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Dark Ariel7

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Everything posted by Dark Ariel7

  1. Well I figured it was a metaphor even before I knew it was about her legs.what I want to know is what kii and kishuu are in the sense of the comparison.
  2. So the sentence about the rice is about her legs? How do kii and kishuu fit in though?
  3. I am now having some trouble with this part. Primarily because I cannot for the life of me figure out what how kii or kishuu play arole in this at all. Though phrasing the first sentence is also a bit of a pain. 透明ビニールというセクシャルな服を羽織って艶やかな黒下着を見せつけてくる大和撫子。 その下の純白の銀シャリに守られた具材は梅、紀州の赤い文字が僕を誘ってくる。あえて紀伊 ではなく紀州なのが実にエロイ……ではなく、ニクイ。
  4. Then season 2 would probably be a 7/10 at best and a 6/10 at worst. Its enjoyable at the very least.
  5. Confirmed. Season 1 of Date a Live was much better. I wanted to hold off final opinions until the last episode. I really think that there was much less emotional connection to the new character than to the old ones in the last season. The content was better connected last season.
  6. The カゴ part is actually a basket, like at a super. I know that much. not sure why that is but that is what it is.
  7. Well they do live in a small room somewhere and have anthropophobia. They also have terrible memories there. What other way were they going to react?
  8. I dont think that really fits in well with the rest of it. It's so hard when there is no english counterpart.
  9. How would you translate the 霊のカゴ part? I think I got everything else but this is just killing me. I am really bad with the の particle for some odd reason. Thanks. そして彼らの視線の先には床に伏した四名の意識なき者たちの体である。 何が起こったのか.長く付けられていた目隠隠しを外された時のように、僕は首を回して、残 された状況から考えてみる。棚からなくなった半額弁当、レジに並ぷ半額弁当を手にした者た ち、弁当コーナー前で呆然としている手ぶら、または霊のカゴを手にした者たち……. 何かが起こった。確かに、何かあったのだ。
  10. I also find that some doujinshi have stories on par or better than popular series.
  11. Black bullet is just so damn dark. Everything that he grows attached to dies.
  12. There is a true route called Agave. Translation at 50% is a little low though. Most of it is done. probably closer to 75 % though this is just the feel I got from playing both the translated and non translated parts. There is also a separate patch about to be released in a couple of weeks by a guy called Kozuna and his team members. There is a separate thread for that but it is mostly random talking so going there for info is not really easy.
  13. I did not really see the anime but the manga is worth a shot. It had a nice shounen feel while still being somewhat feminine if that makes any sense to you. I can tell you without watching though that Haikyu and baby steps have very different feels. One is more boyish while the other is more girlish.
  14. No one ever seems to comment about Matsutaro here.
  15. To be honest, I think it is the good kind is generic. It is pleasant not too many surprises and has good characters. Is it my favorite show? No. Is it fun and entertaining? yes. They could do better with it. That is my only complaint about it. Magikano. Now that was terrible generic crap. I have never bagged on a show for being generic but that was all the stereotypes and none of the fun.
  16. It actually ends in one chapter. I read it too. It was awesome at just the right pace. Probably no second season though. There are only 6 volumes of the LN they have done 3 with this series. It is totally possible if they pace the series the same though. I don't think that anime likes catching up to the original source is why I said this. What has me so confused now though is the last line of the next anime preview of no game no life. "Its way faster than salamander" What does that mean?
  17. I'm not much of a fan of horror so I most likely will not watch that one.
  18. Country of Roe seems to be what he is calling the city where he is going to like. I'm guessing the city is famous for it or something. But yeah I actually got more or less that after sitting on it for a few hours.
  19. I need some help translating this 俺はもう明太子の国で骨を埋めようと思う Is that supposed to be an expression or something? The family is talking about moving away and the father says this. I think it means something like "I thought maybe I should just bury the bone at the county of roe." But that sounded so random that I thought this might be an idiom for something or something.
  20. The worst thing about Akuma no Riddle thought is that it was misleading. From the art and description and maybe even the first episode it looked to be really good. Then, BAM! You get squat.
  21. Yeah you are right. To be hones it was just a small thing that irked and I had some free time to kill so I thought I'd post here to see what you guys thought. I would give credit. It bother me slightly that they ask. It is certainly nothing worth starting a fight over. And to finish the thread derailing. Kaguya, your signature just made me finally take the leap to download Fate Stay Night I will probably start reading today. Damn you ugly art! It looks like it would be so good without that.Or at least without the text box everywhere.
  22. This is pretty much what I thought about it too. I mean whether you want to give credit or not is up to you. What irks me though is just that they would even ask to be given credit and notification. It just comes off to me as hypocritical. I mean it's like pretending that there are certain rules that need to be followed to use the content. It does not matter if there are consequences or not they are still asking you to do it.
  23. My problem with this though is how is it a dick move? I mean you are not giving out their translation. You are making your own translation based off of theirs. I went back to check they actually ask that you notify them and give them credit.
  24. Well I did not mean taking credit for something you did not write. I meant for example taking a translation from a group that is in english and then translating that into spanish. Groups feel like you should give them credit for using their translation as a base. I know they can't really DO anything. I just wanted to know how people felt about it.
  25. I am talking about fan translations. I mean the other day I was at a Ln fan translation site (that shall not be named because sometimes people can be really sore over nothing.) and I saw that one of the FAQ for the site was that you cannot take the translation and translate it without giving credit to the group. This is not the only place where I have seen similar claims either. Well, it got me thinking. Why do I need their permission to use the work they themselves made without permission from its author. I mean it just seems really hypocritical. What do you guys think is it Ok to take a fan translation without permission?
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