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Dark Ariel7

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Everything posted by Dark Ariel7

  1. This is more of a general question but how do you usually translate "ne" for emphasis. I thought translating it as "see" might work but it sound too stereotypically Italian and not childish enough. I want that nice childish way of speaking that is always saying "ne" "ne" so that you pay attention to them.
  2. And what's your opinion on Brynhildr in the darkness? I went and even read the manga. Part of it in spanish. I did not like reading in spanish but addiction is a b^($#.
  3. Well I see that and partially agree. But what I am hoping for is that there is still some time for better Villains I mean this IS the first race they actually take on. The other antagonists so far were single individuals rather than the whole nation. So maybe the villains get better with time. I mean you dont usually start off in Hardcore mode the first time you play. You have to unlock it.
  4. Well to be honest I think that it is basically impossible to find any kind of story that does not follow a set pattern. "The key to originality is knowing how to hide your sources". If you thought of it someone before you probably did too. I mean cliches are cliches because they are good enough to be repeatedly used. I can see your point but anything is pretty boring and simple if you oversimplify it. I mean for example most shounen are either weak to strong by guts/will/hidden talent he had not tapped into or they are overpowered until they loose for the first time and have to train. Its about the attitude you give the show.
  5. Yup thats the one. Thanks. I actually did not see the no yoru part
  6. I am having some trouble with the meaning of this: ポケットに入っていたはずの 「銀河鉄道」がなかった mainly because I cannot figure out what 「銀河鉄道」 is. It seems to be something like galaxy but that makes no sense. There is no context either making this all the harder for me. does anyone know what this means?
  7. I am also partial to the art style in the show.
  8. Yeah. I'm seriously trying to be weary of this. I want to set a good challenging pace but don't want to burn out. Yeah. I thought about what you said and just said "man why did I not think of that?" You are totally right.
  9. Why is that? Is it the context issue? If so I have already seen the anime adaptation of the light novel. Though I have not read the novel itself.
  10. Please dont raise the hurdle. It's my first time. it will probably be only passable. But oh well. Don't mind me I'm just being a tsundere over here.
  11. Yeah. I know what Novel I want. I want to be able to finish about a chapter a month for the first volume at first. It should pick up at about the third chapter or so. But in any case I picked the novel already and will start working on it today or tomorrow. I will update here to tell you what novel it is when I finish the first chapter.
  12. Looks like one of my dreams is coming true soon. When I first begun to learn Japanese I really admired the guys that translated all of the stuff that I illegally watched for free. I thought that they were just awesome to be good enough to do this for other people. Well, soon I may be joining their ranks and becoming a translator. I am joining a team(or at least in the middle of an exam to join) in order to become one. I even have a project in mind already. Though it won't be a anime translation like I originally planned I am still happy with it. I will be doing light novels for the time.
  13. Oh well, that explains why it was so "slow" at translating. Though I must say that I am surprised considering the small quantity of pages that it contains.
  14. Only the latest chapter is not translated? I thought it was a weekly manga. It's a monthly?
  15. Already reading but bugged that translation seems to have stalled.
  16. I was oddly enough never into Tenchi. Though I do like war on geminar.
  17. I go for the harem. Not the half assed one where no one does any thing but the real one. You know where they all do everything. Hint hint stroke stroke.
  18. I want one that is not being translated at all please. No stalled or cancelled. I am not into anything to serious gory or dark.
  19. Nope. What is the point of live action animation? You loose all of the nice impossibilities granted by the realm of animation. Like super retarded expressions. Where would anime be without those?
  20. ha ha. That was a typo. I really meant Nakige. It would be really weird to cry to a nukige.
  21. Though not Nukige if you are looking to cry try out Fate/Zero. Heavy atmosphere from the beginning so not really a nukige. BUT the tears will come.
  22. I hate that in this world the answer to most problems always boils down to "Practice more." Not that is this case I was looking for one but, Why can't there be easy fixes?
  23. Welcome brother. We have been expecting you. Also yeah I also watch akuma no riddle. It looked like it could have been so much more.
  24. I guess the fact that I am not used to the characters makes them appear more difficult to read when small. Making them appear smaller. But I swear that the furigana are diminutive. I can practically count the pixels(or dots I guess since it is a print not a screen character)
  25. Lately I find myself wondering if the Japanese have some form of supervision or something. I mean have you ever tried reading a printed manga in japanese? The freaking kanji are tiny and the furigana hit the micro scale. Their freakin Light novels are published in the tinniest of books and still they seem to read them with no problem. I also evolved that line of thinking into a stupider question that I never thought I would ask myself, "Am I 'looking' right?". When you need to ask yourself that you KNOW you are doing something wrong.
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