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Dark Ariel7

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Everything posted by Dark Ariel7

  1. people seem to do this a lot though. they guys from Majikoi did the same thing. They were 85% done with one of the 2 last routes but did not give their work to the guy currently finishing it.
  2. Id say that there is an 85% chance he does not finish it before going to the hospital. (not a 15% joke, so it's OK right?)
  3. I never get why people refuse to hand off their work to other people. If you are not gonna finish it why not let another finish it?
  4. dammit it all to hell. I finally thought I found a good one. Oh well. Do you happen to have a link to the latest patch or something? if not I can just look for one. I can probably start it in english and finish in Japanese.
  5. It seems a translation was started but I am not sure if they finished. I cannot seem to find a full english patch. Is there one? Link would be appreciated if there is
  6. Yeah sorry not to be of much help. I am only just past the beginner stage myself. Baka ni suru works too. I just associate those words with being made fun of or looked down on. It fits the meaning but the nuance is a little different I think. I could be wrong and its hard to put into words but that was just what I thought at the moment. koi also is not a strong enough word to match Infatuated. I think it ends up meaning loving only yourself. Take it with a grain of salt because I probably know less than you but thats what I think.
  7. Hinata. Call me an optimist. Everyone can be Happy only if Naruto marries Hinata. But in all honesty he WILL end up with sakura. She also just happens to be the same as his mom. He is the same as his dad. Sad. Truly sad.
  8. So I check my profile and apparently almost 900 views on it. Am I that funny looking?

  9. Bakamitai or Bakanimieru sounds seems closer I think. I also dont think mean and dirty are very similar. But I also cant think of anything better.
  10. Its both. NA adjective. "Baka na Koto Iwanaide" common phrase in anime.
  11. 2) I don't want an artificial life of half-assed-ness. Also if I can see something amazing never before seen and maybe never again seen then that is worth dying for. 1)Fight a very horny oiled up monkey(actually a large primate closer to a chimpanzee) with a whip. 2)Fight a large shaved bear with a survival knife. Both instances are to the death and you are in terrain artificially made about the size of a football field.
  12. Doesn't really make sense to support an unaffiliated seller as he wont be making any content or anything. I feel like if you are going to buy used you may as well just pirate.
  13. I get the little impact theory. I guess I was thinking more along the lines of why even buy it if you can just pirate. I thought people mostly bought because they like to support the people that make them or to play them. If its just to play them and you were going to buy second hand, you might as well just pirate.
  14. Well, I if the only way to get is second hand I dont really think the question really even applies to it. i mean stuff you can get new.
  15. Other than just wanting to own the actual game. Has anyone here ever thought that it was pretty pointless to actually buy a game used. I mean the new ones are expensive but you are supporting the makers. If you buy used you are not supporting the makes. Also more general but is it even moral to buy used?(not just vn but anything media) I mean if you dont believe in piracy that is. if you think piracy is ok then that's cool and you obviously would not have a problem with buying used.
  16. Wait are you serious? I bought stuff before from them but it was only LNs. I saw a Vn I really like on their site and just assumed they would ship it outside of Jp. Well no wonder then. I mean Amazon JP is so easy to use that I was failing to understand what op even meant by easier.
  17. If you want new so far as I can tell from my own research Amazon.jp is the easiest way. It's actually so easy though that I dont see why you are even looking for an easier way.
  18. I like the logic of NGNL when it come to random. It's not random you just dont know the outcome. It has been predetermined by outside factor before you even knew that the question existed. Let me paraphrase Sora here. What are the odds of pulling the Ace of spades in a deck? 1 in 52 right? Well in brand new decks the order of the cards is for the most part already determined. If you take out the jokers and draw the bottom card. It will be the Ace of Spades. It went from 1 in 52 to a 100% chance. It was not random either way. You just happened not to know the outcome before the draw. If you dont like the way I butchered the quote you are more than welcomed to link to the episode were he explains this.
  19. Whats so cruel about not having a choice? If someone dies because of you then you know that there was NOTHING you could have done to make it better. It's a weight off your shoulders. Also. I agree with life. Technically if you could repeat every even perfectly then the outcome would be the same every time because so far as we know the laws of the universe are not variable. Also, if there is a future then that means that the actions you take now are, in the future, the past. You cannot change the past so you cannot change the future or the present. It's not sad. I could be wrong but logic suggests that this is how it is. This might just be because humans cannot understand the concept of randomness or emptiness though.
  20. Actually her voice is pretty but her way of talking is terrible. Just try to imagine her voice less rowdy and more lady like and it would be pretty good.
  21. I love to discuss the logic of fiction. I just hate that people keep using logic from this world on that world. Also I read crushed but I saw some pincher things not thongs so it makes more sense that one of his testis was cut off rather than chopped off. Also I dont want to make it fit. It just does that on its own. How can you interrogate a super important prisoner if you let him die? It is a common technique to torture heal then torture.
  22. I love these discussions so much. They make me feel like a philosopher. Which I guess technically I am but... anyways. One thing I can't stand is people thinking that they are different from animals in any way, especially thinking that they are better. Why do you have to be better than a dog to be human? I knew dogs worth more than people that I know and people that I have heard about. We are a kid of animal. Hell, we are not even the only ones that posses intelligence. Anything that can react to its environment has the origins of intelligence. Anything with a brain has modern intelligence. Dogs hunt in packs, prey hides and otters use rocks to break hard clams. If a dog is a dog because it is stupid than any person smarter than you is a human while you are an animal. It is illogical. Humans are simply a type of animal no different than any other. I only went there because I read this was the original inspiration for the thread. I like that discussion. Free will is there because you can make choices. It is arguable that the choices were predetermined. But since you don't know the ending of the book is it not the same thing as if the ending hasn't been written yet? The illusion is the same thing as the reality. Think about the logic in the Monogatari series. If it looks real, smells real, taste real, sounds real, and feels real, what's the difference between the fake and the real? Lastly, you cannot live ignoring your instincts. It is by definition not possible. Living is in it of itself a self feeding instinct. If not, then why do you want to stay alive?
  23. People really survive like that though. Most of the time in olden times you died from infection not bleeding. Bleeding can be easy to stop depending on the wound. Minor treatment is enough to survive.
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