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Posts posted by Bolverk

  1. Same here.

    Not sure why one would even bother learning to write in this age, I don't write by hand even in my native language.

    Also, applied for this summer JLPT, taking N3. I know much more kanji and words than needed for it, but my vocab is mostly VN-based and doesn't align well with what needed for N2/N1, so doing it gradually.

    I suppose it's needed if you are going to do tests and do general living in japan or something. I honestly have no plans for either for atleast some time, so I just focus on reading and grammar.

    That being said I do want to pass the JLPT N1 exam once. Luckely I am not in a hurry to do that.


    Good luck on your exam!

  2. I just started Sharin no Kuni since I've pretty much finished My Girlfriend is the President. I'm about 15 minutes in but the music is amazing. Probably the best in a VN I've played so far,

    First 15 mins in one word: *Bam*.

    Have fun with the game, I enjoyed it a lot as well.



    Completed The Code Name is "Shield 9". Got all the good endings and the bad ends. Game was good, I liked most of the characters, the comedy and the setting. Overally had a lot of fun with it. I scored it a 8/10 on vndb. Too bad none has fully translated this VN. It has a nice mix of action seriousness, comedy and sobbing afterwards combined with the setting of a Boarding school for ojou sama's

  3. I can see where you're coming from, but I still love him. Most people find his behaviour funny. I can only assume you don't. Even then, he's certainly not "stupid". If you don't care for the story to much, open the spoiler for more.


    It's an act. He's extremely awkward: always has been. Really, he's a pretty moody snappish guy; and you'll see that from time to time pop up in the common route.

    ^Pretty much.

    His funny side is just the outside.

    #VN too d33p 4 you :D

    Also you don't find Key humor good!? Bad boy! *spank*

  4. This is more a question about taste than anything really. Try the VN out and see if you like it more or less than the Anime. Personally I think both are very good. They are really made on different media, so there will be some cons and pros for each.


    If someone pointed a gun at me and asked me which is best, I'd likely go for the vn.

  5. Okaaaaaaaay. I cleared the Baldr sky dive 2. Got the true route as well.. I am kinda at a loss for words tbh...

    The game was awesome, the in-game timer says I played the game (dive 1+2) for a whooping 120 hours. I am impressed as well. I enjoyed the game pretty much all the time. I had 1 or 2 times I found it somewhat hard to continue to read on. But not nearly enough for me to drop the game.

    My vndb scores of the games ended up on 9.0 for baldr sky dive 1 and 9.3 for baldr sky dive 2. Dive 2 felt like the story dragged somewhat in the start and middle segments. Too much re-reading I suppose. It makes up for that with a improved combat system and an awesome ending. This game has become one of my favorites.


    Kinda tempted to try to see the other endings. But I find it hard to just startup the game. I get emotional when I think about the ending. I'll likely lay of it for a while before I read some of the other segments.



    Ehmm, continuing to the next vn I'll be reading. I decided on Rui wa Tomo wo Yobu.

  6. Just finished my first route in AkaGoei2, Akemi's. Oh my god, that last day was pure badass epicness... I haven't read something this good in a long time. There's no doubt now, Kaito is the most badass MC in anything I've ever read.

    I was afraid he might end up being one of those people who act (an maybe even are) tough, but when shit gets real and they're actually supposed to kill someone, they suddenly get useless because... I don't know what this trend even is, because they're the main character? So they are a better person? In either way, it made me incredibly happy that Kaito doesn't belong to this category... yeah, my way of thinking is probably seriously messed up.


    Also that OST during the action scenes, that was almost getting me on Umineko levels of BGM hype. :D I'm already looking forward to the other routes.

    Goodie. I also did Akemi's route is quite badass.

    Kaito is hardly a guy that need to worry about pullin the trigger yeah haha.

    I friggin loved the action soundtracks as well. They are simply epic imo.

  7. Welcome to the holy vn land fuwa! Also greetings fellow Jap learner~~


    I've been studying Japanese for around 6 months now. The most difficult part for me was not starting, but not giving up even when struggling with the language for a few months. After that it becomes a much more relaxing low energy task. My strategy for japanese was learning the kana's and basic grammar and then I read jp vn's slowly with the use of dictionaries. That paid itself a lot in the end luckily.

    There are lots of ways to reach fluency in japanese.  がんばって! And you'll get there ^^

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