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Dark Ariel7

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Everything posted by Dark Ariel7

  1. This season is not looking too good for me. I am only interested in about 3 or 4.
  2. Ah. I see. Thank you. I got what the formula was for but not all how it worked.
  3. I may perhaps be coming here more often than I should.... Well anyways. Thanks for the assist on the last line. I have a new mission for you should you choose to accept it. I think I get the gist but I dont really get the equation part at all.... Thanks in advance. 平目時と同様に一日あたりの食費を300+x[yen]として計算すれば一カ月は四週なので月 額食費4*7(300+x)となり、これを整理すれば8400+28x[yen]という解に至る。
  4. Hello, I need help with a sentence. Context is that the guy just passed out and cant perfectly remeber what happened so he is having a girl tell him what she saw. 白粉の話を聞く限りでは、意識が飛んでいようといまいとあまり差はないらしかった。 The part that is really giving me trouble is this one here: いようといまいと, no idea what that is.
  5. Loli knows no age. Also, it's ok. Sora and Shiro do their out-most to keep it barely safe.
  6. I am partial to Tail Chaser Ring x Mama Tonari no Seieki-san Koisuru Ushichichi
  7. I do actually have a link with a list that has some good stories, http://www.fakku.net/forums/manga-doujinshi-and-video-discussion/hentai-with-detailed-stories-and-or-character-development That is mostly good stuff.
  8. Well I mean it's not like they have to be mutually exclusive. You can have a decent story and hentai at the same time.
  9. I started very coincidentally. I wanted something more than just a crappy plot and was surfing fakku in search of it when I found this page: http://www.fakku.net/forums/manga-doujinshi-and-video-discussion/hentai-with-detailed-stories-and-or-character-development There I looked through and read all of the doujinshi that looked food. When I ran out I noticed that at the bottom there was something about Wanko to Kurasou and the rest is history...
  10. It's really sad that Black Bullet is at its last episode. It is a really good series.
  11. That last bit is very disheartening. The character ensemble from Minato-soft is just so beautiful. Very full of life and well balanced. Other than breaking my dreams though, Thanks for the list. I am actually going to try another of your recommendations right now too. Ichiban Janakya dame desu ka.
  12. Is there a Vn out there with a protagonist like Yamato from Majikoi? He is not all that strong or anything but he is cool takes the lead has strength in his own way and does not just wishy washy go with the flow. I prefer something romantic comedy ish. If its funny and still has romance I will almost certainly love it. Super bonus points if there is a harem ending. It's fine if it is not translated as long as the level of JP for it is not crazy high.
  13. I meant particularly good. I have liked the show since before episode 1. The description and art won me over.
  14. Chaika just turned really good. It's a shame that it is only 12 episodes. Good thing there is another season announced. No Game No Life uses Steph like a Furuichi. I like it.
  15. I forger but why exactly is it so hard to log into Ex? They made it more difficult than is the norm.
  16. not sure if insult, or...
  17. I used to use fakku and still visit but sad panda has more...erm.... specialized content.
  18. Well, it depends on the hentai you watch. Lover in Law and The joys of sex and game development (or something to that effect) are both pretty good. Most though, unlike manga, are pretty crappy.
  19. I love it. Watch the stuff everyday. Hate the stuff animated from popular doujinshi though... They always have like a 5 dollar animation budget.
  20. No Game No Life is epic as always. That said, I am glad I read the LN. They are this and so much more.
  21. Benkei. Benkei is the way to go. Haou is not that bad either...
  22. Oh thanks. I just got that the whole thing is about onigiri. I totally forgot that they are wrapped in black seaweed. Sill not too good on the kii kishuu thing but it would probably make sense if I was Japanese. This whole time I thought it was about a girl that is introduced in the next paragraph.
  23. Too bad there was no matsutaro this weekend. not that anyone cares but me...
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