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    Katatsumuri got a reaction from Tom in Hello   
    Welcome to the forums...
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    Katatsumuri got a reaction from takerfbi in wassup guys   
    Welcome to the forums...
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    Katatsumuri got a reaction from Radamel243 in Hi!   
    Welcome to the forums...
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    Katatsumuri got a reaction from Hakurouken in Hello!   
    Welcome to the forums...
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    Katatsumuri got a reaction from IreneSan in Hello everyone   
    Welcome to the forums...
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    Katatsumuri got a reaction from Zastie in Animated GIF Thread   
    Jumping Otters
  7. Like
    Katatsumuri got a reaction from Zastie in Animated GIF Thread   
    I regret nothing...
    Relax though, everything is going to be alright...

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    Katatsumuri got a reaction from pham quoc viet in Hi everybody! :)   
    Welcome to the forums...
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    Katatsumuri got a reaction from Dragoon in Sup   
    Welcome to the forums...
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    Katatsumuri got a reaction from clockspin217 in Hey everyone! :) (recommendations, please?)   
    Welcome to the forums! And speaking of recommendations, Maybe you should try Katahane (if you don't mind yuri)? One part of it is serious, while the other part is pretty lighthearted. So It might fit in along with the VNs you provided as examples of your "reading history".
  11. Like
    Katatsumuri got a reaction from threepwood007 in Saddest VN moment?   
    The Epilogue of G-senjou no maou...

    Or in Fate/stay night, the Heavens feel normal ending...
    Of course, we all have different memories of the same scene, and we all have different preferences, so What was very sad for one person, might've been "Meh" for someone else...
  12. Like
    Katatsumuri got a reaction from Meanpandabomba in Greetings   
    Welcome to Fuwanovel, Fellow Type-moon fan...
  13. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to Eldin in If you could make one VN heroine become real   
    I wouldn't pick one. seeing the endings to my favorite characters, I highly doubt I could ever make them as happy as they are then.

    i'll wait until I find my own heroine.
  14. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to Tay in What I Think of Fuwanovel   
    I hadn’t planned on responding to this thread (more on this later), but I’ve since decided that I need to do so. I spent a lot of time thinking about my response, and I hope that the community will take a moment to listen to what I have to say. This is Batman’s thread, but in order to address what he’s offered us here, I need to start with a few words about me.

    I officially joined the forums just after the original site was hacked/trashed, and was able to participate in the rebuilding effort. That was well over a year ago, and I’ve seen the community go through several unique periods since then. I’ve seen a lot of people come and go, and the site has constantly grown, stretched and dreamed of bigger things. It’s been inspiring, sometimes stressful and heartbreaking, and at other times, it’s been all those things simultaneously. During the recent site outage (read: Fuwapocalypse), I realized that Fuwanovel means a lot to me, and has had a great influence in my life. I decided to start a project: “Tay’s History of Fuwanovel” – a chronicling of my time here in this community. Each chapter of the book is divided up into the names of community members. One of the chapters is named “Solidbatman”.

    Batman is one of my closest friends on Fuwanovel: someone who's opinion weighs as heavily as Ryoji’s – which is really saying something – and somebody I deeply respect. He’s my friend, and I hope that I’m his. I’ll be the first one to admit that Batman joined the staff – and became an admin – during some of the site’s most difficult chapters. Despite seeing the very ugliest that Fuwanovel has to offer, he’s been a constant force for cooperation, compromise, and respect. The word “character” comes to mind, here. “Integrity” is another good one.

    I am glad that Batman took the time to write this post. We do need to be friendlier to each other, and more patient and understanding when miscommunications and conflicts arise. Like Batman, I’ve seen the ugly corners of Fuwanovel’s history. They’re there. The staff forums chronicle some of them. Many others have happened off the forums. I’ve been there for most of them. I’ve tried to learn from them.

    The point I’d like to get across is pretty simple. We are each responsible for what Fuwanovel becomes. The way we act, re-act, react all determine what the community stands for.

    I hadn’t originally planned on responding to this post. Batman and I already know where we stand in relation to each other. However, the responses of many new members prompted me to respond to them. To new members, and to their concerns.

    Fuwanovel is changing, but it’s always been in the process of changing. Better than anyone, I can attest that the site and community have never stood still. As new people come into the community – especially from other VN sites which are known to have toxic rhetoric – we will be faced with a constant identity crisis. We will be constantly faced with the decision to be welcoming, friendly and respectful, or the opposite. As we go forward, we will have to make the conscious choice – every day – to be different.

    I am deeply grateful for Batman, and the dozens of other members, who face this choice with a determination to do the right thing. Let’s get along. Let’s play visual novels. Let’s have fun together.
  15. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to solidbatman in What I Think of Fuwanovel   
    I joined Fuwanovel on November 20th, 2012. It was a long time ago. The Bruce Wayne dating sim that I suggested in my intro topic never came to fruition (a fact I'm mildly depressed about). When I first joined, this place was very very different. I really did not post much at first, and was blissfully unaware of how evil the VN community was overall. I did not know that I had to patch VNs myself in many instances and thanks to this place, I was able to play VNs without having to worry about that sort of thing. The forums looked quite different as well, with each hosted VN having it's own sub board if I recall (it was a mess). The forums were quickly re-organized into something close to what we have now. There was no walkthrough section, no FAQ section, no games and chatter section. Just a few forum boards. Slowly the forums grew, and I began posting more.
    For what ever reason, that in all honesty still baffles me, I was eventually promoted to a moderator position. I became fast friends with Steve as we frolicked through fields with our mutual agreements on everything. I love, and miss you Steve (just please, no naked Hachikuji pictures). I really enjoyed helping out around the forums. Everyone was friendly and we rarely had any issues with behavior. Fuwanovel was a tight knit group that just loved VNs. Ryoji and Eldin would have epic battles over old, obscure anime that the original production studios probably forgot they even produced, Steve was having a field day posting loli pictures and trying to convert me to the lolicon side, Skeith was regularly posting walkthroughs, Harry Kinomoto was being amazing as usual. It was an awesome place to be a part of and I loved every second of it outside of the staff forums. It was a place where everyone respected one another, and everyone respected what Fuwanovel was (save a few people). A place to make VNs accessible to the west. 
    Fast forward to today. Fuwanovel has grown immensely. We have a ton of active members on the forums, and out library of VNs continues to grow, as does the scope of operations. Nayleen has done wonderful work, and Tay did a great job of holding things together during the hosting outage. But despite that, I've felt a growing disconnect between myself, and a lot of the newer members. None of this is meant in a negative way. The newer guys have changed the forums a lot. We have so many random topics now, that have found a good home. The forums have been re-shaped to your guys liking. I said Fuwanovel was a family, and you guys sure have banded together. Sadly, I feel like part of the old guard, and find myself irritated with the place. Some of the things I used to love about Fuwanovel, the things that separated us from the rest of the VN community have begun to slowly crumble away. There is more mean spirit here, more rudeness, and just more of a 4chan-esque environment. The group of people I used to talk to all the time is mostly gone now. I still enjoy talking to you guys, but I find myself feeling less enthusiastic about the place than before. Perhaps what Fuwanovel is has become diluted with more members. Perhaps its just growing pains. Maybe we've grown big enough to drag some of you guys out from the dark places of the internet. (As yusa used to say, "I'll reform you"). 
    I still enjoy this place. And I don't hate anyone here. I just wanted to put out there what I couldn't really put out there when I was staff. I want this place to remain friendly, towards everyone, and I want everyone to be treated with respect, like we had just 4 or 5 months ago. My year here has been enjoyable, and I'll continue hanging around because visual novels. So this is a request from me to everyone here: Lets make this place more of a friendly place and respect everyone. Staff respect the members, members respect the staff, staff respect staff, members respect members. I've made my share of mistakes on this, and I want to correct them. I want Fuwanovel to be the place it was a year ago. I want it to be the friendliest place on the internet again. 
  16. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to Sioxz in The Fuwanovel Recipe Game   
    did you notice why almost every swede is crazy about Kladdkaka? we even have cookies with the taste off kladdkaka (is a good thing if you are to lazy to bake a kladdkaka by yourself) and it's supposed to be a more or less a cake so try a round pan next time and the more cocoa the better
  17. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to Intrinsic in H-Scenes. Really necessary?   
    Short answer:
    Yes, H-scenes are a necessary, as they are an valuable and irreplaceable tool that a visual novel writer has at their disposal to evoke specific enjoyable human emotions.
    Long answer:
    I dislike when creative expression is limited in any fashion. The idea of making an “all ages” game for the sake of making an “all ages” game is an irritating notion. When an artist is given complete freedom to create anything they want, the end result will be the best and the most pure expression of human thought and emotion that can be created. If the end result of unrestricted creativity is an all ages title, I have nothing against it, and it’s probably an all ages title worth reading.
    H-scence can serve at least two purposes I can think of. They can evoke feelings of closeness like an emotional bond and intimacy, or they can simply be indented to create sexual arousal. These two emotions are often avoided or approached in different ways in western media. I’d say H-scenes are one of the biggest defining differences VNs have when compared to other media. Many people want to experience these emotional states while reading, but it’s also clear many of these same people are uncomfortable doing so. In most cases people will not clearly come out and say the true reason they enjoyed eroge in their visual novel. People will either dance around the topic talking about the story only, or will make a joke out of it, making jokes about faping or what not.
    Not all H-scenes are will placed or well excited. It’s like the start of the punisher movie. The movie starts with a failed dig for sympathy before the guy goes on his revenge rampage. Just because that attempt failed at creating the motion the writer wanted, and might have been awkward, doesn’t mean digs for sympathy should be removed from movies. It’d be like starting a forum thread titled “are digs for sympathy in movies really necessary?” Not everyone will enjoy this type of emotional experience in a movie, nor will it always be well placed or excuted, but a writer should be allowed the freedom to try and evoke any emotion they want.
    I’ve not tried all that many VNs yet, but of the ones I’ve tried, I’d never want the H-scenes to be removed. In one visual novel I read the eroge was boring and awkward, but in the big picture it did create the building blocks and feelings that were necessary for the strong intimate relationship the story contained. In another NV a legitimately good story was married to arousing content. Enjoying a good story that is both intellectually stimulating and sexually arousing at the same time is a wonderful treat that I don’t think western media will ever provide me.
    Removing H-scenes from VNs would be removing a large part of what they are. Such honest and uninhibited attempts at expression are amazing and are not something that should be tampered with and censored.  People who do appreciate eroge scenes just need to be more honest and mature when they express what they actually enjoyed while playing a VN.
    The answer I provided above, to the question “H-Scenes. Really necessary?” was provided while considering the visual novel genre of media as a whole. In other words, would this genre of media be better off if all eroge was removed from it completely?
    If eroge was removed from all the VNs I’ve read, I’d feel like something was missing, even in the novels where I didn’t really care for the eroge at all.
  18. Like
    Katatsumuri got a reaction from Yeah Way in What is your favorite type of VN heroine, and why?   
    Someone might've already done a thread like this, but anyway:
    As you know, stories in VNs (due to personal experience, I mean bishoujo games) are usually character-driven, and the routes (when there are different ones) are very often built around a specific heroine. Therefore, their characterization is usually the focus point of their route. You are probably already familiar with most of the different types of archetypes that exist. I'm talking about:
    The childhood friend and all it's variations
    The different Tsunderes
    The loli characters
    The Imouto-style characters (Blood or non-blood related doesn't matter)
    And of course, many more. 
    But my question is basically: Which of all these different archetypes Is YOUR personal favorite, and why? Examples are recommended, but not strictly necessary.
    Thank you in advance.
  19. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to Nosebleed in What is your favorite type of VN heroine, and why?   
    I think (i may be wrong) a lot of people sympathize with Osananajimi due to the fact that most posess an unrequinted love for the protagonist that in most stances has lasted for a while (years even) and seeing their efforts pay off and them ending up with the person they love after all that time is something most people just couldn't hate. That's how i feel at least.
  20. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to shcboomer in Animated GIF Thread   
  21. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to Zakamutt in Your own Special Move   
    Yuri Moment

    Causes two people to create a glorious, super-moe Yuri moment. WiIl gender-bend targets if necessary. If only one target is given, affects caster and target.
    Due to the love and general lack of control in the moment, those affected are temporarily unable to use any active powers. However, the moe creates an impenetrable shield around the couple; this power cannot be directly used to attack (but delayed-action things are generally a good idea). However, I will endeavour to not use this power for evil.
  22. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to RusAnon in What is your favorite type of VN heroine, and why?   
    Interaction with protag matters much more than archetype for me, and pretty much every archetype can be played good, but if I'd have to choose, I'd go with Yamato Nadeshiko type. Esp. ones which combine strength, strictness and reservedness with feminine and cute sides.
    Best example Uesugi Kenshin (http://vndb.org/c2859) from Sengoku Rance. In her shy-mode she is irresistibly cute.
    Also, Mitsurugi Meya (MLU/MLA), Kan'u Unchou (Koihime Musou).
    Other two archetypes worth mentioning are "Arrogant Ojousama" and "Modern Tsundere", because most of the time I cannot tolerate their presence in novel and just ctrl through their lines, but they also can be played right (for example, Mare isn't that bad even tho she's abusive and tsun). If protag is not some hetare shit and actually got balls, arrogant heroines become good comedy relief characters, like Yuuji x Yumiko in Grisaia.
    Appearances are much easier to rank: kemonomimi; twintails; meido uniforms; slim, petite body; gothic/lolita fashion suits. Kuroneko in her nekomimi mode is best example.
    And out of categories, just ranking heroines alone: Saya and Makina, two best eroge girls ever.
  23. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to Nosebleed in What is your favorite type of VN heroine, and why?   
    Well i don't particularly hate any type of heroine but my preferences (from favorite to least favorite) in general are:
    Childhood friend (Osananajimi) Heroine

    Loli Heroine

    Imouto Heroine

    Shy Heroine

    Kouhai Heroine

    Kuudere Heroine

    Tsundere Heroine

    In the end for me the heroines i like always have traits like shyness, girlyness, tsunness or just cute traits.
    I'm a sucker for cute things, i can't help it.
    Those are just my personal likes.
    The ones that don't really set a spark within me are:
    Onee-san Heroine

    Oujou-sama Heroine

    Sempai Heroine

  24. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to Silvachief in What is your favorite type of VN heroine, and why?   
    My favorites tend to be the ones I would never actually go for in real life.
    Kuudere (or perhaps slightly tsundere) characters:
    Riho from Deardrops
    Aselia from Eien no Aselia (kind of)
    Yuela from Kamidori Alchemy Meister
    Sayaka Ichimonji from Dengeki Stryker
    Saber from Fate/Stay Night
    I'm a huge sucker for the childhood friend; they're often one of the first routes I go for in VNs:
    Natsumi Hinata from Sharin no Kuni
    Kanade from Deardrops
    Then there are a couple of wildcards that don't quite fit into the above two categories:
    Haru Usami from G-Senjou no Maou
    Matsuri from Family Project
    Asuho from Hoshizora no Memoria
    Kirari from Kira Kira
    On second though, some of those last lot are the heroines that are innocent and incredibly hard working, with something not-quite-right going on behind the scenes that you can't put your finger one. They have some sort of hidden sadness that cries out to be resolved, I guess.
  25. Like
    Katatsumuri reacted to Eldin in Anime's explained in one sentence   
    Highschool DxD: Are you sure it's not a hentai?
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