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Everything posted by ittaku

  1. Welcome. I understand what you mean about finding this site late. I was working on a VN translation project for 6 years without knowing there was anywhere like this still alive to post it with a whole thriving community full of other VN fans.
  2. For anyone who's been following this thread, I did end up watching kokoro connect and commented about it on another thread. It was excellent indeed (9/10) and the ending and romance was very satisfying to me, though romance wasn't its primary plot. And I only just started watching this too, after finally finding it. Already looks like my kind of thing from a bygone era that I enjoyed.
  3. Well I've watched this. I felt it was a little rushed overall, with dramatic stories happening abruptly and then being resolved quite quickly without too much of a bother in mostly predictable ways when there could have been much more exposition. Additionally the age difference didn't bother me; I know what they were trying to do with making him so young but it was actually unnecessary to make him that young. They could have been 20 and 16 instead of what looked like16 and 12 and the story would have worked just as well but oh well it was what it was. Also the Engrish lyrics were laughable as usual but I'm used to them by now. However none of that detracted from the fact that this show had soul and was heart warming and made me smile and laugh quite a bit.Thanks very much for the recommendation! It wasn't fantastic, but I still really enjoyed it, 8/10. Think I have to add it to my ultimately satisfying endings list as well. Queued up next, thanks! I have no problems with harems
  4. It's okay, you don't need to try so hard to convince yourself that you like it; accept that it really is shit.
  5. Awesome thanks, I wasn't at all aware of that one so I will investigate ASAP.
  6. There's no doubt that there's a tendency for newer things to rate more highly than old, irrespective of absolute quality. Only time will really tell where something lies. For example, there's a reason Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood rates more highly than all other series by virtually all different ways of ranking something, despite it having finished 7 years ago. Most other shows that have people rewatching or watching something long after it aired tend to rank lower with time. It would be nice if we had a retrospectoscope that could look back from the future on the present and give us the real rating, but alas no such technology exists (anyone got a microwave and mobile phone handy?) Additionally beyond a certain age, styles and sensibilities change and can never rate as good as they originally did. Either way, I rated Kimi no Na wa a 10/10 where that means "exquisite beyond words" because I felt that during the movie. However it's not as good as FMAB is... sheesh why am I being so pedantic? Point is it's still superb, but that doesn't mean it's my all time favourite film/show/series.
  7. Ah indeed you're right thanks. Vaguely heard of the name, but I don't believe it ever aired in my corner of the world.
  8. Saw it at the cinema with the whole family. It's superb. Try not to read up too much about it or you'll be spoilt; it is far more than just a body swap romance and surprised me which was remarkable in itself. I'm looking forward to seeing A silent voice in the cinema as well, but it has far more modest ambitions in its plot and I doubt will be quite as good but it's still rating well.
  9. Loved it. My wife and I have watched it through more than once, even though neither of us is a sports fan. There's only one sports anime I loved even better: Cross Game, and it finished a long time ago so if you're itching for another sports anime and to have even more closure than Haikyuu, that one is it. Heck I keep saying everyone should watch Cross Game at least once.
  10. I checked it out for reference. Firstly in the line just before it, she keeps calling herself a faillen angel rather than just a fallen angel, and there's no actual fail in the Japanese, just fallen. The divine retribution line is お仕置き設けてしまう oshioki moukete shimau which in literal translation is simply "she'll provide me a punishment", and after sanitising for less literal translation most would probably have translated it to no more than "she'll punish me." Now turn that into "pop a can of divine retribution" and see how well it fits with the angelic context of the show, sounds very much like modern English, and yet is completely different from the original without actually missing the nuance... just wow. I'd go so far as to say the translation is a better script than the original Japanese. Masamune-kun ends up sucking dicks by the end. Just when it looks like it's going to turn in a direction you don't like, it just keeps meandering around aimlessly in unexpected directions that don't advance the plot and by the end achieves... nothing. I started out liking it and by the end I was left scratching my head.
  11. Unwatched or changed opinions so far: Fukumenkei noise 2 didn't quite hit me like the first episode, feeling much more average. I think it was just the singing part at the end of episode 1 that really worked for me in retrospect. On the other hand rokudenashi picked up and I actually found it quite amusing from 2+ ID-0 is intriguing and quite engaging and different, even with the overused 3d cg. Start to dungeon S2 was very good. Saekano flat is very good Shin nanatsu no taizai is absurdly bad but good for a hit of boobies (make sure you watch an uncensored version). Unlike valkyrie drive, which was in the same vain, I think I won't be able to watch much more of it though. Valkyrie drive surprised me by actually entertaining as well as titillating.
  12. Anything with bishounen pretty boys in it sets off my BL radar, no matter what the show, so I have to usually wait till a show has declared itself before I can go back to it. Kamisama hajimemashita almost did it with Tomoya in it but luckily the show had already finished airing before I watched it so I could find out if if there were any BL themes in it.
  13. Love your write up. I've seen the bulk of these except for acca13. I agree with almost everything you've said on those shows. Little witch is just one of those shows that makes me smile throughout it, and laugh at its goofy moments; I even feel moved when they start playing that major plot music each time (damnit I'm such a softy.) Shows that make me smile in spite of myself are gold in my books. My only differences are in Kiss him and Seitokai. While I really liked Kiss him not me initially, it got tired by the end and it stopped being funny. So while I surprised myself by liking it, by the end I was bored. Additionally with Seitokai for some reason I just could not find it funny - I smiled with the premise, but I didn't actually laugh at almost any jokes in it and found it quite sleep inducing. By comparison, similar adult jokes were in Oshiete Galko chan in a short format and with real world settings rather than an absurd school setting, and I found it hilarious. Comedy's like that; one can never predict why it will work for some and not others. As for the translation in Gabriel Drop out, I think I noticed it mostly because I was listening to the Japanese which I understood and saw something completely different written at the bottom of the screen - and yet it captured the nuance of the Japanese perfectly despite that.
  14. I really like recreators too. Probably one of, if not the, best new series this season (once all the sequels are trimmed from the list.)
  15. Comedic with a touch of seriousness for sure. Without any dramatic tension, there is far less involvement in pure comedy and drama without comedy is only for potentiating teenage angst or mental masturbation as @Clephas said. To be perfectly honest I don't even understand why any overall comedic happy VNs ever have any bad endings either, but perhaps that's just because I'm an old bastard and know real drama from the real world only too well and use VNs for pure escapism.
  16. Just watched the first episode of fukumenkei noise. Wow that was actually really good. After all the crap high school band romance shows of late (I'm looking at you Fuuka), this one seemed to actually hit all the right notes straight up... and Saori Hayami being the heroine VA is awesome since she's my top pick for sexy voice actress. Funnily enough everyone else hates this show so somehow it works for me but not anyone else. Then again, it was really only the last 5 minutes where I suddenly liked it that much so who knows... Shuumatsu was decent but I didn't find it quite as good as you. Zero kara (after I woke up to watch the rest) was okay too but pretty formulaic.
  17. Fear not, for if you need a new reference bad so as to not hate masamune-kun as your worst show, then I have found the antidote for you in Hand Shakers. It's not even bad in a 'so bad it's laughable' kind of way. I tried to laugh at it but failed. I highly recommend one episode of it. On the other hand I agree with you about Masamune-kun. It didn't even remotely deliver on even one of whatever feeble obvious plot devices it set up and just flung shit at its characters and story like a chimpanzee in the zoo, leaving us with the memory of a pile of poo.
  18. I survived that too but then I bet you didn't try to survive Hand Shakers... (note, I didn't)
  19. Zero kara was boring enough to put me to sleep last night Tsugomomo was a nice surprise; nothing new but sweet and ecchi at the same time as actually being amusing.
  20. Second episode of Alice to Zouroku was very sweet. This is going to be enjoyable.
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