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  1. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from captainroyy in Shin Koihime Musou Translation Project   
    Guess it actually became public at least a week ago, so no reason not to mention that I'm one of the new translators.  They needed translators wiling to work on H-scenes, and I want to play SKM; that's a win-win for everybody.
  2. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Fred the Barber in Has anyone else noticed a huge price inflation for anime on dvd or blu-ray?   
    Aniplex doesn't have as large a library as those two, no, but like I said, they have a tendency to pick up the biggest titles. I mean, start with the list I had above, then add Fate/Zero, Fate UBW, Magi, Monogatari, Nisekoi, Gurren Lagann, ... The list of anime you really want but that'll cost you an arm and a leg to own gets depressing, fast.
    Pony Canyon just started and has a really small library, but likewise, there's stuff there I really want but have a hard time justifying at the price: Sound! Euphonium and Rokka no Yuusha both stand out, in particular.
  3. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to DarkZedge in Koichoco Anime   
    You might like some stuff from it, I didn't but others have.
    A wild salty flying dutchman has appeared 
  4. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from BookwormOtaku in Shin Koihime Musou Translation Project   
    Guess it actually became public at least a week ago, so no reason not to mention that I'm one of the new translators.  They needed translators wiling to work on H-scenes, and I want to play SKM; that's a win-win for everybody.
  5. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Suzu Fanatic in LoveKami -Divinity Stage- released~!   
    Lucky for you, Steam has a ton of content that fits that bill.  
    On a side note - gotta say having all these neutered eroges is getting kinda annoying. I mean, can't speak for anyone but myself, but I originally got into VNs for the porn - story-depth was discovered after the fact.
  6. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Dergonu in LoveKami -Divinity Stage- released~!   
    My first VN was Nekopara, as much as I hate to admit it. After that, being able to see Amane naked was one of the reasons I started Grisaia no Kajitsu
    So yeah, same here
  7. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Erogamer in 11eyes   
    You don't use an allegory like the Seven Deadly Sins and not have seven of them.  Not having played the game (or knowing anything about it), I presume it comes up.  Probably as a twist of some kind.  Say, perhaps the seventh died, the other six are after their revenge, and his death is the motivator behind the whole plot.  Or perhaps the protagonist is the seventh.  It might even turn out that one of the protagonist's allies is the seventh in disguise.  There are ... multiple options.
  8. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Suzu Fanatic in 11eyes   
    You don't use an allegory like the Seven Deadly Sins and not have seven of them.  Not having played the game (or knowing anything about it), I presume it comes up.  Probably as a twist of some kind.  Say, perhaps the seventh died, the other six are after their revenge, and his death is the motivator behind the whole plot.  Or perhaps the protagonist is the seventh.  It might even turn out that one of the protagonist's allies is the seventh in disguise.  There are ... multiple options.
  9. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Suzu Fanatic in So, about Let's Plays of Visual Novels...   
    1. if there's commentary and/or analysis, I'm ok with it. But if it's just a silent LP - I dislike it - it's really no different then if you are seeding a torrent, except you host it on YT rather than elsewhere.
    2. I doubt it would have any positive or negative impact tbh. It's not the sort of LPs a random person will just stumble across - it's something you'd have to actively search for, so its really only appealing to the core base - those that plan to buy will buy anyway, and those that will pirate will pirate~
    Having said all that, I do like some of the LPs that have "active" discussions/reactions, like one FSN Lp I dug up a little while back - hearing his imput while going through it was interesting in it's own way.
  10. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Suzu Fanatic in So, about Let's Plays of Visual Novels...   
    1.  To the extent people use Let's Plays to avoid paying for the game, I dislike them.  To the extend they promote the game and bring in awareness from people who never heard of it before, I like them.  I can't imagine anything more boring than watching someone else play a game I could be playing myself, so Let's Plays have zero interest for me personally.
    2.  This is kind of a broken record from my answer to #1, but to the extent people use Let's Plays to steal the content, they're bad.  To the extend they increase buzz and bring in new customers, they're good.
  11. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Fred the Barber in Piss off Fuwanovel in one sentence   
  12. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Okarin in So, about Let's Plays of Visual Novels...   
    It's just like uploading a movie with copyright and all into your Youtube account. Nothing more, nothing less.
    Has its uses, but to some people it's hideous.
  13. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Jun Inoue in Pqube localizing Steins;Gate 0, 2016, PS4/Vita, Preorders Up   
    That's part of the idea, though. Localisations try to bring the game by adapting it, not simply put a skin and sub over the game and be done with it. In the same way you wouldn't leave idioms or general culture in a localisation (because 99% of the players won't get them at all and it'll be super confusing), you also do the rest of the stuff.
    Bashing on a localisation because they are focusing too much on localisation instead of "literal-translation" or subbing or whatevs, is kinda... you know, like you are completely missing the point of what's being done. We were kinda "dismissive" of Blue's post because he went on a super rant on Americanisation and imperialism and whatnot, when what he had described is the 101 of proper localisation.
  14. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Decay in Pqube localizing Steins;Gate 0, 2016, PS4/Vita, Preorders Up   
    I'm sorry I was dismissive but complaining about "American slang" when there's absolutely nothing of the sort being described is absurd. There is very little to no Americanization happening with the S;G0 translation, and literally everything you mentioned as being Americanization is actually related to the English language worldwide and not anything specific to America. What you're complaining about isn't that the localization is steeped too heavily in American culture (an especially unlikely scenario considering the translation company responsible is British), what you're complaining about is simply that it's not Japanese enough for you. Your post could have possibly been taken more seriously if you didn't focus on a nonexistent issue.
  15. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Decay in Pqube localizing Steins;Gate 0, 2016, PS4/Vita, Preorders Up   
    Has "American slang" become internet slang for "sensible English"? If so, slang me up, baby. Nothing Deep Blue mentioned is American in nature, just it's all just English language common sense in general. 
  16. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Jun Inoue in Pqube localizing Steins;Gate 0, 2016, PS4/Vita, Preorders Up   
    You are listing what makes a localisation great like a list of heinous crimes, which is kinda funny, I must say. Seeing your full post, what you wish for is a "by fans for fans" but, sadly, this is no such thing, and we are lucky for it. The idea is to bring the product to the West for people to buy and enjoy it, not to cater to the tastes of those who would directly read it in Japanese and do it in English for ease, not taste.
    They Americanised names and changed their order? Good choice on the first, thanks god for the second. The localisation is Jp - Eng, not Jp - translated Jp. They killed honorifics? Why not? They don't exist. It's a matter of taste or even flavour, not faithfulness.
  17. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to WinterfuryZX in Pqube localizing Steins;Gate 0, 2016, PS4/Vita, Preorders Up   
    It's just adapted.
  18. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Sovapex in JRPG with romance...   
    How? Working Designs is an amazing Publisher. I've went hunting for games published by them ever since Arc the Lad 2, which I expect probably has better dialogue than even the original Arc the Lad 2 in Japan. But I wouldn't know that. 
    So, either you're one of the purist detractors, or they messed up. I'm guessing the former, though, given my past run in with you. 
  19. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to BookwormOtaku in JRPG with romance...   
    I also recommend Trails in the Sky and its sequel. Anyway on to my recommendations:
    Final Fantasy IX (available on Steam), Suikoden V (need a PS2 emulator), Tales of the Abyss (ditto), Persona 3 and 4 (ditto, PSP emulator for the former if you want to play as the female protagonist and I should point out 4 got an expanded version for the Vita), Growlanser Generations (PS2 emulator), Growlanser Heritage of War (ditto), Sakura Wars: So Long My Love (ditto), Thousand Arms (PS1 emulator), Xenogears (ditto)
  20. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Satsuki in Whirlpool Also Targeting Western Market (Nekonin Steam page up)   
    Digging this thread up. This is Whirlpool's next title, which really is a low-price one. No mention about an English release atm though.

  21. Like
    Nandemonai got a reaction from Suzu Fanatic in How attached can you get?   
    I had the misfortune of playing Sora's route first.  When I went to play the others, I was much less impressed than I was with hers.  Sora was a great character, they had good chemistry, and the story was very interesting.  (I still need to get the true ending in that game.  Computer failures kept getting in my way.)
  22. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to novurdim in Pqube localizing Steins;Gate 0, 2016, PS4/Vita, Preorders Up   
    Lol. Pretty much irrelevant on its scope. 
    It's like you can't. 
    Not really, as you can see, at least not from the get go and not as widespread as pc it always makes. 
    What's done is done, of course, and there's not much point to starting another holy war, but I really see no reason to be happy about it in the big scheme of things even for the most cynical of pirates: pc gets even worse rep, great guys at PQube get less money, 5pb's less popular games like Anonymous;Code become even less likely to be localized. Hopefully enough people already bought it for ps4 and vita either way. 
  23. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to novurdim in Pqube localizing Steins;Gate 0, 2016, PS4/Vita, Preorders Up   
    Because it will inevitably lead to the logical loss of the initial sales. Spacing out releases is pretty much the common sense plus they probably didn't want to lose console sales from all the PC piracy. A completely justified concern, as you've  just proven, and don't give me that silliness about some kind of "revenge", most would pirate day 1 either way. Now they at least had a good starting position for several weeks and the patch also isn't that widespread yet. 
    Their only mistake was releasing Japanese pc version too early.  
  24. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to novurdim in Pqube localizing Steins;Gate 0, 2016, PS4/Vita, Preorders Up   
    This thread almost gave me cancer, gosh. It's pretty obvious that they gave to go through quite a few organizational issues before releasing it on steam by themselves and they have only just released the first game there. Noone would want to get the sequel out of the gate that fast. 
    But I would laugh if after seeing this they made PC an extremely low priority. 
    Also the link is still there, I'd vote for banning people for the straight pirate links. 
  25. Like
    Nandemonai reacted to Decay in Pqube localizing Steins;Gate 0, 2016, PS4/Vita, Preorders Up   
    Nobody seems to understand what the hell 5pb/Mages is thinking when it comes to the PC. It's definitely not up to PQube, BTW, so don't blame them.
    Don't link to pirate stuff here.
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