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Dark Ariel7

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Everything posted by Dark Ariel7

  1. pretty much this. It was random. Not to be confused with original. I liked it enough to watch it casually but it was hardly original. I have yet to even finish watching the last episode.
  2. In a forum or website in general what do you think is the amount of proactivity that a moderator should have? I mean I think we have all had experiences with mods on random websites that we think are abusive. Or I guess another similar question is how would you run a website if you were a moderator? Ban every other person? Close threads left and right? Big brother every post? Or would you be more of a "NSFW? No problem." type of moderator? Also please don't sling mud at anyone in particular. Just general statements are more than fine. Just as a side note. I actually, so far, like every admin from this site. They are usually pretty cool. They even let us Majikoi guys keep our completely random thread open under games and chatter.
  3. Don't worry about it. I was not really complaining or anything. I just REALLY wanted to point out the irony. I mean I actually had to look for the thread just to do it. But anyhow, What do you think of my policy or lack there off? As a mod what problems does the policy pose?
  4. I like Cliches overall. I mean it's a cliche for a reason. People want to see it. I mean how many different non cliche ways are there for interestingly portraying an interesting scenario.
  5. Not sure how I feel about the irony of my thread getting locked because of a new thread on the same topic. Also the thread is actually a few months old. I just necro'ed it for the irony(?) But anyways, What is the problem with making new topics and or necro'ing? I feel like just letting them run rampant up to a certain point is the best policy. I mean for things that get asked often enough don't you simply fix it by making stickies or dedicated threads? Summary, laissez faire or perhaps socialism?
  6. I actually prefer the 100 thread option. for reasons stated in my previous post.
  7. To be honest, I actually enjoy the system. I like treating girls well. I have old timely romanticism in my head. The only reason why I find myself asking the question is because there is as of late an extreme lack of balance in the system now. "Ladies" at my school taught it proper and appropriate to, in great detail, discuss their toiletries in the middle of class in very, yes I do mean very, loud voice. Even so they expect guys to do things for them and treat them as if though they are ladies. I am on the fence on treating every person well. I treat people with a hint of indifference until I am given a reason not to. I do not treat people with respect. That said neither do I disrespect them. I just felt that people think that I mean to be rude to people just because you are not acting like a gentleman. It does not mean that you have to act like a cretin. Also, I think we can all agree that none of this applies when you like a person. Friends, especially girlfriends, are to be treated with love. Not with crappy formalities. If those formalities serve as a way for you to express love, though then that is fine too.
  8. Hmm. I have not seen the first episode yet. They may indeed be rushing it. I simple said that in regards to the LN.
  9. I am a firm believer in the author. A translator's job is to translate. NOT to create or edit. To translate means to express the sense of (words or text) in another language. The bare minimum of creative license if afforded so that you may do so better. I really think that a translator should only change something when the audience will simply not understand. And even then, I actually believe that the audience should go through the trouble of at least looking up something they don't understand. The best example of this is probably honorifics. Is there a translation for Senpai or Sama? Yes and no. Sure you can write upperclassman or sir. However, in english these words have very different intonation and come off as very stiff. If you want to read stuff from Japan the bare minimum that you need to do as the audience is getting to know these types of things. Seriously how hard would it be to smoothly translate Kuudere in a sentence? Or even loli.
  10. I read the light novels. It really has a very interesting plot.
  11. I wont let you say any of those complaints about HxH though.
  12. I would not walk on the side of the umbrella with water. I am about as vain as a woman. I don't want to get wet either. I may be stronger than her physically but disease does not care about that. I do it because she is old. Not because she is a woman. If I have to do all of these things for you because I am a man, is it really so far fetched of me to tell you to shut up and make me a sandwich? A system is supposed to work both ways. Admittedly if you like a girl it is different. You like her. That is why you do it. I am not talking about general courtesy. You do that so that you can keep from going at each others throats. I am talking about something more unreasonable. Like boys at school always getting to leave last for lunch of home because "ladies first" or getting in trouble with your parents because you hit a girl and she started the fight. Also there are no knight because there is no feudalism. I know there are still people that hold the title. People still get knighted by the queen but that does not make them knights. It is frankly an insult to the guys that dedicated all of their lives to live by the sword.
  13. The protagonist from Akame really seems to be one of the good ones. He is funny and reacts well to the situations around him but is not a weakling. In other words he has balls.
  14. Well, not what I expected when I performed a revival ritual but this is good too... I just like new threads because I hate going through several pages of stuff wanting to reply to that stuff and realizing that it is too late. I mean when a thread has like 15 pages people don't really even remember what they posted on pg 1 or how they felt about it at the time.
  15. NECROMANCY! I have been waiting for months to do that.
  16. People like to say that Chivalry is dead. However, chivalry is for knight to use not for the populace. There have been no knights for well over 100 years now. What they mean to say is that men no longer act in a kind and considerate manner towards women. Why should we? I mean it's fine to open the door for a girl if you want to but I find it arrogant when girls say things that imply that we need to open the door for them. I think women can be really arrogant like that. For example using things such as "girls first" and "you can't hit a girl". Should girls get special treatment from men?
  17. If you want loli, try the no game no life LN. They recently got an anime. Watch the first episode to get a taste. Not 18+ but just about the best I got. I also enjoy Campione. Very borderline on the 18+. They have a loli character. Athena. However, that said, she does not come out often.
  18. Rail Wars. The only thing bothering me at this point is, why does everyone start off as security? It really seems pointless. If he wanted to be an engineer why would they put him in security first?
  19. I actually did not think Steph was annoying at all. Maybe that's just because I read the LN and then watched the anime though... In the Ln she is much more developed as a character.
  20. Pst. This show doesn't even have an android girl. But that aside I don't like the cosplay girl. She is nothing like steph. She is just annnoying.
  21. Not out yet. I actually forgot that that comes out later. So far the only anime I like is Rail Wars and Akame ga kill. I thought it was actually a TRIGGER anime but it seemed odd. I checked to make sure and it was not. Makes sense though. It did not seem to fit them. Sill love the anime though.
  22. I am a bit sad that there seems to be no good harem show for the season.
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