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Everything posted by ittaku

  1. I was stunned by Orange and was eagerly awaiting each episode week by week since it felt so amazing with its characters and story when it started... but that faded and by the end it was pretty average even if it did have a relatively satisfying conclusion. The production quality was really shoddy in places too. Disappointed.
  2. Thanks! Definitely wasn't even on my radar at all. Happy to wait for your final verdict EDIT: And OMG Yui Horie is a VA in it, grabbing it in anticipation of your verdict now...
  3. It almost flew under the radar for me but I started watching The Dragon Dentist which was also airing this season. This was one very different fantasy/supernatural show and really engaging. Shame the whole thing was over in 2 double length episodes. There's plenty more intrigue there to build a whole universe from. There were also plot devices that looked like they were going to be explored but left alone. Maybe more is planned...
  4. Just get yourself an imgur account. You can post plenty for free there and link them here.
  5. Confession: I organised a week of leave from work for the 2nd week of March after preordering a Nintendo switch and Breath of the wild.
  6. /me looks back at what he wrote and compares with what @Soulless Watcher had to say about Claymore and whether there was any convergence of opinion and concludes "a little." The journey was great, the ending was admittedly quite disappointing by comparison.
  7. Finished Da Capo II (season 1) as my romcom filler. It actually surprised me by starting out better than the original Da Capo. The pace was better and I even found myself laughing at the silly awkward relationship moments. Then it spent the second half of the season slowly but surely turning into the same shit the first Da Capo was. Boring melodrama of the most uninteresting character and it got slower and slower till I started watching it at 10% faster speed... and then 20% faster to make it tolerable. And of course it ended without resolving the one storyline I cared about, obviously saving it for season 2. Oh well I wasn't expecting much after the first series, and it lived up to my expectations only, as a filler romcom to pass the time. When I have more time to spare and need to get sleepy at night I'll make my way through DCII season 2... and then do the same with 3. Why were these things popular enough to get multiple seasons again? Probably the guaranteed formula, offering nothing more. I'm only watching them cos I'm literally out of (non unpleasant) romances to watch. Best thing about it was hearing Yui Horie in yet another role. Speaking of Hocchan, I think I know what I'm going to do now - I'm going to go back and finally finish Fruits Basket. It was better than DC and I dropped it cos it had aged badly.
  8. What makes it good? Well the same thing that makes most shows good - the characters. The storyline, action and intrigue surrounding the claymores themselves I also found appealing. Is it a perfect show? No, but it was very engaging. Does it end properly? Well, I'd have to say no, it's an inconclusive ending since it's 1/3 of the way through the story and deviates somewhat for the sake of the anime but it has an ending which is satisfying enough in its own way though I've been left wanting for more of course since a lot of questions are left unanswered. The manga does a thorough job of explaining them all but ends up being very long as a result. I bought the anime at a bargain basement sale so was always going to watch the whole lot through and glad I did because the more I watched the more hooked I got. Looking back at ANN I see I wasn't alone with the mode rating being 9/10 which I also gave it. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=7028 You've reminded me I need to rewatch it now...
  9. Claymore was awesome. I was expecting crap but found myself marathoning the damn thing the first time I watched it and loved it. The manga has finished too now years later, so if you find yourself left wanting after finishing the anime, I highly recommend reading the manga afterwards which is very satisfying and many many arcs longer than the anime
  10. Gabriel Drop Out annoys me because when I watch it I think it's meh and then suddenly I find myself laughing out loud at something in it, like Vigne counting sheep this week. How dare I be inconsistent with my taste.
  11. Likely it's a mangagamer limitation. What's your actual connection speed?
  12. I've enjoyed all the -monogataris, but I understand what you say about there needing to be gaps between watching them. They reach saturation point after a while. Maria was a real surprise. Looked and sounded really stupid but watching it was a real pleasure and it was self-contained, complete and satisfying.
  13. I had trouble staying awake through Ouran so after about 4 or 5 episodes I gave up.
  14. What most people think of as underarm B.O. is actually the smell of waste products of bacteria feeding on the sweat there which is virtually odourless (proven science this time), so provided you meet with someone shortly after showering, you can forego the deodorant to derive said pheromone advantage without B.O. (unproven mental masturbation.)
  15. Finished Kokoro Connect. That was excellent! Only rarely was it predictable but it didn't change the fact that when it was predictable, it was well executed. I did like the way they resolved relationships without doing what I hate see happen (can't say more without spoilers.) Great watch, 9/10. Underway on Gintama with my wife too; we haven't given up after 10 episodes and are enjoying it more as it goes on so hopefully both of us are going to get a nice long watch out of what exists so far.
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