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Everything posted by Vorathiel

  1. Damn, I'm in the second day, but I'm on a way to You's route. Meh. I'll start from the beinning then and go for Tsugumi. Also - is there any skip option, or I must hold ctrl?
  2. Wanko suxx. ;d Miyako Momoyo and Angel are the best waifus in whole Majikoi universe. <3 But seriously - polls like that should have had multiple 'points' options. I voted for Myiako, but my heart is crying that there is no love for Angel, or that Momoyo, voiced by best milf in VN voice acting scene - Asakawa Yuu, is ranked so low. ;d So 10 pts for Miyako, 5pts for Momoyo and 2pts for Angel.
  3. Fuck Period, I'm so hyped (it's morning here I wont be reading till late evening) for Ever17 I can't wait! Is there any aprticular order in which I should do the routes?
  4. Wait...new indiegogo? xD 50+k$ was not enough for a full game, only for few hours long vol.1? Well, good luck to them, I'm sure the indiegogo camapign for vol.3 will be a massive success! :v
  5. Oy yeah, this nonsense. I had this review in mind when I was reading last chapter, and this: Is just ... not true. There is almost no repetiton in different perspectives. It only gives you 'were here and there now' and besides that only new information. And whats more, great new information that changes dramatically what I thought about persons actions and behaviour. The only repetetive thing was 4th door and next aprt of the story, which was reasonable storywise.
  6. Yesternight finished Dengeki Stryker, tonight I finished FataMorgana. Now off to sleep and whole day of wondering - do I really want to strugle till the end of Period, or do I want to start Ever17 ASAP? Well see.
  7. I have yet to decide on final grade, but that was truly...a work of Art. Probably the first one from vns I've read. That almost-final, when Michel said [huge spoiler] made me cry like a baby. Only Muv Luv Alt made my cry like that, from any vns. So great. Buy this VN people. It's worth every penny.
  8. In the last few months I'm finishing 'open' vns. I finished Kikokugai, I finally srugled to the end of Grisaia, I loathed every minute that was in Killer QUeen, and I'm moving on my last 3 titles. I'm reading all 3 of them at once, and I plan to finish them by the end of the week. Then I'll be finally free to start Ever17. In last few days: * I read a lot through it, and I'm right now in the last chapter of great FataMorgana. I closed it just after obtaining the first key. Love this VN. Leaving the rest of this final chapter for one, long session on friday. * Finished Love (filler) and Steel (good, but not great as Heaven/Sky) Sagas in Dengeki Stryker. And overall it's a great vn, Clie is a great new character that appeared in 'Cho' version. I want to see more of her, and her interactions with Yamato and Sayaka. Both she and Yuuki are the same 'blockheaded, ultra noble' characters and their interactions are glorious. It's rariety to see this trope done right, but Dengeki Stryker really succeded on this field. * Period. And after first few (Aoi [especially her!], Mizuhara, and even Myiu) routes I came acros tragically bad Asahi route, with good idea but so convoluted and chaotic execution, that it was just painfull to read. To add insult to the injury, Asahi is tsunderish piece of shit, and protag here is especially big pussy. For next route I choose blond student council president. And...ugh. At start it's focused on Rin, annoying tsunderish little kid. But blond one is bossy bitch as well, and here protag is even bigger pussy than in Asahis' route. It's painfull. It's terrible. If this would be about protag who is just 'pure hearted' and 'kind' and it's tossed around by mean (in my eyes, but they probably are not that, as far as they know...) people, I could sympathize with him. But he is not. He is just a regular normal guy, who doesn't like being tossed around. But he is doing nothing about it and just going 'with the flow', not even being angry on himself to being unable to doing nothing about his situation. [that could be probably a good drama, inner problems of person who can't stand up to others. Guy who hate his situation, but it's to, let's say 'shy', to do anything]. The worst thing abouth protag here are his thoughts. Let's imagine a situation. Girl is doing mean shit, is making noise, a lot of commotion, muddle, mess and creating chaos in protags' life. But the only thing she wants, is to obtain an 'Object A'. And finally, after long long hour(s) of reading, after she made all this ruckus, she finally gets this Object, she's happy. Protag is confunded, tired, sad, frustrated. And then comes a dialogue: Protag: That's what you wanted to obtain form the start? Girl: Isn't that obvious you baka? Protag: So why didn't you just ask me for it? I would gladly give it to you, you fiend! But that last line he says only in his mind, saying aloud only: '...' And then girls just frowns at him, for acting like an idiot. This is so frustrating for me as a reader. It's basically a mark of terrible protag. Seen this in almost every charage. Especially with high on moe/fluff. I hate that. [but somehow it's not tunning down my newly found hype for Kanon... I know I will suffer, but oh well. Isn't suffering what a 'life' is anyway?] Meh. My thoughts came out as chaotic as Asahi route. I'll write proper 'opinion/review' when I finish this, but for now I ceased to like this vn. :< It's sad because I have still quite a lot of it to read, much more than Fata and Dengeki. Combined. But keep your fingers crossed, I really need to finish them all, before I will start E17. ^^
  9. Voted for Aviary, because I want to know more about it
  10. Also - G ending is a 'cherry on top'. Great powerfull, tensionfull and emotional ending, to a great VN (if you not count the heroines '''routes''').
  11. [SPOILERS FOR SHARIN] This ending when after a series of ridiculous events, main bad guy basically said 'fuck this Im out' and NOTHING gets resolved?
  12. But which team are you? - Those who were bored to death by Hitogata Village sequences? - Those who found Hitogata Village sequences the best parts of the game?
  13. Sucks for Arc, but shit like this happens if you're working in grey area. Still believe in Sekai project, that translation will be good and I will still be alive on the day they will release this.
  14. Now I'm going to read this on release day.
  15. Yes, I modified the screens from vndb, sorry. But you can always tweak your monitor settings. :v
  16. Actually my favourite one is this one with sprites, in classroom. But I will surely get accustomed to this pastel colour style as well, I just need to read this VN.
  17. Since you seem to not know, it's best to buy one of Sakura VNs and play it for yourself! Just in 1-2 days they will release their Magnum Opus - Sakura Space! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=737196788
  18. Yup, yup. Simple collor corrction (less gamma, more saturation), and everything looks more pleasan. Not as 'artsy' though. And I'm sure current pallette fits story aand setting better. Anyway - fast comparission.
  19. They really don't. 99,999% of 'general people' wouldn't even hear of such a medium, so they do not know anything about 'stigma'. Point was how to took a completly oblivious to VNs person and imrpess them with one title. Of course it depends on people, and what do they like (so horror haters wouldn't be impressed by Phenomeno, and sci-fi loathers would not find Steins;Gate appealing at all), but point was what MIGHT impress a random normie. Despite his/her prefferences. So even if person is sci fi lover, it wouldn't be impressed by Demonbane, or if (s)he loves human drama, A Profile wouldn't be very engaging. So those titles are off, but I would still hold S;G and Phenomeno on that 'might impress' list. Some answers I found interesting: eden* - although I didn't read it (first 20 minutes and it put me off, but for rather personal reasons) I'm still alight by idea of presenting this VN to someone as 'check this out it will blow you away'. Same for Swan Song. Tsukihime - it would MUST have been a censored version. Nasu porn scenes are one of the most rape-but-not-really I ever seen, so really hard to stomach. But Tsukihime have a really great story telling, which even uses things as text presentation to amplify the impact on reader. As opposed to 95% of basic ADV VN. Planetarian - it's really a nice story, with great, yet simple and intentionally undeveloped (chich adds to the experience!) world building. But would it imrpess anyone? What I would imagie at most would be 'that was really nice', but no blow up minds. Kikokugai - exactly as Planetarian. Same about worldbuilding, same about level of impressiveness. But ending would might left bad aftertaste... About VNs that must be not very long - come on. People tend to read big as book series. Nothing wrong with big amount of text if it's really great and engaging. Now I found that A Profile was mentioned ironically. Oh well.
  20. I would disagree about Kara No Shoujo, but not because boobs or sex, which are pretty tame in this, but because story is not THAT great. Sure, it has nice mood, great cast, nice mystery i bthe first aprt, but second arc is just lacking, and any 'book worm, criminals reader' would be rather dissapointed in this. So it wouldn't be 'wow, thats imrpessive, I wouldn't have guessed that those visual novels can be as good as that'. Many of your, in general, recommendations were downright...silly? I mean, come on, nobody would be impressed by visual novel part of Kamidori, or anything in A Profile.
  21. Vorathiel

    Baldr Heart

    What can you say about gameplay? Is it hard, is it complicated?
  22. Every now and then pops up a new list of 'starter' VNs. Like Katawa, like G Maou, like Majikoi. But to get entranced into that you must have at least some knowledge about anime/manga, to get those tropes, to not get them to totally surprise you. Also - even if they're neat/good/great for us, would they be as good for people, who are completly new to a genre and have no connections to anime, besides maybe Dragon Ball? Let's make a list of VNs, which might not only get new people accustomed to a genre, but to really impress them. To use the VNs I mentioned: - Katawa is bland, simple charage. Nice, but nothing 'wow', and filled with not really exciting SoL. - Majikoi is a porn game, so major turn off. It's comedy gold, but probably mote to people really accustomed to usuall japanesse tropes and cliches than to a 'normie'. - G, even without porn is still trope'y and have a lot of SoL, but actually it might be closest to 'make impression' on people of them three. So, what would you recommend? Which VNs are so good, that even people who usually read books and watching tv series would really enjoy? I'll start with those: - The House in FataMorgana - it's like multimedia book. Great story, great read impressive presentation. Probably closest thing to 'not typical VN' I ever seen in this medium. - Phenomeno - I know it's short, but it's probably as best as this genre can be used. Really immersive, really scary, really tensionfull. Whish to see more horrors, but oh well. If something is going to impress a normie, it wouild be a good, short, compact scary story. Still a few typical JP tropes though. - ...Steins Gate? It woulkd be really hard to chew on chuunibyou protagonist at start and get through all those cliched characters...but maybe not? People not used to anime pouldn't know about those tropes so those characters might be fresh to them. And story is probably the greates one ever. and maybe those: - Umineko? Never read them, so don't know. - Danganronpa? Hyperactive VN with gameplay. Would interest many people, but would it really impress anybody? Especailyl people who are not into video games, and infantilization of characters might turn them off? Post your propositions below!
  23. https://vndb.org/v18852 Some of those CGs are incredibly good. (And some are typical shitty moe). But this one above is just... wow. : O
  24. I read route of this girl: In Period. It was sweet, nice, little route with very 'strange' girl. It had a potential to be something much, much more, but 'power of love' turned this girl into just another bland heroine with only 'labu-labu' on her mind. Also - h scene. Great buildup, perfect mood, great music, nice dialogue and I was rooting for protag to kiss her (which is rarity) and... music stopped. And he didn't kiss her during that great sweet BGM. But then came h scene music. And instead of gentle, sweet, fitting kiss, there was typical disgusting slurping, laping and clicking orchestra of noises. And whole mood went to trash. And then awkward embarassed, but fortunatelly 'teasing-less' sex. Oh well. H scenes are worst things ever. But that last 30 minutes of route. That last 5. My lungs were hurting from gasping. (HUGE spoilers) Sigh. But still - nice, laid back, summer filled title. Nothing much, but overall pleasant read. Also - Aoi, tomboy one, is stealing every scene she's in. Almost like Makina in Grisaias' common. Great character, wish to see more heroines like her (Aoi, not Makina).
  25. Wow, while I agree about 'mistery being weak' I disagree about almost everything else. I didn't liked the story, art is phenomenal in places and very good in other, music is 10/10, with exception of one, less good song - this one you linked. But I wonder what you'll say about the best part of the series - Kara 2.
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