because I wanted to be able to watch stuff that did not have a tl. I started about the same time as Majikoi was stalled. I finished reading ALL of the majikoi series and there is still no patch for the first one. The yahoo answer guys have no idea what the hell they are talking about. Also I mean to post this last page but it slipped my mind. It seems somewhat behind on the topic but bear with me.
  12. *now to wait for the discussion to die down and necro again in a few months* Muwahahahaha
  13. Hmm. I guess I assumed once a mod always a mod. Sounds like there is an interesting back story behind that statement.
  14. In and idealistic world I would for the most part agree with you. However, people chosen to be your leaders are mostly no better than you. So they should not be considered you "betters". And while you can take the high road, it gets lonely when you are the only one that travels it.
  15. I find this to be a very concise way of phrasing it. I would agree that I am in the free form camp in general.
  16. Sometimes. It makes me conceited and makes me feel like I am a better person than all of those who did not give up their seats. As a general rule though no. Why the hell would I want to stand up? I would like to point out that by that same toke, the seat is not theirs.
  17. Hmm. This seems to me a bit more focused with fitting into society than really the double standards that I was referring to. I would disagree with the second half of what you said. I recognize no person as being higher in society than I. No not even the police or the president. If I obey the police it is not because I respect them but rather because I will get into trouble if I don't. That said, I try not to be an ass hole where undue. I think of no person as lower than me in society.
  18. From what I am seeing. and my own experience with the forum. I think it comes down to having a better tag system.
  19. I am only in my late teens. If that is what being old is like then I am at least 60 at heart.
  20. I never understood why people can't just do this. Another reason I like repeat threads is because I-like most people- like to hear(read?) myself speak. And to be frank most things have been already said anyways.
  21. Hmm. I would probably make a pretty crappy mod then. All I would probably ever do is step in when it gets way too childish. Like a whole page of insults back and forth thing. Other than that I would silently observe and judge(much like I do now.)
  22. I didn't really mind as I saw the logic behind it. I did think it was kinda funny though. I guess the question should be better phrased so that it refers to the rules of a site rather than the moderators. I just associate the two so to me they meant the same thing. Also as a side note, I find that most people actually hate guys that enforce the rules to the letter and seem to prefer people that use them as guidelines.
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