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Everything posted by tymmur

  1. Regarding Musumaker this is actually worse than first meets the eye because one of the really big problems is that if you just replace the Japanese text with English text the game will crash. I had to figure out a way to solve this problem and access to the source code most likely wouldn't help much because it's a question of getting the engine to do something it wasn't designed to do. It's worse than that. All the tools made by other people have been "wasted" as well because they too have been aimed at a different engine. Also all the translation done by various people early on is gone and no longer used. Now it has all been redone to ensure quality. However nothing is wasted as such because without the old translation or tools, the translation would never have started in the first place. Also whenever I have started on a new tool to make the script (it's the 3rd right now), the first thing I did was to make a design to prevent repeating the same issues as the old one turned out to be. This mean even if the old tools aren't in use, the experienced gained from them has helped improve the current one.
  2. The irony is strong in this one. You write decent English, but precisely that sentence is a bit messed up. In proper English, it would be "I'm not a native English speaker". Unlike a bunch of other languages, English use "native speaker" rather than talking about the language of your mother. It's in no way so bad that the meaning will not get through. I have seen much worse from otherwise decent English speakers. I get what you mean by this, but I don't think it's the right way to think. Sure you shouldn't bother somebody once a week with sentences you partly made up in a few minutes, but if you do your best, translate a VN and then go over it a few times to see how much you can fix due to added experience, then you could ask somebody to take a look. It's not just for your sake, but it's also to judge if it's worth releasing. Maybe ask for help with a partial translation in case you can learn new stuff, which then mean you will make less mistakes in the rest. It's a balance between bothering people and not using people willing to help. Just stating "I'm insignificant" is not the way to end up as a great translator because you prevent yourself from learning from experienced people. Remember the worst that can happen is asking if somebody will look through it and then nobody says yes, or just one person says yes and then quit reading. None of that is worse than not asking at all.
  3. That's what I was wondering about when I read your first post. Your skill level could be anything based on what you wrote because you told basically nothing other than the fact that you are studying. If you feel like you aren't qualified, maybe the best option is to find some mindless nukige with pretty CGs and get started. Sure your quality will suck, particularly at first, but nobody will be upset that you ruined a good story and you will be able to train yourself and get experience. Maybe go back and retranslate once you gained experience. Maybe you will end up with something worth releasing at some point and maybe not, but it's likely the way to go if you really want to translate VNs without having the skills for it right now. Alternatively just study Japanese, but maybe you need to actually do some translation work to keep being motivated or to get some hands on experience. There are threads on how to study Japanese. You should look into those. And welcome. It's always nice to see somebody new, who wants to get into translations, even if you aren't ready to deliver high quality translations just yet.
  4. How did that happen??? It doesn't show up on my screen, but indeed when I edited my profile it was indeed there I think it's gone now, but I wonder how it was hidden from me and if signatures from other people are missing as well.
  5. Hello fellow VN readers After having read fuwa for a while I have decided to take the risk and dared to enter new territory, which is to start my very own thread for the first time. I figure I have to start with an introduction or I will run the risk that people will have no idea who I am. My VN timeline: 2005ish: first VN encountered. VN reading didn't take off, partly due to poor availability at the time, partly because I didn't fully get it at the time 2007-2008: VN reading started to be multiple titles and titles good enough for me to remember 2011: encountered Musumaker 2015: joined Fuwa 2016: joined Luna translations before it got big. Worked technical on most titles (VNDB's list is incomplete) and ended up managing who did what for Majo Koi Nikki 2016: fixed script syntax issues in the majority of lines in Ayakashi Gohan (uncredited, though it looks like nobody really got credited). Released 2017 2017 Luna collapsed 2018 started a thread on Fuwa The story of Musumaker (which is mainly a story of my VN involvement) It was released in late December 2008. A week later somebody on HongFire started a translation. With tools available and extracted script a number of people started working on it. I encountered it in 2011, realized that the scripts people had uploaded were in various formats and the game could handle none of them. I investigated the problem, figured out how to do it right and then wrote a script to convert all the files into the right format. I published the script, thinking people would be overjoyed, but the translation had been dropped by that time All what was left of the entire team was one wannabe translator named RaurosFalls. Even worse, he wasn't even that great a translator (at the time). However wanting the translation to finish, I continued to improve the script handling and tried to recruit more people. It failed, but RaurosFalls did study Japanese and on translating and by 2015, having reached 15%, he started over, retranslated everything based on his newly gained skills and a partial patch was released. This did indeed help recruiting, but nobody with skills able to deliver anything useful. We then started talking about the fact that being on HongFire was a problem. By that time it had ended up being the only serious translation project and the only one for "a real VN". If we were to be taken as serious as it was at the time, we would have to move. None of us had picked HongFire in the first place. The choice ended up being Fuwa due to the active and apparently significantly more serious translation community. We did and more serious people got interested in Musumaker, though we still failed to recruit anybody. However then the miracle happened. The newly formed Luna Translations showed up and we agreed to join. We should be working on some title we never heard of before called Majo Koi Nikki and once it would be done, the entire team would move to Musumaker (spoiler: that never happened). Eventually RaurosFalls realized he is not in the VN community to translate a VN. He is in to translate Musumaker and moved back to working on Musumaker. Now started a really interesting time because I worked on two titles at the same time. Luna was started with the goal of aiming really high regarding quality. Right from the start the workflow was prepared to be professionally with multiple steps, each to improve quality. Most noteworthy editing (which we had forgotten about for Musumaker). Witnessing the same text at each step and see how reading enjoyment improves significantly was really an eye opener. Sure it helped to work together with authors of work such as The Freditorial and re:Edit. The quality goal really was/is really high and as such the demand for quality from each contributor was equally high. Really important here is that the part translated by RaurosFalls passed quality inspection, which was good news for the translation quality of Musumaker. The next event took me completely by surprise and it was something, which would change everything. MusumakerHD remake was released. This was great and horrible at the same time because I suddenly had to deal with a new engine and port/move the existing translation into the new format. This was a major task, but since I would have to generate a new file format anyway, I made the decision to abandon the old translation approach and develop a format, which allows using the workflow I encountered for Majo Koi Nikki. It was a lot of hard work and it seemed like the task took forever, but eventually it all worked out. None of the code I had written over the years could be reused and I had to start all over. The tools provided by HongFire only worked for the old engine. The only reused item from the pre-HD days are the translated lines themselves. We were still just two people, but eventually more would come and it's best to be prepared. The collapse of Luna Translation meant the deal about getting more people went with it. However in very late 2017 I finally figured out how to recruit people. During 2018 the team has grown and grown and the team now consist of no less than 9 people, all aiming high on quality. This would however be more impressive if it would be 9 people working at the same time, but one step at a time. While there is more technical work to be done, I'm now spending more time on managing and coordinating other people. More than 50% has been translated by now, but more impressively is that RaurosFalls has personally translated more than 30k lines. For a person who is unable to translate, edit or graphical work, I do think I left my footstep on the VN translation community anyway. Life outside of VNs: now that's not a short or boring list, but I keep most of it to myself. I got accepted at the university of my choice in first attempt. Here I learned programming and other interesting stuff. One class I have had to take without really being my choice included project management and management of human resources. This has later turned out to be useful. That's it for my introduction to the VN community. It might be somewhat longer than the average introduction, but not only did I wait way too long to write it, I have also been active, hence having a longer background story. Hopefully from now on, if I post something, nobody will go "who is that guy?". Come to think of it, this might be the first introduction post, which mentions involvement in an already released translation.
  6. This thread is absolutely devastating. I'm going to waste so much time on anime in the near future. I fear my work efforts will be while I'm
  7. Nao's image reminds me of a professor. She was giving lectures to students who were mostly (>90%) male in the early 20s. Her personal interpretation of the clothing guidelines meant that her "neutral" clothing always consisted of ultra tight leather clothing, which revealed every single curve, usually in bright colors. Examples of her clothing was all black, except what looked like bright yellow panties on the outside, or brightly colored top and skirt, which barely covered the groin and everything was made of leather. Despite her bizarre appearance, she actually delivered quality lectures. Ohhh university student life, it can get so detached from the outside world in ways you never imaged.
  8. It still doesn't work for me. However after having fun with proxy+different DNS servers it suddenly worked. Either it's blocked based on your IP or the server changed IP without properly updating the DNS servers. Sadly I can't provide a useful guide to get it working for other people. The only useful thing I can do is copy paste the link to their mediafire mirror, which is this: https://www.mediafire.com/file/gw77fxm7rbmbuu6/Fate-stay_night_English_v3.2_[mirror_moon].exe. All their other mirrors are on mirrormoon.org as well and they will not work if the page fails to load.
  9. Clannad has a second season for after they graduate the school and the characters enters adult life. I think it fits all your requirements, but it has been a while since I watched it. Do watch Clannad in order though as the second season really spoils the first one. In fact don't even look it up as the description itself (at least on MAL) spoils the ending of the first season. EDIT: forgot to add that the second season is called "Clannad: after story"
  10. But the picture still clearly focuses on her while he is mostly hidden behind her. Also he doesn't look like he is enjoying himself. I view the face as "I'm following orders against my will". Her looks indicate that not to be the case though.
  11. I remember something about that, though when I looked it up, it turned out to be an issue with Kanon, not Clannad It's still worth repeating the blunder, which apparently exist in that fan translation now that I looked it up anyway. These lines actually shows up ingame. I have no idea what happened or how they can end up with the wrong number of lines. However if they did, why not just skip the lines or delete them entirely? Honestly speaking, any Key title deserves a better quality than that. Well any VN really.
  12. Makes me wonder if it's a DNS issue. If the server for one reason or another changed IP, then all DNS servers will point to the old IP. One by one they will update and forward to the right IP, which will explain why it works for some people and not others. It usually takes around an hour for all servers to update.
  13. https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/mirrormoon.org reports it as up, though nomatter what I do I can't get a connection. The domain name is however not expired. Maybe it's a temporal problem. However Q2 just started, so maybe it's a billing issue, in which case
  14. I couldn't find a good avatar so I ended up just using a mirror.
  15. It's the internet. Girls are guys and children are 40+ year old men. Guys however can be girls. It's properly safest to just use "it" instead of "him" or "her"
  16. That is a decent approach for The Coliseum of Chatter. The problem is more when it comes to the Development Boards and private messages with contents related to those. Because my communication got interrupted I ended up doing less than planned yesterday. As a result of being disturbed on a Sunday, there is a risk the translation patch will end up being released a week later due to this prank. I can't say my motivation is completely undamaged either, but I assume that's a short term issue. A good prank is one where everybody can laugh afterwards and it doesn't cause any real damage. This one falls short on both accounts.
  17. I would recommend you to look up the word fun. It seems that you believe the meaning to be the completely opposite of what the dictionary says.
  18. I once saw one guy setting up a wiki and then granting another person edit access. It turned out to be admin rights because half an hour later he came back saying "I looked at my account and then I clicked wrong and banned myself and now I can't log in to unban me. HELP". Apparently you can indeed ban yourself and is not as self contradicting as you make it out to be. It's not a good idea, but plenty of people do stuff daily even if it's a bad idea.
  19. Leaving banning aside, how do I use my admin powers to edit any post???? Clearly that's possible to do as an admin *A random mod mysteriously appears in mid-air and eats tymmur's admin powers*
  20. It's a really bad April's fool joke. It will hopefully revert back shortly when the 2nd of April arrives to America
  21. This format isn't very friendly for anything used by human beings
  22. Natural selection. Make fuwa incompatible with drunks and hangovers and the rest of us will be blessed with better posts
  23. That was funny for a few seconds and then it gets really annoying. Please change it back as Fuwa is unreadable and posting is a nightmare. Some of us actually want to use the forum for communication and not just pranks. This actually disturbs some of my communication related to work within a translation project, which tells me the joke backfired big time
  24. I second this question. @Tay apparently haven't been online since the 17th. I will keep posting weekly progress reports, but I have to say it feels a bit different if it doesn't show up on VNTLs. However more importantly I hope Tay is ok. It's likely a case of being busy or internet connection broke or something like that, but the unknown and the risk that it's more serious will always cause people to worry.
  25. There is this claim that guys are visually stimulated and girls are emotionally stimulated. If marketing believes in it, then it could sound right to market graphics towards guys. After all females will buy regardless of graphics because apparently the text is the important factor. This mean the published graphics should be to lure in as many men as possible. It's obviously a flawed assumption, but I have encountered it multiple times and it seems some people believe in it. I do not at all believe that women aren't interested in looks and other visual imprints and there is a study, which concludes that the feature in women, that men finds most attractive is if she is interested in him, meaning the visual imprint is not the most important. In other words for both genders it's way more complex than guys are like this and girls are like that. However I wouldn't be surprised if something like actual facts and studies are ignored by marketing.
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