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Love Live Poll ~I wondered why there's none here.(TBH)~



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Nozomi only appeals to outsiders who do the shallow 'best body = best girl' typical closemindedness opinions

Only true people will understand the hardships that lesser-known members like Rin, Hanayo, Nico, etc. went through and thus appreciate why the journey and all the deep meanings behind their growth and development that led them to become who they are through hard work and not some destiny fortune telling hur-dur ness

And that's why I voted Umi best girl~

Yes, that wasn't supposed to make sense

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I'll never understand the appeal of Nozomi.

I never liked her when watching the anime, never liked her when reading the manga, never liked hearing her voice (major annoyance) and never liked her overall attitude.


Nico worked hard for years to become an idol, support her family, try to make her fans happy and cheer up her friends when the group needs it, she knows what's important in being an idol and does her best each and every day.

When stuff's going down Nico is the most vocal and is not afraid to show her true colors, she's the most quirky of the group and the one that always stood out the most for me, hence why I absolutely love her.


Nozomi just tagged along and flips her cards every once in a while, gropes the other girls because she has nothing better to do and doesn't really have any particular vocation for being an idol, she just randomly became one because "lulz duh cards said so".


So yeah, I'll never understand the concept of praising Nozomi in a million years.


I don't really care what people like, anyone's entitled to like anyone, but I'll always defend Nico to death, because out of every girl in the show she was the one who left a major impression on me.

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Nozomi only appeals to outsiders who do the shallow 'best body = best girl' typical closemindedness opinions

Only true people will understand the hardships that lesser-known members like Rin, Hanayo, Nico, etc. went through and thus appreciate why the journey and all the deep meanings behind their growth and development that led them to become who they are through hard work and not some destiny fortune telling hur-dur ness

And that's why I voted Umi best girl~

Yes, that wasn't supposed to make sense



God damn it, don't go revealing I'm not a human being like that!


I'm not a fan of big boobs to begin with, so her body is actually a minus to me  :wafuu:


In all seriousness, my favorite switches from Umi/Nozomi according to my mood.


Nozomi is supportive and caring, yet she never got overbearing to me (which was a flaw Kurugaya had and it made me dislike her). She gives timely advice (mostly to Eli, which is a big winning point of hers to me. As I said before, Eli is by far the most relatable character in the series to me) and helps keep the group together. Otherwise, I'll just agree with Ren here.


Nico just feels like a spoiled brat who should know better. I don't even care how much effort she put into the idol thing, I'd never put up with that backup dancer bs. Or her personality. She'd be much better if she was mute to me :illya:


Screw her pride. I can't think of a scene where she's actually been useful. Even if she has, she probably just went back to her incredibly obnoxious way of acting right afterwards anyway. I'd give everyone in that group the nobel prize of peace for tolerating Nico.


Umi is just great. 

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While I agree with you that Nozomi didn't really become an idol to "become an idol," the same exact thing can be said about both Rin and Maki. They decided to join after forcing Hanayo to act on her desires, when in reality they showed absolutely zero interest in joining at all until asked. Nozomi joined because she genuinely wanted to see the girls grow as a group. That motherly figure is more than enough to make me like her, from naming the group, to gathering all the cards (oh gee, cards) and creating the playing field.

To me, Nozomi is a lot like the Kyousuke of Little Busters with the personality of Kurugaya. She is the "leader" figure who genuinely wants to see Honoka (Riki in this case) grow as a person and take over the group. At the same time, she's exactly like Kurugaya because she acts as the mother of the group and gets pleasure in amusing herself on others behalf (need I remind you of the Kud, Mio, and Komari scenes in the game with her on the baseball field? Need I remind you of the pleasure she gets from Kud as a character? You're going to argue that that's okay, but groping breasts isn't?).

I honestly have nothing against any of the other girls, but I still believe Nozomi is the best.

Except Eli, because fuck Eli.

One thing to change, Maki was interested in being an idol, Rin wasn't, but decided on a whim to supportsupport Hanayo
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Nico just feels like a spoiled brat who should know better.

Screw her pride. I can't think of a scene where she's actually been useful. Even if she has, she probably just went back to her incredibly obnoxious way of acting right afterwards anyway. I'd give everyone in that group the nobel prize of peace for tolerating Nico.


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