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Everything posted by onorub

  1. Doing Azusa's route in Dracu-Riot and i think the wet dream about biting her neck was the first piece of YukuSoft humor to legitimately make me laugh.
  2. You know what, i'll rank down the possible love interests just for the heck of it: Sena>Shuri>Makoto>Shizuru>Hinata>Akari>Maya
  3. Favorite series: When They Cry Favorite and Best VN: Fate/Stay Night Least favorite VN: X-Change Favorite Company: Nitro+ Currently reading: Noble Works
  4. Playing Noble Works and it's pretty alright, but i swear the MC has better chemistry with Shuri than with most of the stereotypical females.
  5. I'd like to know if there is a VN with a christian libertarian as a important character (regardless if it's male or female). Pretty much someone that is so bent on preserving the free will that God would have given us that he wants to kill any and all beings trying to change the shape of reality (because those beings would be inferior to the christian God due to their disrespect of humanity's free will). Kinda of a weird request, but i feel that would be a interesting concept for a villain in a action based VN.
  6. Without the VN tropes, it would be a pretty good adventure game for children.
  7. I've never played Harvest Fiesta, so i have a few questions concerning the series of events that lead to the regular routes:
  8. I was sleeping a few days ago and came up with this weird-ass story in my mind: Japan was dominated by 4 factions, each with a female leader and everyone was at war with each other. Then, 4 foreigners came and each one seduced a female leader and convinced them to have a meeting. The meeting was a trap and the four female leaders got knocked out and when they woke up, they were tied up naked and facing each other. Then the foreigners started screwing them and each of the female leaders thought the others looked so MOE while having sex that they became friends after the sex was over and Japan was saved from the war. It turns out that the foreigners thought the leaders were too beautiful to be fighting and they should celebrate the miracle of being living, breathing and beautiful human being by fucking. END
  9. Asuho route was meh, but i do think she had the best chemistry with the MC. Komomo's route was the best, but the epilogue was a tiny too happy for me. Aoi's route was weird because Chinami felt 10 times more likeable than Aoi in that. I didn't care about the romance in Chinami's route because i think she works better as a side character, but the backstory revealed in that was cool. Yume's and Kosame's routes were fine. Mare's route felt like it was just there for people that wanted to see a Mare h-scene.
  10. Did Comyu and liked it, but quite frankly i think the novel would be more interesting if the routes were split into the factions rather than the girls.
  11. Finished Al Azif's route from Deus Machina Demonbane. Fun in a B-movie way, but could not see it working as a anime adaptation.
  12. I think the only things you lose by not doing the gameplay are some tid-bits that explain the bosses' motivations for being against you and the game-over CG.
  13. I swear Kagome is what would happen if Momoyo had a child and that child was raised by Miyako, so i can see how she reminds you of that. Anyway, my pick would be Mary from Shikkoku no Sharnoth, but that has more to do with the game's artwork than anything else.
  14. Tony Hawk's American Wasteland. Single Player and Multiplayer were fun and the glitches doubled the game's replayability.
  15. Doing Rio's route in Dracu-Riot and i think i'm getting too old. I got so bored during the misunderstanding scenes between her and the MC that i started playing this song over them:
  16. I didn't quite expected the TouhouVania fangame to be so famous to get a figurine made after it.
  17. One thing that i always wondered from the Touhou games: within the story, is this how the power scale works? phantasm bosses > final bosses at full power (lunatic) > extra bosses > final bosses not at full power (hard or lower) > remanining bosses
  18. They can, as long as you can differentiate a "favorite game" from a "best game". For example, i believe Umineko is better than Higurashi objectively, but my favorite of the two is Higurashi.
  19. It's nothing serious, it's just a concept i came up with after watching some tragedy looper reviews and wanted to write here to immortalize it, no matter how stupid it may look. It's about Umineko, and it's pretty fanfic-ish but i thought about it for a few hours and wanted to organize it in text to see what people think. (INVOLVES HUGE SPOILERS, so be warned.) Plot: Some woman comes up to Featherine in the meta-world calling herself a "drama sibiling", and says she came up with a loophole for the story. It is as follows: "Eva's diary contains the truth, but it may only say that the Ushiromiyas died, without fully saying the details. Maria's jaw found in investigations might be a fake done by someone powerful enough. Ange came up to terms with herself upon finding out that they are indeed dead, but revived them in name only keeping their good memories in her personal golden land." Featherine could've easily destroyed that loophole with a red truth, but let it slide to see what happens. Thus, the "drama sibilings" invade the golden land, starting a battle where the gamemaster team with the most convincing theory takes control of Ange's golden land. The game would have three teams: Rokkenjima Lovers (Beato & Battler), Braintwisting Witches (Lambda & Bern) and Loophole Experts (Drama Sibilings). The goal is to make a seemingly unsolvable tale about the death of the Ushiromiyas using illusions. The gamemaster team wins when the protagonist fails to solve the mystery (who, how and why). The identity of the gamemaster team is hidden at the start at the games so that the protagonist can figure it out through method identification. The protagonist can have the support of any character as the role of Watson, however that support can be deceiving depending of it's role in the scenario. Rules that apply to all gamemasters: Rokkenjima must blow up and Yasu/Beatrice the 3rd is secretly the Ushiromiya head and the default culprit waiting for someone to solve the epitaph. CLUES MUST BE PRESENTED, but they can come up in the form of foreshadowing (being a clue for the protagonist). The detective can't be the culprit and there is only one. Rules that apply for Rokkenjima Lovers: There can be simple serial murders (Beato's influence, things go up as Yasu plans) and happiness gone wrong cases (Battler's Influence, Yasu fails but unforseen circunstances lead to the murders). Battler is the detective and there are only the default 16 people on the island. Everyone but Battler is a optional accomplice or possible culprit, Knox's rules MUST be followed but Van Dine's rules CAN be followed, however THERE MUST BE ONE TRUE CULPRIT. Rules that apply for Braintwisting Witches: There can be almost simple serial murders (Bern's influence, things go exactly as the culprit plans, but it doesn't have to be Yasu) and complex serial murders (Lambda's influence, multiple accomplices and people faking their deaths only to be killed later). Erika can be used and either her or Battler can be the detective. Maximum number of 17 people on the island. Everyone but the detective is a optional accomplice or possible culprit, Knox's rules MUST be followed but Van Dine's rules CAN be followed, however THERE MUST BE ONE TRUE CULPRIT. Before giving the rules, here's the backstory to the Drama Sibilings: Both came from the Western continents, the Male Drama Sibiling (MDS) is a ultraconservative that wishes to use the Ushiromiyas to gain political power in Japan. For that purpose, most of the Ushiromiyas must die only in name (the world thinks they're dead) or mind (memory loss) and Eva must survive in every way to be MDS' representative in the japanese business world. The Female Drama Sibiling (FDS) wants to keep the MDS from gaining political power because of his murderous hatred of communists and sickening loyalty to his old country. For that purpose, she wants to stop his plan of controlling the Ushiromiyas and to make the world believe that he's a murderer. In the meta-world, MDS wants to turn Ange's story into purely drama by not having corpes in the "Rokkenjima Massacre" so that only he can have jurisdiction over her future as a proof of his ownership over the Ushiromiyas while FDS wants the protagonist to believe MDS murdered everyone to make her lie more powerful. Setup game of the Drama Sibilings: MDS hooked up with Rosa a month before the family conference and pretended to be FDS to have a possible contract meeting with Krauss during the family conference. Yasu's riddle MUST be solved before midnight of the first night to keep corpses from showing up. Rules that apply for Loophole Experts: DEATHS CAN ONLY HAPPEN IN NAME OR MIND. APART FROM THE COMMON ONES, MYSTERY RULES DO NOT APPLY. Yasu (and indirectly her servants) and Rosa (and indirectly Maria) are the only optional accomplices. Yasu can only be a accomplice if her epitaph is solved by the culprit. MDS (disguised as FDS) can be used, but only Battler can be the detective. Only MDS can be the true culprit, otherwise there is no culprit and every incident is accidental. Maximum number of 17 people on the island. If Ange is a support, she'll instantly take MDS' side because she'd like a future where her family is alive, requiring certain actions from Battler to make her satisfied with her family only being alive in the golden land. Holy shit, this looks more complicated than i thought. It must be entertaining as a fanfic at least.
  20. It has more to do with the variety of VNs he plays rather than actual entertainment value, but the best VN lper imo is VGVNGamer.
  21. Being in a Umineko high right now, i'm wondering: is there a Umineko fangame that ends like Eve Burst Error or Laura Bow 2, where the player has to figure out the mystery himself to pick the right answers?
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